PhD Student

PhD program:: XL
building: RM32
room: 7

supervisor: Prof. Claudio Alimonti

Research: Decision support tools for managing climate change impacts on water availability and associated ecosystem services

Dr. Angelica Rizzoli, born in Rome, has a master's degree in Safety and Civil Protection Engineering, in the territorial sustainability curriculum, since January 2024. Her background includes a bachelor's degree in Energy Engineering, both from La Sapienza University of Rome.
Her master's studies concluded with a thesis entitled "Sustainability of water resource for ecosystems through predictive analysis and monitoring: case study of Monumento Naturale Giardino di Ninfa" and a grade of 110/110 cum laude. The objective of the master's thesis was the reliability of the water system that feeds the Ninfa spring, to ensure the protection of the resource itself and the associated ecosystems.
Her interest in these issues led her to collaborate in a 7-month project with the Roffredo Caetani Foundation, entitled “The water resource of the Lepini Mountains and the Ninfa spring”, during which she specialized in the part of water balance models and water accounting systems.
Since November 2024, she has been pursuing a PhD in Environmental and Hydraulic Engineering at La Sapienza-University of Rome, specializing in the development of decision support tools for the correct management of water resources, evaluating the impacts of climate change on water availability and associated biodiversity. All with a view to integrated water management and environmental sustainability.

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