Dottoressa di ricerca

ciclo: XXXV

supervisore: Dott. Antonio Profico, Dott.ssa Ileana Micarelli
co-supervisore: Prof. Giorgio Manzi

Titolo della tesi: Geometric Morphometrics and Functional Morphology applied to the study of skeletal remains from archaeological and modern samples

Bones are living tissue and can be considered an archive that records and stores an individual's biological and cultural data, providing direct evidence of the biology of past populations. Factors that occur and influence bones’ structure during the lifetime can be mechanical (e.g., activity levels and patterns) and non-mechanical (e.g., biological factors). Over the years, numerous methods have been proposed for reconstructing physical activities and mobility through the analysis of long bones diaphyseal morphology. Notably, analyses of the lower limb allow to observe the influence of lifestyle and mobility patterns, while the study of the upper limb aims to examine the presence of lateralisation (i.e., a preference for using one side over the other). This project aims to study cortical bone thickness and distribution in the diaphyses of femurs, tibiae, and humeri in a virtual environment. The sample under examination comprises CT scans of: i) recently deceased modern individuals selected from the forensic New Mexico Decedent Image Database: for each individual biological information and loading history are reported (e.g., occupations and physical activities); ii) archaeological skeletal remains from Classical and Early Medieval Italian cemeteries (Lucus Feroniae, RM; Povegliano Veronese; VR Selvicciola, VT), with a further application of the method proposed for some palaeopathological case studies from the same sites. The combined use of known modern and archaeological individuals offers the opportunity to consider, as comprehensively as possible, the study of variability within the sample, taking into account a broader range of factors. A new R package, morphomap, was applied and implemented. This approach aims not to limit the investigation to a few sections along the diaphysis but allow a detailed analysis of cortical bone distribution, thickness, and morphology along the entire diaphysis. The study is therefore potentially able to achieve a high degree of detail. Each cross-section is then analysed using an integrated approach that combines Cross-Sectional Geometry and Geometric Morphometrics, followed by multivariate statistics. The results of the explorative analyses are promising: the known modern sample allowed us to investigate which biological factors (specifically sex and age) most influence the morphology and thickness of cortical bone in the humeri, femurs, and tibiae. In particular, an interesting correlation was found within the age-specific women's sample, suggesting a possible occurrence of osteoporosis, but further analyses are needed to better explore this result. Finally, the application of this approach to some palaeopathological case studies was presented. For each case, a multidisciplinary investigation was applied allowing to reconstruct the individual's osteobiography. This thesis takes advantage of a known sample and an innovative technique. Its principal outcome is that the multidisciplinary approach overcomes data availability limitations and broadens possible interpretations. These results provide an efficient tool for future research in different disciplines, such as human evolution, primatology, and archaeology.

Produzione scientifica

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Panella, Sofia; Bernardini, Sara; Zeppilli, Carlotta; Maurizi, Antonio; Tafuri, Mary Anne; Micarelli, Ileana - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
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11573/1671641 - 2023 - Multi-isotope analysis of primary and secondary dentin as a mean to broaden intra-life dietary reconstruction. A case from Longobard Italy
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11573/1715916 - 2022 - Tra Longobardi e Bizantini, nell’Italia post-classica: Indagine osteobiografica come indicatore delle condizioni di vita del passato
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libro: 24° Congresso dell’associazione antropologica italiana “il prossimo uomo. storia naturale di geni, forme e funzioni fra passato e futuro dell’umanità”. abstract - ()

11573/1672358 - 2022 - Were they actually local? Strontium isotope analysis of individuals from the Roman cemetery of Lucus Feroniae (Rome, Italy)
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11573/1672353 - 2022 - Living and surviving in the Roman Empire: skeletal trauma and strontium isotopes of an individual from Lucus Feroniae (Rome, Italy)
Farese, Martina; Formichella, Giulia; Bernardini, Sara; Zeppilli, Carlotta; Micarelli, Ileana; Manzi, Giorgio; Tafuri, Mary Anne - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: 23rd Paleopathology Association European Meeting (Vilnius; Lithuania)
libro: Vilnius University Proceedings - ()

