11573/1714584 - 2024 -
Trusted Execution Environment for Decentralized Process Mining Goretti, Valerio; Basile, Davide; Barbaro, Luca; Di Ciccio, Claudio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: CAiSE (Limassol, Cyprus)
libro: Advanced Information Systems Engineering - 36th International Conference, CAiSE 2024, Limassol, Cyprus, June 3-7, 2024, Proceedings - (9783031610561; 9783031610578)
11573/1714575 - 2024 -
CAKE: Sharing Slices of Confidential Data on Blockchain Marangone, Edoardo; Spina, Michele; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Weber, Ingo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: CAiSE Forum (Limassol, Cyprus)
libro: Intelligent Information Systems - CAiSE Forum 2024, Limassol, Cyprus, June 3-7, 2024, Proceedings - (9783031609992; 9783031610004)
11573/1680847 - 2023 -
Blockchain based resource governance for decentralized web environments Basile, Davide; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Goretti, Valerio; Kirrane, Sabrina - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: FRONTIERS IN BLOCKCHAIN (: [Lausanne]: [Frontiers Media S.A.], [2018]-) pp. - - issn: 2624-7852 - wos: WOS:001000446700001 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85174560797 (5)
11573/1695431 - 2023 -
A Blockchain-driven Architecture for Usage Control in Solid Basile, Davide; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Goretti, Valerio; Kirrane, Sabrina - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2023 IEEE 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW) (Hong Kong, China)
libro: 2023 IEEE 43rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW) - (979-8-3503-2812-7)
11573/1668363 - 2023 -
Event-case correlation for process mining using probabilistic optimization Bayomie, Dina; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mendling, Jan - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 102167- - issn: 0306-4379 - wos: WOS:000927536900001 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85147088049 (8)
11573/1678698 - 2023 -
The biggest business process management problems to solve before we die Beerepoot, Iris; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Reijers, Hajo A.; Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Bandara, Wasana; Burattin, Andrea; Calvanese, Diego; Chen, Tianwa; Cohen, Izack; Depaire, Benoît; Di Federico, Gemma; Dumas, Marlon; Van Dun, Christopher; Fehrer, Tobias; Fischer, Dominik A.; Gal, Avigdor; Indulska, Marta; Isahagian, Vatche; Klinkmüller, Christopher; Kratsch, Wolfgang; Leopold, Henrik; Van Looy, Amy; Lopez, Hugo; Lukumbuzya, Sanja; Mendling, Jan; Meyers, Lara; Moder, Linda; Montali, Marco; Muthusamy, Vinod; Reichert, Manfred; Rizk, Yara; Rosemann, Michael; Röglinger, Maximilian; Sadiq, Shazia; Seiger, Ronny; Slaats, Tijs; Simkus, Mantas; Asadi Someh, Ida; Weber, Barbara; Weber, Ingo; Weske, Mathias; Zerbato, Francesca - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.nl, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 103837- - issn: 0166-3615 - wos: WOS:000924236900001 (51) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85145771878 (80)
11573/1695424 - 2023 -
Measuring rule-based LTLf process specifications: A probabilistic data-driven approach Cecconi, Alessio; Barbaro, Luca; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Senderovich, Arik - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. - - issn: 0306-4379 - wos: WOS:001113463900001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85176473920 (0)
11573/1691957 - 2023 -
MARTSIA: Enabling Data Confidentiality for Blockchain-Based Process Execution Marangone, Edoardo; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Friolo, Daniele; Nemmi, Eugenio Nerio; Venturi, Daniele; Weber, Ingo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (Groningen, The Netherlands)
libro: Enterprise Design, Operations, and Computing - 27th International Conference, EDOC 2023, Groningen, The Netherlands, October 30 - November 3, 2023, Proceedings - (978-3-031-46586-4; 978-3-031-46587-1)
11573/1674258 - 2022 -
Blockchain-as-a-service and blockchain-as-a-partner: Implementation options for supply chain optimization Bottoni, Paolo Gaspare; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Pareschi, Remo; Tortola, Domenico; Gessa, Nicola; Massa, Gilda - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: BLOCKCHAIN: RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS (Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press Co. Ltd., 2020-) pp. - - issn: 2096-7209 - wos: WOS:001025817000001 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85136007520 (2)
11573/1591876 - 2022 -
Measuring the interestingness of temporal logic behavioral specifications in process mining Cecconi, Alessio; De Giacomo, Giuseppe; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Maggi, Fabrizio Maria; Mendling, Jan - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. - - issn: 0306-4379 - wos: WOS:000804767700001 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85119302058 (12)
11573/1683076 - 2022 -
Declarative Process Specifications: Reasoning, Discovery, Monitoring Di Ciccio, C.; Montali, M. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
libro: Process Mining Handbook - (978-3-031-08847-6; 978-3-031-08848-3)
11573/1624151 - 2022 -
On the adoption of blockchain for business process monitoring Di Ciccio, Claudio; Meroni, Giovanni; Plebani, Pierluigi - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING (Springer Berlin Heidelberg) pp. - - issn: 1619-1366 - wos: WOS:000744412600002 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85123116127 (20)
11573/1668366 - 2022 -
Fine-Grained Data Access Control for Collaborative Process Execution on Blockchain Marangone, Edoardo; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Weber, Ingo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: BPM 2022 Blockchain Forum (Münster, Germany)
libro: BPM 2022: Business Process Management: Blockchain, Robotic Process Automation, and Central and Eastern Europe Forum - (978-3-031-16167-4; 978-3-031-16168-1)
11573/1624143 - 2022 -
