Associate professor


Annalisa Perrotta is Lecturer of Italian Literature at Sapienza. She teaches courses in Italian Literature, Italian and English Renaissance culture and Gender Studies. She studied in Rome and Reading and was awarded with the Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship at the University of London, Royal Holloway. At Sapienza, she has been in charge of the FIR project " Identità e alterità nelle letterature dell'Europa medievale: lessico, topoi, campi metaforici " and coordinates the project "Repertorio bibliografico degli studi delle donne e di genere in Europa: letterature e critica letteraria". Her research deals with Renaissance literature and the chivalric poetry, focusing on popular chivalric poems printed between the 15th and 16th centuries (papers and a book on Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto, Francesco Cieco's Mambriano, the anonymous poems of the late 15th century). She also works on women's writing and gender studies. She co-leads with Serena Sapegno the "Laboratorio di Studi femministi Anna Rita Simeone Sguardi sulle differenze".

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