Beatrice MANETTI



Beatrice Manetti is assistant professor in Contemporary Italian Literature at the Department of Humanistic Studies, University of Turin.
(Updated curriculum vitae at:

She graduated in Literature and Philosophy from the University of Florence in 1993, discussing a thesis in Italian literature on the narrative work of Paola Masino, thanks to which she approached gender studies. In 2001, she obtained her PhD in History of Women's Writing at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" with a thesis entitled Una carriera à rebours. I quaderni d'appunti di Paola Masino, published in the same year by Edizioni dell'Orso. Always favouring the perspective of gender studies, she has written essays on Anna Maria Ortese, Joyce Lussu, Natalia Ginzburg, Anna Banti, Cristina Campo, Paola Masino, Sibilla Aleramo, Renata Viganò, Elsa Morante, Rossana Ombres, Natalia Ginzburg for specialised journals and collective volumes, some of which she edited herself. She has also dealt with the history of criticism, the relationship between writers and publishing, the forms of the novel and the twentieth-century short story, contemporary poetry, in particular the poets of the 1950s generation, to whom she has dedicated essays, seminars, study meetings and conferences.
She is a member of the teaching board of the Doctorate in Documentary, Linguistic and Literary Sciences (curriculum in Historical-Literary and Gendere Studies) at the Sapienza University of Rome, and is editor-in-chief of the magazine «Ri.tra», as well as co-editor of «L’Indice dei libri del mese».

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