Process mining for healthcare: Characteristics and challenges Munoz-Gama, Jorge; Martin, Niels; Fernandez-Llatas, Carlos; Johnson, Owen A.; Sepúlveda, Marcos; Helm, Emmanuel; Galvez-Yanjari, Victor; Rojas, Eric; Martinez-Millana, Antonio; Aloini, Davide; Amantea, Ilaria Angela; Andrews, Robert; Arias, Michael; Beerepoot, Iris; Benevento, Elisabetta; Burattin, Andrea; Capurro, Daniel; Carmona, Josep; Comuzzi, Marco; Dalmas, Benjamin; De La Fuente, Rene; Di Francescomarino, Chiara; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Gatta, Roberto; Ghidini, Chiara; Gonzalez-Lopez, Fernanda; Ibanez-Sanchez, Gema; Klasky, Hilda B.; Prima Kurniati, Angelina; Lu, Xixi; Mannhardt, Felix; Mans, Ronny; Marcos, Mar; Medeiros De Carvalho, Renata; Pegoraro, Marco; Poon, Simon K.; Pufahl, Luise; Reijers, Hajo A.; Remy, Simon; Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Sacchi, Lucia; Seoane, Fernando; Song, Minseok; Stefanini, Alessandro; Sulis, Emilio; Ter Hofstede, Arthur H. M.; Toussaint, Pieter J.; Traver, Vicente; Valero-Ramon, Zoe; Van De Weerd, Inge; Van Der Aalst, Wil M. P.; Vanwersch, Rob; Weske, Mathias; Wynn, Moe Thandar; Zerbato, Francesca - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS (Academic Press Incorporated:6277 Sea Harbor Drive:Orlando, FL 32887:(800)543-9534, (407)345-4100, EMAIL: ap@acad.com, INTERNET: http://www.idealibrary.com, Fax: (407)352-3445) pp. 103994- - issn: 1532-0464 - wos: WOS:000767857700005 (123) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85124238268 (167)
11573/1628937 - 2022 -
Rethinking the Input for Process Mining: Insights from the XES Survey and Workshop Wynn, Moe Thandar; Lebherz, Julian; Van Der Aalst, Wil M. P.; Accorsi, Rafael; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Jayarathna, Lakmali; Verbeek, H. M. W. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: ICPM 2021 International Workshops (Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
libro: Process Mining Workshops - (978-3-030-98580-6; 978-3-030-98581-3)
Alman, Anti; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Maggi, Fabrizio Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 1st Italian Forum on Business Process Management, ITBPM 2021 (Rome; Italy)
libro: Proceedings of the 1st Italian Forum on Business Process Management co-located with the 19th International Conference of Business Process Management {BPM 2021), Rome, Italy, September 10th, 2021 - ()
11573/1591883 - 2021 -
RuM: Declarative Process Mining, Distilled Alman, Anti; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Maggi, Fabrizio Maria; Montali, Marco; Van Der Aa, Han - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: International Conference on Business Process Management (Rome; Italy)
libro: Business Process Management - 19th International Conference, BPM 2021, Rome, Italy, September 06-10, 2021, Proceedings - (978-3-030-85468-3; 978-3-030-85469-0)
11573/1591881 - 2021 -
Enhancing Blockchain-Based Processes with Decentralized Oracles Basile, Davide; Goretti, Valerio; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Kirrane, Sabrina - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Robotic Process Automation and Blockchain Forum, RPA 2021 held as a part of 19th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2021 (ita)
libro: Business Process Management: Blockchain and Robotic Process Automation Forum - BPM 2021 Blockchain and RPA Forum, Rome, Italy, September 6-10, 2021, Proceedings - (978-3-030-85866-7; 978-3-030-85867-4)
11573/1591991 - 2021 -
BPM Problems to Solve Before We Die (PROBLEMS 2021) co-located with the 19th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2021), Rome, Italy, September 6-10, 2021 Beerepoot, Iris; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Marrella, Andrea; Reijers, Hajo A.; Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Weber, Barbara - 06a Curatela
11573/1591955 - 2021 -
The biggest business process management problems of our time Beerepoot, Iris; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Reijers, Hajo A.; Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2021 International Workshop on BPM Problems to Solve Before We Die, PROBLEMS 2021 (Rome, Italy)
libro: Proceedings of the International Workshop on BPM Problems to Solve Before We Die (PROBLEMS 2021) co-located with the 19th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2021), Rome, Italy, September 6-10, 2021 - ()
11573/1388030 - 2021 -
Seven paradoxes of business process management in a hyper-connected world Beverungen, Daniel; Buijs, Joos C. A. M.; Becker, Jörg; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Van Der Aalst, Wil M. P.; Bartelheimer, Christian; Vom Brocke, Jan; Comuzzi, Marco; Kraume, Karsten; Leopold, Henrik; Matzner, Martin; Mendling, Jan; Ogonek, Nadine; Post, Till; Resinas, Manuel; Revoredo, Kate; Del-Río-Ortega, Adela; La Rosa, Marcello; Santoro, Flávia Maria; Solti, Andreas; Song, Minseok; Stein, Armin; Stierle, Matthias; Wolf, Verena - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: BUSINESS & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (Wiesbaden : Gabler, 2009-.) pp. 145-156 - issn: 1867-0202 - wos: WOS:000528501400001 (28) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85084150285 (35)
11573/1591879 - 2021 -
Detection of Statistically Significant Differences between Process Variants through Declarative Rules Cecconi, Alessio; Augusto, Adriano; Di Ciccio, Claudio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 19th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2021 (ita)
libro: Business Process Management Forum - BPM Forum 2021, Rome, Italy, September 06-10, 2021, Proceedings - (978-3-030-85439-3; 978-3-030-85440-9)
11573/1550369 - 2021 -
Preface to the Special Issue on Process Querying and Declarative, Decision and Hybrid Approaches to Processes 2019 Di Ciccio, Claudio; Debois, Søren; Polyvyanyy, Artem; Slaats, Tijs; Ter Hofstede, Arthur; Vanthienen, Jan - 01m Editorial/Introduzione in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL ON DATA SEMANTICS (Heidelberg ; Berlin : Springer) pp. 107-107 - issn: 1861-2032 - wos: WOS:000655549600001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85106734574 (0)
11573/1591995 - 2021 -
Message from the Program Chairs of ICPM 2021 Di Ciccio, Claudio; Di Francescomarino, Chiara; Soffer, Pnina - 02c Prefazione/Postfazione
