PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
phone: 3668754915
building: RM034
room: piano 1, stanza 2

supervisor: Paolo De Girolamo
co-supervisor: Myrta Castellino

Research: Coastal flooding from extreme wind waves influenced by climate change and earthquake-generated tsunamis.

In the last decades, extreme events have caught general attention as being often associated with threatening natural phenomena that, due to global warming increase, occur with growing frequency and intensity. Such phenomena can significantly impact both natural and anthropic environments, causing damage to ecosystems and local biodiversity, as well as to infrastructures and socioeconomic ambient. Floods, storm waves, storm surge events, and others; their effects require implementing mitigation systems and long-term adaptation strategies. For this reason, it is particularly important to monitor changes over time in the physical parameters that characterize specific natural phenomena. In coastal areas, climate change may affect wind patterns, sea levels, and the characteristics of sea states in terms of both frequency and intensity. The inclusion of these possible variations is particularly relevant not only for coastal flooding risk analysis but also for the detection of the design wave into civil engineering practice.

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