PhD Graduate

PhD program:: XXXVII

supervisor: A. De Sole
advisor: G. Cerulli Irelli

Thesis title: A categorification of cluster algebras of type B and C through symmetric quivers

In this thesis we present a categorification of cluster algebras of type B and C through a specific class of symmetric quivers arising from triangulations of polygons. Let $P_{2n+2}$ be the regular polygon with $2n+2$ vertices. Let $\theta$ be the rotation of 180°. Fomin and Zelevinsky showed that $\theta$-invariant triangulations of $P_{2n+2}$ are in bijection with the clusters of cluster algebras of type $B_n$ and $C_n$. Furthermore, cluster variables correspond to the orbits of the action of $\theta$ on the diagonals of the polygon. Given a $\theta$-invariant triangulation T of $P_{2n+2}$, we define cluster algebras of type $B_n$ and $C_n$ with principal coefficients in T, and we prove an expansion formula for the cluster variable $x_{ab}$ corresponding to the $\theta$-orbit $[a,b]$ of the diagonal which connects the vertices $a$ and $b$. The formula we present is given in a combinatorial way. On the one hand, it expresses each cluster variable of type $B_n$ and $C_n$ in terms of cluster variables of type $A_n$, on the other hand, it allows us to get its expansion in terms of the cluster variables of the initial seed. Moreover, we associate to each $\theta$-orbit $[a,b]$ of $P_{2n+2}$ a modified snake graph $G_{ab}$, constructed by gluing together the snake graphs corresponding to particular diagonals, obtained from those of $[a,b]$ by identifying some vertices of the polygon. Then we get the cluster expansion of $x_{ab}$ in terms of perfect matchings of $G_{ab}$. This extends the work of Musiker for cluster algebras of type $B$ and $C$ to every seed. On the other hand, the representation theory of symmetric quivers was developed by Derksen and Weyman, as well as Boos and Cerulli Irelli. A symmetric quiver is a quiver Q with an involution of vertices and arrows which reverses the orientation of arrows. A symmetric representation is an ordinary representation of Q equipped with some extra data that forces each dual pair of arrows to act anti-adjointly. Symmetric representations are of two types: orthogonal and symplectic. They form an additive category which is not abelian. We associate a cluster tilted bound symmetric quiver Q of type $A_{2n-1}$ to any seed of a cluster algebra of type $B_n$ and $C_n$. Under this correspondence, cluster variables of type $B_n$ (resp. $C_n$) are in bijection with orthogonal (resp. symplectic) indecomposable representations of Q. We find a Caldero-Chapoton map in this setting. We also give a categorical interpretation of the cluster expansion formula in the case of acyclic quivers, and we present a conjecture for the cyclic case.

Research products

11573/1686068 - 2023 - A deletion–contraction long exact sequence for chromatic symmetric homology
Ciliberti, Azzurra - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 103788- - issn: 0195-6698 - wos: WOS:001122809800001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85166616254 (0)

11573/1686067 - 2023 - On Chromatic Symmetric Homology and Planarity of Graphs
Ciliberti, Azzurra; Moci, Luca - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS (N.J. Calkin and H.S. Wilf, Atlanta, Ga.) pp. 1-11 - issn: 1077-8926 - wos: WOS:000926454800001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85146902776 (2)

11573/1688113 - 2020 - HSLTP - An LTP Variant for High-Speed Links and Memory Constrained Nodes
Alessi, N.; Caini, C.; Ciliberti, A.; De Cola, T. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated:445 Hoes Lane:Piscataway, NJ 08854:(800)701-4333, (732)981-0060, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (732)981-9667) pp. 2922-2933 - issn: 0018-9251 - wos: WOS:000556829700032 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85089658104 (3)

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