libro: Proceedings - 2021 3rd International Conference on Process Mining, ICPM 2021 - (978-1-6654-3514-7)
11573/1592035 - 2021 -
2021 3rd International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM) Di Ciccio, Claudio; Di Francescomarino, Chiara; Soffer, Pnina - 06a Curatela
11573/1522685 - 2021 -
Conformance checking of mixed-paradigm process models Van Dongen, B. F.; De Smedt, J.; Di Ciccio, C.; Mendling, J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 101685- - issn: 0306-4379 - wos: WOS:000684935000009 (14) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85097454194 (25)
11573/1522683 - 2021 -
Visual Drift Detection for Sequence Data Analysis of Business Processes Yeshchenko, A.; Di Ciccio, C.; Mendling, J.; Polyvyanyy, A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS (IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated:445 Hoes Lane:Piscataway, NJ 08854:(800)701-4333, (732)981-0060, EMAIL: subscription-service@ieee.org, INTERNET: http://www.ieee.org, Fax: (732)981-9667) pp. 1-1 - issn: 1077-2626 - wos: WOS:000819823600018 (19) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85099570271 (34)
Alman, Anti; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Haas, Dominik; Maggi, Fabrizio Maria; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Tool Demonstration Track of the 2nd International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2020) (Padua; Italy)
libro: Proceedings of the ICPM Doctoral Consortium and Tool Demonstration Track 2020 - ()
Alman, Anti; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Haas, Dominik; Maggi, Fabrizio Maria; Nolte, Alexander - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2nd International Conference on Process Mining, ICPM 2020 (Padua, Italy)
libro: 2020 2nd International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM) - (978-1-7281-9832-3)
11573/1449390 - 2020 -
A Temporal Logic-Based Measurement Framework for Process Mining Cecconi, Alessio; De Giacomo, Giuseppe; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Maggi, Fabrizio Maria; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2nd International Conference on Process Mining, ICPM 2020 (Padua, Italy)
libro: 2020 2nd International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM) - (978-1-7281-9832-3)
11573/1387300 - 2020 -
Towards a process-oriented analysis of blockchain data Di Ciccio, Claudio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 1st International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling for Distributed Ledger Technologies (MOD-DLT) (Vienna; Austria)
libro: MODELLIERUNG-C 2020, co-located with Modellierung 2020 - Workshop on Conceptual Modeling 2020, co-located with Modeling 2020 - ()
11573/1449462 - 2020 -
Proceedings of the ICPM Doctoral Consortium and Tool Demonstration Track 2020 co-located with the 2nd International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2020), Padua, Italy, October 4-9, 2020 Di Ciccio, Claudio; Depaire, Benoît; De Weerdt, Jochen; Di Francescomarino, Chiara; Munoz-Gama, Jorge - 06a Curatela
11573/1428936 - 2020 -
Business process monitoring on blockchains: Potentials and challenges Di Ciccio, Claudio; Meroni, Giovanni; Plebani, Pierluigi - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 21st International Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support, BPMDS 2020, and the 25th International Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Development, EMMSAD 2020, held at the 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2020 (fra)
libro: BPMDS 2020, EMMSAD 2020: Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling - (978-3-030-49417-9; 978-3-030-49418-6)
11573/1449377 - 2020 -
Do Declarative Process Models Help to Reduce Cognitive Biases Related to Business Rules? Figl, Kathrin; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Reijers, Hajo A. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Conceptual Modeling - 39th International Conference, ER 2020 (Vienna, Austria)
libro: Conceptual Modeling, ER 2020 - (978-3-030-62521-4; 978-3-030-62522-1)
11573/1446953 - 2020 -
The Internet of Things Meets Business Process Management: A Manifesto Janiesch, Christian; Koschmider, Agnes; Mecella, Massimo; Weber, Barbara; Burattin, Andrea; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Fortino, Giancarlo; Gal, Avigdor; Kannengiesser, Udo; Leotta, Francesco; Mannhardt, Felix; Marrella, Andrea; Mendling, Jan; Oberweis, Andreas; Reichert, Manfred; Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Serral, Estefanía; Song, Wenzhan; Su, Jianwen; Torres, Victoria; Weidlich, Matthias; Weske, Mathias; Zhang, Liang - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: IEEE SYSTEMS, MAN, & CYBERNETICS MAGAZINE () pp. 34-44 - issn: 2380-1298 - wos: WOS:000583486400006 (83) - scopus: (0)
11573/1522689 - 2020 -
BlockConfess: Towards an Architecture for Blockchain Constraints and Forensics Kirrane, S.; Di Ciccio, C. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Blockchain 2020 (Rhodes Island, Greece)
libro: Proceedings - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Blockchain 2020 - (978-0-7381-0495-9)
11573/1449473 - 2020 -
Entropia: A Family of Entropy-Based Conformance Checking Measures for Process Mining Polyvyanyy, Artem; Alkhammash, Hanan; Di Ciccio, Claudio; García-Bañuelos, Luciano; Kalenkova, Anna A.; Leemans, Sander J. J.; Mendling, Jan; Moffat, Alistair; Weidlich, Matthias - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Tool Demonstration Track of the 2nd International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2020) (Padua, Italy)
libro: Proceedings of the ICPM Doctoral Consortium and Tool Demonstration Track 2020 - ()
11573/1428920 - 2020 -
Monotone Precision and Recall Measures for Comparing Executions and Specifications of Dynamic Systems Polyvyanyy, Artem; Solti, Andreas; Weidlich, Matthias; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mendling, Jan - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY (ACM / Association for Computing Machinery:1515 Broadway, 17th Floor:New York, NY 10036:(212)869-7440, EMAIL: acmhelp@hq.acm.org, INTERNET: http://www.acm.org, Fax: (212)944-1318) pp. 1-41 - issn: 1049-331X - wos: WOS:000583736300005 (41) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85088269950 (49)