11573/1672361 - 2022 - Indagini paleopatologiche e isotopiche su uno scheletro femminile di epoca romana imperiale (Lucus Feroniae, I-III secolo CE)
Farese, Martina; Formichella, Giulia; Bernardini, Sara; Zeppilli, Carlotta; Micarelli, Ileana; Manzi, Giorgio; Tafuri, Mary Anne - 04f Poster
congresso: XXIV Congresso Associazione Antropologica Italiana (Chieti, Italy)
libro: XXIV Congresso Associazione Antropologica Italiana - Abstract book - ()

11573/1657565 - 2022 - Severe ankylosis of the left hip in the Early Medieval Community of Selvicciola (Italy, 4th-8th Centuries CE)
Zeppilli, Carlotta; Micarelli, Ileana; Bernardini, Sara; Profico, Antonio; Tafuri, Mary Anne; Manzi, Giorgio - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: XXIV Congresso Nazionale Associazione Antropologica Italiana (Chieti (Italy))
libro: Abstract book - XXIV Congresso Nazionale Associazione Antropologica Italiana - ()

11573/1657567 - 2022 - Health care among an Early Medieval community in Italy (Selvicciola, 4th-8th centuries CE)
Zeppilli, Carlotta; Micarelli, Ileana; Bernardini, Sara; Profico, Antonio; Tafuri, Mary Anne; Manzi, Giorgio - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: 23rd Paleopathology Association European Meeting, August 25-29, 2022. Vilnius, Lithuania (Vilnius (Lithuania))
libro: Abstract book - 23rd Paleopathology Association European Meeting - ()

11573/1657564 - 2022 - An integrated approach to the study of long bone morphology and cortical thickness distribution
Zeppilli, Carlotta; Profico, Antonio; Micarelli, Ileana; Melegari, Flavio; Manzi, Giorgio - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: 12th European Society for the study of Human Evolution, ESHE 2021 (Tübingen)
libro: Proceedings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (PESHE) - ()

11573/1571027 - 2021 - Morphometric maps of bilateral asymmetry in the human humerus. An implementation in the R package morphomap
Profico, Antonio; Zeppilli, Carlotta; Micarelli, Ileana; Mondanaro, Alessandro; Raia, Pasquale; Marchi, Damiano; Manzi, Giorgio; O’Higgins, Paul - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: SYMMETRY (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International) pp. - - issn: 2073-8994 - wos: WOS:000701816000001 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85115374889 (7)

11573/1562808 - 2021 - Abnormal development of paired enigmatic structures in the derived dicynodont Lystrosaurus murrayi (Therapsida, Anomodontia)
Rotatori, F. M.; Zeppilli, C.; Durante, S.; Angielczyk, K. D.; Miyashita, T.; Fanti, F. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: XVIII annual conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists (online)
libro: Abstract book of the XVIII annual conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, online, 5th-9th July 2021. Palaeovertebrata, 44, 65 - ()

11573/1575209 - 2021 - Stabbed by a blade during the barbarian invasions: the case of multiple perimortem traumas from an Italian Longobard cemetery (6th-8th c. CE)
Zeppilli, Carlotta; Micarelli, Ileana; Tafuri, Mary Anne; Manzi, Giorgio - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: 7th Portuguese Conference on Paleopathology: health and disease in the past (Evora, Portugal (online))
libro: 7th Portuguese Conference on Paleopathology: health and disease in the past - Abstract book - ()

11573/1571067 - 2021 - Measuring the asymmetry in long bone morphometric maps of cortical thickness: occupationrelated differences in the modern human humerus
Zeppilli, Carlotta; Profico, Antonio; Micarelli, Ileana; Marchi, Damiano; O’Higgins, Paul; Manzi, Giorgio - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: 11th European Society for the study of Human Evolution, ESHE 2021 (Worldwide (online))
libro: Proceedings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (PESHE) - ()

11573/1491322 - 2020 - Quantifying the lateralization in the upper limb of historical human populations: a detailed study of the cortical bone distribution in the humeral diaphysis
Zeppilli, Carlotta; Micarelli, Ileana; Profico, Antonio; Tafuri, Mary Anne; Manzi, Giorgio - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: 10th European Society for the study of Human Evolution, ESHE 2020 (Worldwide (online))
libro: Proceedings of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (PESHE) - ()

11573/1199996 - 2018 - CA-LSE and AST-3D: two new digital tools for reproducing the inner cavities of skeletal elements
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congresso: 8th annual meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (Faro, Portugal)
libro: 8th annual meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution - ()

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