
ciclo: XXXVIII

supervisore: Prof.ssa L. M. Michetti
co-supervisore: Prof. J. Tabolli
co-supervisore (2): Prof. S. Bruni

Ricerca: Offering Arms to the Gods: Testimonies from the Sanctuaries and Sacred Areas of Etruria

Phd in Archaeology, Curriculum/ Settore disciplinare: L-ANT/06 - Etruscologia e Antichità italiche

The PhD project (Offering Arms to the Gods: Testimonies form the sanctuaries and sacred areas of Etruria) addresses the issue of the dedication of arms in sacred contexts, emphasizing on the evidence of votive weapons, arms and armory attested in the sanctuaries and sacred areas in Etruria. Aim of the project is to detect the variants and variations of the phenomenon with respect to the Greek votive narrative, comprehending, thus, the diffusion and the circulation of the custom in central Italy and deciphering its local character.

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