11573/1449387 - 2020 -
Proceedings of the Best Dissertation Award, Doctoral Consortium, and Demonstration & Resources Track at BPM 2020 co-located with the 18th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2020), Sevilla, Spain, September 13-18, 2020 Van Der Aalst, Wil M. P.; Vom Brocke, Jan; Comuzzi, Marco; Di Ciccio, Claudio; García, Félix; Kumar, Akhil; Mendling, Jan; Pentland, Brian T.; Pufahl, Luise; Reichert, Manfred; Weske, Mathias - 06a Curatela
11573/1449467 - 2020 -
VDD: A Visual Drift Detection System for Process Mining Yeshchenko, Anton; Mendling, Jan; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Polyvyanyy, Artem - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Tool Demonstration Track of the 2nd International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2020) (Padua, Italy)
libro: Proceedings of the ICPM Doctoral Consortium and Tool Demonstration Track 2020 - ()
11573/1362105 - 2019 -
The CitySpin platform: A CPSS environment for city-wide infrastructures Azzam, A.; Aryan, P. R.; Cecconi, A.; Di Ciccio, C.; Ekaputra, F. J.; Fernandez, J.; Karampatakis, S.; Kiesling, E.; Musil, A.; Sabou, M.; Shadlau, P.; Thurner, T. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 1st Workshop on Cyber-Physical Social Systems, CPSS 2019 (Bilbao; Spain)
libro: CPSS 2019 Cyber-Physical Social Systems - ()
11573/1362067 - 2019 -
A probabilistic approach to event-case correlation for process mining Bayomie, D.; Di Ciccio, C.; La Rosa, M.; Mendling, J. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, ER 2019 (Salvador; Brazil)
libro: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - (978-3-030-33222-8; 978-3-030-33223-5)
11573/1352514 - 2019 -
Blockchain Support for Collaborative Business Processes Di Ciccio, C.; Cecconi, A.; Dumas, M.; Garcia-Banuelos, L.; Lopez-Pintado, O.; Lu, Q.; Mendling, J.; Ponomarev, A.; Binh Tran, A.; Weber, I. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INFORMATIK-SPEKTRUM (Heidelberg ; Berlin : Springer) pp. 182-190 - issn: 0170-6012 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85066884013 (82)
11573/1362048 - 2019 -
Finding non-compliances with declarative process constraints through semantic technologies Di Ciccio, C.; Ekaputra, F. J.; Cecconi, A.; Ekelhart, A.; Kiesling, E. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2019 (Rome; Italy)
libro: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing - (978-3-030-21296-4; 978-3-030-21297-1)
11573/1386437 - 2019 -
Business Process Management: Blockchain and Central and Eastern Europe Forum Di Ciccio, Claudio; Gabryelczyk, Renata; García-Bañuelos, Luciano; Hernaus, Tomislav; Hull, Rick; Indihar Štemberger, Mojca; Kő, Andrea; Staples, Mark - 06a Curatela
11573/1362081 - 2019 -
Extracting event logs for process mining from data stored on the blockchain Muhlberger, R.; Bachhofner, S.; Di Ciccio, C.; Garcia-Banuelos, L.; Lopez-Pintado, O. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: International Workshops on AI4BPM, BP-Meet-IoT, BPI, BPMinDIT, BPMS2, DEC2H, MIEL, PM-DiPro, PODS4H, PQ, SPBP, VEnMo 2019 held at the 17th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2019 (Vienna; Austria)
libro: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing - (978-3-030-37452-5; 978-3-030-37453-2)
11573/1352522 - 2019 -
Business process improvement with the AB-BPM methodology Satyal, S.; Weber, I.; Paik, H. -Y.; Di Ciccio, C.; Mendling, J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 283-298 - issn: 0306-4379 - wos: WOS:000474502500017 (24) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85049732410 (37)
11573/1361963 - 2019 -
Configuring SQL-based process mining for performance and storage optimisation Schonig, S.; Di Ciccio, C.; Mendling, J. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 34th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2019 (Limassol; Cyprus)
libro: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - (9781450359337)
11573/1352585 - 2019 -
From event streams to process models and back: Challenges and opportunities Soffer, P.; Hinze, A.; Koschmider, A.; Ziekow, H.; Di Ciccio, C.; Koldehofe, B.; Kopp, O.; Jacobsen, A.; Surmeli, J.; Song, W. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 181-200 - issn: 0306-4379 - wos: WOS:000459839400013 (44) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85044526382 (47)
11573/1362050 - 2019 -
QRFA: A data-driven model of information-seeking dialogues Vakulenko, S.; Revoredo, K.; Di Ciccio, C.; De Rijke, M. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval, ECIR 2019 (Cologne; Germany)
libro: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - (978-3-030-15711-1; 978-3-030-15712-8)
11573/1362083 - 2019 -
Extracting declarative process models from natural language Van Der Aa, H.; Di Ciccio, C.; Leopold, H.; Reijers, H. A. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2019 (Rome; Italy)
libro: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - (978-3-030-21289-6; 978-3-030-21290-2)
11573/1362056 - 2019 -
Comprehensive process drift detection with visual analytics Yeshchenko, A.; Di Ciccio, C.; Mendling, J.; Polyvyanyy, A. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, ER 2019 (Salvador; Brazil)
libro: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) - (978-3-030-33222-8; 978-3-030-33223-5)
11573/1362099 - 2019 -
Comprehensive process drift analysis with the visual drift detection tool Yeshchenko, A.; Di Ciccio, C.; Mendling, J.; Polyvyanyy, A. - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2019 Joint ER Forum and Poster and Demos Session on Publishing Papers with CEUR-WS, ER Forum and ER Poster and Demos Session 2019 (Salvador; Brazil)
libro: CEUR Workshop Proceedings - ()
11573/1352665 - 2018 -
Matching events and activities by integrating behavioral aspects and label analysis Baier, T.; Di Ciccio, C.; Mendling, J.; Weske, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING (Springer Berlin Heidelberg) pp. 573-598 - issn: 1619-1366 - wos: WOS:000430548300012 (22) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85019666492 (31)
11573/1182871 - 2018 -
