PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

Research: Local Global Rome. International Artists and Trends Among Institutions, Galleries and Non-profit Spaces (1989-2002)

Arianna Desideri (Rome, 1996) graduated summa cum laude from Sapienza University of Rome in Historical-Artistic Studies (2019), with a thesis on the relationship between art and urban space in Rome in the 1970s (supervisor: Prof. Francesca Gallo) and in Art History (2023) with a thesis entitled "The Posthuman Debate. A case study: Pierre Huyghe 1990-2013" ( supervisor: Prof. Francesca Gallo; co-reporter: Prof. Sergio Cortesini), in the context of which she did a period of research at the archives of the Centre Pompidou in Paris.
In 2022 she attended the Summer School "Contemporary art and curatorship. From documenta to the Biennale" (tutor: Prof. Matteo Bertelé) at Ca' Foscari University of Venice.
Along with her education, she took part in Cesare Pietroiusti's workshop "Senso e Sensi" for the 16th Quadriennale di Roma (2016), collaborated as an assistant on Pasquale Polidori's project "KS, the man who smiled too much" (MACRO, 2019), and did a year-long curatorial residency at the Outsider Art ultrablu atelier (2021-2022).
She is the author of the volume "Roma 70. Interventions and artistic practices in urban space" (Terreblu, Caserta 2020). She is currently doing a doctoral project on the roman art scene between the 1990s and 2000s.

Research products

11573/1729161 - 2024 - Il paesaggio ai tempi dell’Antropocene tra immaginari dell’altrove, pratiche decoloniali e processualità multispecie
Desideri, Arianna - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Narrazioni dall'antropocene. (Pre)visioni della crisi ambientale nella letteratura e nella cultura visuale - (9791280675538)

11573/1709830 - 2020 - Roma 70. Interventi e pratiche artistiche nello spazio urbano
Desideri, Arianna - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1709831 - 2020 - Lontano vicinissimo ultrablu
Desideri, Arianna - 06a Curatela

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma