PhD candidate in "Public, Comparative and International Law," curriculum of "Public Law of Economics" (SSD: IUS/09), at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Department of Political Science (XXXIX cycle).
In 2022 she received her Master's Degree in Law from the University of "Roma Tre" with a grade of 110/110 cum laude, discussing a thesis in judicial order entitled: "Constitution and Honorary Judiciary (also in light of Sentence No. 41 of 2021 of the Constitutional Court)," Supervisor Prof. Giovanni Serges.
As of October 2022, she served as an intern in the judicial offices of the Council of State under Article 73, Decree Law 69/2013.
In A.Y. 2023/2024, she obtained a postgraduate diploma in the advanced training course in constitutional justice and judicial protection of rights at the University of Pisa.
She is cultrice of the subject and collaborator of the chair of Constitutional Law I at Luiss Guido Carli University.
She has participated as a speaker at a number of conferences, including the IV Conference of Icon-s Italian Chapter (Milan, October 2023), giving a talk on the phenomenology of emergency. She has been a member of the organizing secretariat of some conferences and seminar initiatives.
She is the author of scientific publications and a member of the Reviewer Board of law journals.