Interestingness of traces in declarative process mining: The janus LTLPf Approach Cecconi, Alessio; Di Ciccio, Claudio; De Giacomo, Giuseppe; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 16th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2018 (Sydney; Australia)
libro: Business Process Management - (9783319986470; 978-3-319-98648-7)
11573/1352686 - 2018 -
On the relevance of a business constraint to an event log Di Ciccio, C.; Maggi, F. M.; Montali, M.; Mendling, J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 144-161 - issn: 0306-4379 - wos: WOS:000446949000011 (15) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85046765530 (20)
11573/1372907 - 2018 -
Blockchain-based traceability of inter-organisational business processes Di Ciccio, C; Alessio, Cecconi; Jan, Mendling; Dominik, Felix; Dominik, Haas; Daniel, Lilek; Florian, Riel; Andreas, Rumpl; Philipp, Uhlig - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Business Modeling and Software Design - 8th International Symposium, BMSD 2018 (Vienna; Austria)
libro: Business Modeling and Software Design - (978-331994213-1)
11573/1352693 - 2018 -
Parallel algorithms for the automated discovery of declarative process models Maggi, F. M.; Di Ciccio, C.; Di Francescomarino, C.; Kala, T. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 136-152 - issn: 0306-4379 - wos: WOS:000430030800005 (33) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85039726087 (46)
11573/1352631 - 2018 -
Blockchains for business process management - Challenges and opportunities Mendling, J.; Weber, I.; Van Der Aalst, W.; Brocke, J. V.; Cabanillas, C.; Daniel, F.; Debois, S.; Di Ciccio, C.; Dumas, M.; Dustdar, S.; Gal, A.; Garcia-Banuelos, L.; Governatori, G.; Hull, R.; La Rosa, M.; Leopold, H.; Leymann, F.; Recker, J.; Reichert, M.; Reijers, H. A.; Rinderlema, S.; Solti, A.; Rosemann, M.; Schulte, S.; Singh, M. P.; Slaats, T.; Staples, M.; Weber, B.; Weidlich, M.; Weske, M.; Xu, X.; Zhu, L. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery) pp. 1-16 - issn: 2158-656X - wos: WOS:000426897600004 (342) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85042875606 (536)
11573/1352673 - 2018 -
Mining team compositions for collaborative work in business processes Schonig, S.; Cabanillas, C.; Di Ciccio, C.; Jablonski, S.; Mendling, J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING (Springer Berlin Heidelberg) pp. 675-693 - issn: 1619-1366 - wos: WOS:000430548300016 (20) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84992025498 (22)
11573/1372943 - 2018 -
Shadow testing for business process improvement Suhrid, Satyal; Ingo, Weber; Hye-Young, Paik; Di Ciccio, C; Jan, Mendling - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: On the Move to meaningful internet systems. OTM 2018 Conferences - Confederated International Conferences: CoopIS, C&TC, and ODBASE 2018 (Valletta; Malta)
libro: On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. OTM 2018 Conferences - (978-303002609-7)
11573/1372941 - 2018 -
AB testing for process versions with contextual multi-armed bandit algorithms Suhrid, Satyal; Ingo, Weber; Hye-Young, Paik; Di Ciccio, C; Jan, Mendling: - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Advanced Information Systems Engineering - 30th International Conference (CAISE 2018) (Tallin; Estonia)
libro: Advanced Information Systems Engineering - ()
11573/1372923 - 2017 -
Towards a multi-parametric visualisation approach for business process analytics Bachhofner, Stefan; Kis, Isabella; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAISE 2017 International Workshops (Essen; Germany)
libro: Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops - (978-331960047-5; 978-3-319-60048-2)
11573/1372947 - 2017 -
mArtifact: an Artifact-driven Process Monitoring Platform Baresi, Luciano; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mendling, Jan; Meroni, Giovanni; Plebani, Pierluigi - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Proceedings of the BPM Demo Track and BPM Dissertation Award co-located with 15th International Conference on Business Process Modeling (BPM 2017) (Barcelona, Spain)
libro: Proceedings of the BPM Demo Track and BPM Dissertation Award co-located with 15th International Conference on Business Process Modeling (BPM 2017), Barcelona, Spain, September 13, 2017 - ()
11573/1372917 - 2017 -
Model checking of mixed-paradigm process models in a discovery context: finding the fit between declarative and procedural De Smedt, Johannes; Di Ciccio, C; Vanthienen, Jan; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Business Process Management Workshops - BPM 2016 International Workshops (Rio de Janeiro; Brazil)
libro: Business Process Management Workshops - (978-331958456-0)
11573/1352697 - 2017 -
Resolving inconsistencies and redundancies in declarative process models Di Ciccio, C.; Maggi, F. M.; Montali, M.; Mendling, J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 425-446 - issn: 0306-4379 - wos: WOS:000391900000031 (63) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85006789462 (85)
11573/1372925 - 2017 -
An artifact-driven approach to monitor business processes through real-world objects Giovanni, Meroni; Di Ciccio, C; Jan, Mendling - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 15th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing, ICSOC 2017 (Malaga; Spain)
libro: Service-oriented computing - (978-331969034-6)
11573/1372959 - 2017 -
Towards a data-driven framework for measuring process performance Kis, Isa; Bachhofner, Stefan; Di Ciccio, C; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 18th International Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support, BPMDS 2017 (Essen; Germany)
libro: Enterprise, business-process and information systems modeling - (978-331959465-1)
11573/1372911 - 2017 -
Artifact-driven process monitoring: dynamically binding real-world objects to running processes Meroni, Giovanni; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Forum and Doctoral Consortium Papers Presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE-Forum-DC 2017 (Essen, Germany)
libro: Proceedings of the Forum and Doctoral Consortium Papers Presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering - (978-3-030-32411-7)
11573/1372953 - 2017 -
