Professore associato

telefono: +39 0649973025
edificio: Istituto Patologia Generale, Dip. Medicina Sperimentale
stanza: IV piano

Istituto di affiliazione:
Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale, Universita' di Roma "Sapienza",
Viale Regina Elena 324,00161, Roma.
Tel:06/49973025-79567; Fax:06/4454820
Skype: aurelia.rughetti

Work Experience
2007 – present Associate Professor, SSD MED/04, Dpt. Experimental Medicine, “Sapienza” University of Rome;
2019- present Faculty Member of PhD programe “Network Oncology and Precision Medicine”
2018-present Faculty Member of Master Immunooncology and Master Trasfusion medicine:
2016 – present Chairman of the Degree Course “Nursing” V, “Sapienza” University of Rome
2011-2016 Faculty member of Postgraduate Specialization School in Clinical Pathology Program
2009-2015 Quality Control Person for Cell therapies , E.P. Cell Therapy Factory, “Sapienza” - Policlinico Umberto I
2004-2015 – Clinical Pathologist, Emergency Department Laboratory, Policlinico Umberto I -“Sapienza”, Rome;
1998-2007 – Permanent Researcher, SSD MED/04, Dpt. Experimental Medicine, “Sapienza” University of Rome;
1998- present Professor of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Master Degrees in Medicine and Nursing

Education and Training
2007- Qualified person for Cell Therapy production, AIFA
1997-1998- Post Doctoral fellow, Dpt. Experimental Medicine, “Sapienza” University of Rome;
1998 – Clinical Pathology specialization, “Sapienza” University of Rome
1997 Visiting fellow at ICRF, London UK.
1995-1997- AIRC Fellow, Dpt. Experimental Medicine, “Sapienza” University of Rome;

1994 – PhD in Experimental Medicine, “Sapienza” University of Rome
1992-1994 – Visiting PhD student at Epithelial Cell biology Laboratory, ICRF, London, UK
1990 – Degree in Biological Science, summa cum laude, “Sapienza” University of Rome

Research Interests
My research interests are mainly focused on tumor immunology and are characterized by as strong translational prospective.
In the last years my research focus has been devoted to investigate:
1. Mechanism of cross-talk between Dendritic Cells and tumors mediated by tumor glycan and Extracellular Vesicles (EVs)
2. Immunosuppressive networks sustained by glycan lectin interaction in tumors
3. DC targeting strategies to optimize antigen presentation
4. Impact of conventional anti-cancer therapies on the immune system of cancer patients and the effect of target therapies on the immunogenicity of tumors
5. Investigating the immune fitness of patients and impact of standard and immunotherapeutic regimens on the immune system to identify immune related biomarkers in cancer and other pathological conditions

Participation to Scientific Societies:
SIICA (Società Italiana di Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia)
SIBIOC (Società italiana di Biochimica Clinica)
EVIta, (Società italiana per le Vescicole Cellulari)
ISEV (International Society for Extracellular Vesicles)

Produzione scientifica

Connessione ad iris non disponibile

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