PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVI
building: Lettere e Filosofia, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - CU003

supervisor: prof. Alessandro Vagnini
co-supervisor: Prof. A. Vagnini


Antonella Ricci obtained a degree in Philosophy (old university system) in 1985 from Sapienza University of Rome, with a thesis entitled “Paul Ludwig Landsberg”. In 1986, she began teaching Philosophy and History in different high schools in Rome while following, at the same time, several training and refresher courses.
In 2011, she received a second Master’s degree in History from Sapienza University, defending a thesis on “History and memory: the Armenian genocide”. As a result, she collaborated as an expert on the subject at the chair of Modern History within the Department of History, Anthropology, Religions of the same University.
The continuation of her research led to the publication of various articles.
In November 2020, Ms. Ricci joined the doctoral programme in “History of Europe” at Sapienza University, with a research project entitled: “The Armenian question in contemporary Italian diplomatic and political documents (1915-1923)”.

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