AB-BPM: performance-driven instance routing for business process improvement Satyal, Suhrid; Weber, Ingo; Paik, Hye-Young; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 15th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2017 (Barcelona; Spain)
libro: Business process management - (978-331964999-3)
11573/1372939 - 2017 -
Distributed multi-perspective declare discovery Sturm, Christian; Schönig, Stefan; Di Ciccio, Claudio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: BPM Demo Track and BPM Dissertation Award co-located with 15th International Conference on Business Process Modeling (BPM 2017) (Barcelona; Spain)
libro: BPM Demo Track and BPM Dissertation Award - ()
11573/1372921 - 2016 -
Towards a methodology for the engineering of event-driven process applications Baumgraß, Anne; Botezatu, Mirela; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Dijkman, Remco; Grefen, Paul; Hewelt, Marcin; Mendling, Jan; Meyer, Andreas; Pourmirza, Shaya; Völzer, Hagen - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 13th International Workshops on Business Process Management Workshops, BPM 2015 (Innsbruck; Austria)
libro: Proceedings of Business Process Management Workshops BPM 2015, 13th International Workshops - (978-331942886-4)
11573/1352729 - 2016 -
Efficient discovery of Target-Branched Declare constraints Di Ciccio, C.; Maggi, F. M.; Mendling, J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL: asianfo@elsevier.com, tcb@elsevier.co.UK, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.com, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/shpsa/, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 258-283 - issn: 0306-4379 - wos: WOS:000367634200016 (34) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84949726662 (44)
11573/1352725 - 2016 -
Detecting flight trajectory anomalies and predicting diversions in freight transportation Di Ciccio, C.; Van Der Aa, H.; Cabanillas, C.; Mendling, J.; Prescher, J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS (Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 4853757, 011 31 20 4853642, 011 31 20 4853641, EMAIL: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl, INTERNET: http://www.elsevier.nl, Fax: 011 31 20 4853598) pp. 1-17 - issn: 0167-9236 - wos: WOS:000380081200001 (39) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84978912901 (55)
11573/1628880 - 2016 -
Detecting flight trajectory anomalies and predicting diversions in freight transportation (extended abstract) Di Ciccio, Claudio; Van Der Aa, Han; Cabanillas, Cristina; Mendling, Jan; Prescher, Johannes - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: 7th International Workshop on Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures: Fachgruppentreffen der GI-Fachgruppe Entwicklungsmethoden fur Informationssysteme und deren Anwendung, EMISA 2016 - 7th International Workshop on Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures: Professional Group Meeting of the GI Special Interest Group on Development Methods for Information Systems and their Application, EMISA 2016 (Vienna, Austria)
libro: CEUR Workshop Proceedings - ()
11573/1352711 - 2016 -
A new notational framework for declarative process modeling Hanser, M.; Di Ciccio, C.; Mendling, J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SOFTWARETECHNIK-TRENDS (Bonn: Köllen) pp. 53-56 - issn: 0720-8928 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
11573/1372949 - 2016 -
Apriori and sequence analysis for discovering declarative process models Kala, Taavi; Maggi, Fabrizio Maria; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Di Francescomarino, Chiara - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 20th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, EDOC 2016 (Vienna; Austria)
libro: 2016 IEEE 20th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC) - (978-146739885-5)
11573/1372931 - 2016 -
Semantical Vacuity Detection in Declarative Process Mining Maggi, Fabrizio Maria; Montali, Marco; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2016 (Rio de Janeiro; Brazil)
libro: Business Process Management - (978-3-319-45347-7; 978-3-319-45348-4)
11573/1372935 - 2016 -
A novel framework for visualizing declarative process models Michael, Hanser; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Jan, Mendling - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 8th Central European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS 2016) (Vienna; Austria)
libro: Proceedings of the 8th ZEUS Workshop - ()
11573/1372945 - 2016 -
A case study on the business benefits of automated process discovery Puchovsky, Matej; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 6th International Symposium on Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis (SIMPDA 2016) (Graz; Austria)
libro: CEUR Workshop Proceedings - ()
11573/1352742 - 2016 -
Mining resource assignments and teamwork compositions from process logs Schönig, S.; Cabanillas, C.; Di Ciccio, C.; Jablonski, S.; Mendling, J. - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SOFTWARETECHNIK-TRENDS (Bonn: Köllen) pp. 1-6 - issn: 0720-8928 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
11573/1372927 - 2016 -
Discovery of Multi-perspective Declarative Process Models Schönig, Stefan; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Maggi, Fabrizio Maria; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Service-Oriented Computing - 14th International Conference, ICSOC 2016 (Banff; Canada)
libro: Service-Oriented Computing - (978-331946294-3)
11573/1372919 - 2015 -
Matching of events and activities – an approach using declarative modeling constraints Baier, T; Di Ciccio, C; Mendling, J; Weske, M - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 16th International Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support, BPMDS 2015 (Stockholm; Sweden)
libro: Enterprise, business-process and information systems modeling - (978-331919236-9)
11573/1372955 - 2015 -
A Conceptual Architecture for an Event-based Information Aggregation Engine in Smart Logitics Baumgrass, Anne; Cabanillas, Cristina; Di Ciccio, Claudio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 6th Int. Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, EMISA 2015 (Innsbruck, Austria)
libro: Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, Proceedings of the 6th Int. Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, EMISA 2015, Innsbruck, Austria, September 3-4, 2015 - ()
11573/1372957 - 2015 -
GET Controller and UNICORN: Event-driven Process Execution and Monitoring in Logistics Baumgrass, Anne; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Dijkman, Remco M.; Hewelt, Marcin; Mendling, Jan; Meyer, Andreas; Pourmirza, Shaya; Weske, Mathias; Yin Wong, Tsun - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: BPM Demo Session 2015 Co-located with the 13th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2015) (Innsbruck, Austria)
libro: Proceedings of the BPM Demo Session 2015 Co-located with the 13th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2015), Innsbruck, Austria, September 2, 2015 - ()
11573/1372915 - 2015 -
Generating event logs through the simulation of declare models Di Ciccio, C; Bernardi Mario, Luca; Cimitile, Marta; Maggi Fabrizio, Maria - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation - 11th International Workshop, EOMAS 2015, Held at CAiSE 2015 (Stockholm; Sweden)
libro: Enterprise and organizational modeling and simulation - (978-331924625-3)
11573/1372937 - 2015 -
Ensuring model consistency in declarative process discovery Di Ciccio, Claudio; Maggi, Fabrizio Maria; Montali, Marco; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 13th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2015 (Innsbruck; Austria)
libro: Business Process Management - (978-3-319-23062-7)
11573/667226 - 2015 -
Knowledge-Intensive Processes: Characteristics, Requirements and Analysis of Contemporary Approaches Di Ciccio, Claudio; Marrella, Andrea; Russo, Alessandro - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: JOURNAL ON DATA SEMANTICS (Heidelberg ; Berlin : Springer) pp. 29-57 - issn: 1861-2032 - wos: WOS:000356015700003 (196) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84966542521 (285)
11573/822120 - 2015 -
On the discovery of declarative control flows for artful processes Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mecella, Massimo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery) pp. 1-37 - issn: 2158-656X - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84923644985 (85)
11573/951191 - 2015 -
The effect of noise on mined declarative constraints Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mecella, Massimo; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 3rd IFIP WG 2.6, 2.12 International Symposium on Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis, SIMPDA 2013 (Riva del Garda; Italy)
libro: Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis - (978-3-662-46435-9; 978-3-662-46436-6)
11573/1372961 - 2015 -
Declarative Process Discovery with MINERful in ProM Di Ciccio, Claudio; Schouten, Mitchel H. M.; De Leoni, Massimiliano; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: BPM Demo Session 2015 Co-located with the 13th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2015) (Innsbruck; Austria)
libro: Proceedings of the BPM Demo Session 2015 Co-located with the 13th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2015) - ()
11573/1372909 - 2014 -
Towards a Prediction Engine for Flight Delays based on Weather Delay Analysis Cabanillas, Cristina; Campara, Enver; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Koziel, Bartholomäus; Mendling, Jan; Paulitschke, Johannes; Prescher, Johannes - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 1st International Workshop on Event Modeling and Processing in Business Process Management (Vienna, Austria)
libro: Joint Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Modeling Inter-Organizational Processes and 1st International Workshop on Event Modeling and Processing in Business Process Management co-located with Modellierung 2014, Vienna, Austria, March 19, 2014 - ()
11573/1372951 - 2014 -
Combining Event Processing and Support Vector Machines for Automated Flight Diversion Predictions Cabanillas, Cristina; Curik, Andreas; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Gutjahr, Manuel; Mendling, Jan; Prescher, Johannes; Simecka, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 1st International Workshop on Event Modeling and Processing in Business Process Management (Vienna, Austria)
libro: Joint Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Modeling Inter-Organizational Processes and 1st International Workshop on Event Modeling and Processing in Business Process Management co-located with Modellierung 2014, Vienna, Austria, March 19, 2014 - ()
11573/1372963 - 2014 -
Predictive Task Monitoring for Business Processes Cabanillas, Cristina; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mendling, Jan; Baumgrass, Anne - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Business Process Management - 12th International Conference, BPM 2014 (Haifa, Israel)
libro: Business Process Management - ()
11573/1372929 - 2014 -
Discovering Target-Branched Declare Constraints Di Ciccio, Claudio; Maggi, Fabrizio Maria; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 12th International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2014 (Haifa; Israel)
libro: Business Process Management - (978-331910171-2)
11573/650792 - 2014 -
Log-Based Understanding of Business Processes through Temporal Logic Query Checking Margus, Räim; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Fabrizio Maria, Maggi; Mecella, Massimo; Jan, Mendling - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
libro: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2014 Conferences - (9783662455623; 9783662455630)
11573/1372933 - 2014 -
From Declarative Processes to Imperative Models Prescher, Johannes; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mendling, Jan - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 4th International Symposium on Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis (SIMPDA 2014) (Milan, Italy)
libro: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis (SIMPDA 2014), Milan, Italy, November 19-21, 2014 - ()
11573/537137 - 2013 -
