PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Vito Di Bernardi

Research: Communication art through body and dancing movement. Performative practices in museums and and in the city for Rome’s urban rededevelopment

Starting from the study, reconnaissance and mapping of performative and audience engagement practices in museums and artistic contexts experimented in Italy and abroad, the present research intends to elaborate and propose participatory and workshop activities through dance, understood as an accessible expressive language, cognitive and relational practice, capable of promoting the city community's dialogue with Rome's contemporary social, cultural and artistic environment.

Research products

11573/1697036 - 2023 - Selezione bibliografica ragionata
Verdat, Claudia - 03d Bibliografia

11573/1697205 - 2022 - Il disegno di Pasolini nella rivista "Il Setaccio" (1942-1943)
Anello, Carlotta; Petrassi, Flaminia; Verdat, Claudia; Maria Zazzini, Davide - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Pasolini pittore. Catalogo della mostra (27 ottobre 2022-16 aprile 2023) - (9788836653508)

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