PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Andrea Saad Hossne
advisor: Andrea Saad Hossne
co-supervisor: Lucy Amelia Jane Bell
joint PhD: Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Research: Cartonera Production, literary criticism, and democracy: theories

Ariadne Catarine dos Santos researches gender, race, (de)colonialism and activism in the artistic-literary field. Her research covers different Latin American contexts, as well as reflects on the dialogues (and the disputes) between South American and European productions. She is pursuing a double-degree doctorate between the University of São Paulo (USP-Brazil) and La Sapienza, under the supervision of Professors Prof. Dr. Andrea Saad Hossne and Prof. Dr. Lucy Bell, with a project funded by The São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP. Her doctoral research investigates the actions and productions of cartonera publishers and discusses aspects of the relationship between literature, democracy and community.
Currently, she is also participating in the PRIN PNRR 2022 project: “Plotting for Democracy: A Transnational Approach to Literatures of Transition in Latin America (1960s – Present)”, coordinated by Professor Bell; and is a member of the Research Group Readers and Readings in Contemporary Times (USP/Universidade Brasília, UnB).
With different colleagues, she organized the volumes: “Irruption and reaction (race, gender, sexuality and class in contemporary Brazilian literary theory)”, for the magazine Criação & Crítica, and “Teaching languages, literatures and literacy: a state of play in Latin America (Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Paraguay, Ecuador and Colombia)”, for the magazine El Toldo de Astier. Proposals and studies on teaching language and literature. Santos also co-organized the book “Dreams with & for Stella” (2023). In addition to having other published articles.
She has experience as a teacher in Brazil and abroad, having worked, for exemple, as a teacher of Portuguese language and Brazilian culture at the Language Center of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (UPNFM-Honduras).
During 2023, she was a postgraduate student representative at the Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (DTLLC-USP) and since, has remained a student representative of the postgraduate course in Letters on the Human Rights Defense Commission of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH-USP).

Research areas: Contemporary Latin American Literature | Feminist Studies | Relational and Critical Racial Studies | De(s)colonial Theory | Forms of Activism

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