Mining Artful Processes from Knowledge Workers' Emails Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mecella, Massimo - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING (IEEE Computer Society:1730 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest:Washington, DC 20036:(202)371-0101, EMAIL: cslsp@computer.org, INTERNET: http://www.computer.org, Fax: (202)728-9614) pp. 10-20 - issn: 1089-7801 - wos: WOS:000323591800003 (14) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84884555882 (18)
11573/537138 - 2013 -
A two-step fast algorithm for the automated discovery of declarative workflows Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mecella, Massimo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, CIDM 2013 - 2013 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2013 (Singapore)
libro: 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM) - (9781467358958)
11573/537144 - 2013 -
Studies on the Discovery of Declarative Control Flows from Error-prone Data Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mecella, Massimo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 3rd International Symposium on Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis (SIMPDA 2013) co-located with 39th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2013) ()
libro: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis (SIMPDA 2013) - ()
11573/511235 - 2012 -
Service ecologies for home/building automation Caruso, Mario; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Iacomussi, Ettore; Eirini, Kaldeli; Alexander, Lazovik; Mecella, Massimo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Robot Control ()
libro: Proceedings of the 10th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control - (9783902823113)
11573/485088 - 2012 -
Goal-based composition of stateful services for smart homes De Giacomo, Giuseppe; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Felli, Paolo; Yuxiao, Hu; Mecella, Massimo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Confederated International Conferences on On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems, OTM 2012: CoopIS, DOA-SVI, and ODBASE 2012 (Rome)
libro: Proc. of 20th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'12) - (9783642336058; 9783642336065)
11573/511449 - 2012 -
Knowledge-intensive Processes: An Overview of Contemporary Approaches Di Ciccio, Claudio; Marrella, Andrea; Russo, Alessandro - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 1st International Workshop on Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes (KiBP 2012) (Rome, Italy)
libro: 1st International Workshop on Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes (KiBP 2012) - ()
11573/487292 - 2012 -
Mining constraints for artful processes Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mecella, Massimo - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 15th International Conference on Business Information Systems, BIS 2012 (Vilnius)
libro: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing - Proc. Business Information Systems 2012 - (9783642303586; 9783642303593)
11573/490465 - 2012 -
MailOfMine - Analyzing mail messages for mining artful collaborative processes Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mecella, Massimo; Scannapieco, Monica; Zardetto, Diego; Catarci, Tiziana - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 1st International Symposium on Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis, SIMPDA 2011 (Campione d’Italia, Italy)
libro: Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis - (9783642340437; 9783642340444)
11573/375799 - 2011 -
Service composition and advanced user interfaces in the home of tomorrow: The SM4All approach Catarci, Tiziana; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Vincenzo, Forte; Iacomussi, Ettore; Mecella, Massimo; Santucci, Giuseppe; Giuseppe, Tino - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 2nd International ICST Conference on Ambient Media and Systems, AMBI-SYS 2011 (Porto)
libro: Proc. 2nd International ICST Conference on Ambient Media and Systems (Ambi-Sys 2011) - (9783642239014; 9783642239021)
11573/435216 - 2011 -
The homes of tomorrow: service composition and advanced user interfaces Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mecella, Massimo; Caruso, Mario; Forte, Vincenzo; Iacomussi, Ettore; Katharina, Rasch; Querzoni, Leonardo; Santucci, Giuseppe; Giuseppe, Tino - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ICST TRANSACTIONS ON AMBIENT SYSTEMS (Gent : ICST) pp. e2- - issn: 2032-927X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)
11573/445008 - 2011 -
Representing and visualizing mined artful processes in MailOfMine Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mecella, Massimo; Catarci, Tiziana - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 7th Conference of the Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering of the Austrian Computer Society, USAB 2011 (Graz)
libro: Information Quality in e-Health - 7th Conference of the Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering of the Austrian Computer Society, USAB 2011, Graz, Austria, November 25-26, 2011. Proceedings - (9783642253638; 9783642253645)
11573/1628884 - 2011 -
Groupware mail messages analysis for mining collaborative processes (poster paper) Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mecella, Massimo; Scannapieco, Monica; Zardetto, Diego - 04f Poster
congresso: 19th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, SEBD 2011 (Maratea, Italia)
libro: SEBD 2011 - Proceedings of the 19th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems - ()
De Masellis, Riccardo; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mecella, Massimo; Patrizi, Fabio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 7th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, ICSSSM'10 (Tokyo, Japan)
libro: Proc. of ICSSSM'10 - (9781424464852; 9781424464876)
11573/212247 - 2009 -
An Embedded Middleware Platform for Pervasive and Immersive Environments for-All Baldoni, Roberto; Di Ciccio, Claudio; Mecella, Massimo; Patrizi, Fabio; Querzoni, Leonardo; Santucci, Giuseppe; Cincotti, Febo; Aloise, Fabio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 6th Annual IEEE-Communications-Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Network (SECON 2009) (Rome, ITALY)
libro: Sixth Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Network (SECON 2009) - (9781424439386)