PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Dott. Andrea Vitaletti
advisor: Dott. Andrea Vitaletti

Research: Complexity of the Ocean Sensing and Analysis

Dr. Angela Pomaro is a researcher at the Institute of Marine Sciences of the National Research Council of Italy, in Venice, with scientific research activity in the field of physical oceanography and particular interest in the analysis of measured, in situ and satellite data, and re-analysis model data for the identification of climate change trends, analysis of "freak wave" phenomena and climatological characterisation of basins and study areas. Graduated in civil engineering at the University of Padua in 2007, she develops research activities with particular interest on wave climate studies focusing on the understanding of the interdependencies of local meteo-oceanographic conditions with large-scale circulation patterns as well as on the definition of metrics for the analysis of long-term time-series of measured and model data and in particular of direction and frequency spectra for a more thorough climatic characterisation of significant basins and the identification of trends and their effects in terms of improving the physics of wave prediction models and therefore determining the basic parameters to be used also for structural design. Another field of interest is the application of photogrammetric reconstruction techniques for the study of "freak-wave" phenomena.
She is responsible for the management of the CNR research infrastructure Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT), located in the North Adriatic Sea, including the thorough renovation program recently performed and she is appointed Office Manager for the Venice branch of the Institute of Marine Sciences of the National Research Council (CNR-ISMAR). She has contributed, as team member, to several studies related to inter-comparisons and cross-validation of wind and wave measured and modelled data, metrics development, timeseries and data analysis in environmental science and applications to climate change. In particular, she has taken part to the following projects and scientific research campaigns: a) FP7 Project "MyWave: A pan-European concerted and integrated approach to operational wave modelling and forecasting – a complement to GMES MyOcean services"; b) SARLUX Reconstruction of wave climate offshore Cagliari, with the aim of providing comprehensive statistics based on available in situ, satellite and model measurement data; c) Oceanographic campaign "CARPET, Characterizing Adriatic Region Preconditioing EvenTs" for the study of the phenomenon of dense water formation, relevant to the study of circulation in the Adriatic and Mediterranean basin; d) H2020 CEASELESS. Copernicus Evolution and Applications with Sentinel Enhancements and Land Effluents for Shores and Seas; e) Interreg CHANGE WE CARE Climate challenges on coastal and transitional changing areas: weaving a cross-Adriatic response; f) EUMETSAT-ESA Call for a Sentinel-6 Validation Team (S6VT) Project Validation of Sentinel 6 coastal sea level and wave height data in the Adriatic Sea (AdrLeWav); g) EUMETSAT Climatological Characterisation of Ocean Sites for OC-SVC project, dedicated to the development of the "European Copernicus infrastructure for Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration - EUropean RadiometrY Buoy and InfrAstructure (EURYBIA): Preliminary Design of the Copernicus Ocean Colour Vicarious Calibration Project: Infrastructure, Project Planning and Costing”; h) H2020 MAELSTROM “Smart technology for Marine Litter SusTainable RemOval and Management”. In particular she coordinates several contracts for the management of dedicated scientific campaigns on the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower, in the Northern Adriatic Sea.
Before starting her career as research scientist, she has been Founder and Associate Engineer at C+P Engineers Studio di Ingegneria Comerlati Pomaro, an engineering firm providing architectural and structural design services, and in particular numerical consultancy aimed at organisations, professional studios and companies operating in the civil and mechanical engineering sector, in Italy and abroad. The activity comprised also executive and constructive design of metal carpentry and reinforced concrete or wood works in the field of civil, industrial and infrastructure structures using advanced software for solid modelling and three-dimensional design, as well as global and detailed structural analyses by means of finite element simulations. The main works designed for foreign countries include the executive and construction design of the metal structures of the crushing plants for the doubling of the Panama Canal (Panama) and for the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (Ethiopia), the construction design of the machine structures for the launch of the ICA-WHSD bridge in St. Petersburg (Russia) and the Salorno Bridge launching project.
She has coordinated several dissemination activities run at the Institute of Marine Sciences and currently contributes to the project for training courses to support decisions and negotiations in complex contexts (School4SID, see In this field, she has also been appointed as co-chair at the EuroGOOS OL Working Group.
She has participated as a speaker at numerous national and international conferences, also as representative of the National Research Council of Italy (e.g. Delegate at the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) at the IAGA-IAMAS.IAPSO Joint Assembly 2017). She is the author of 14 indexed papers, with more than 184 citations and H-index equal to 7 (Orcid id 0000-0001-9351-071X, Scopus id 55848380000). She has also co-authored several technical reports.
Her social skills are: team spirit; negotiation, very good communication skills; good ability to adapt to multicultural environment, developed within the national and international working groups/projects, dissemination and oral presentations.
From the point of view of organizational skills and competences, she counts: coordination and management of work projects and activities; coordination and administration of groups of people and budgets, acquired through the different professional experiences managing autonomously the different activities respecting deadlines and prefixed objectives; ability to work in stressful conditions thanks to the skills acquired thanks to the management of relationships with the public/customers in the different working experiences and in particular through the experience of freelance in which the punctuality in the management and in the respect of the deadlines constituted minimum requirement; ability to manage different projects simultaneously and consolidated experience in the organization of scientific dissemination activities. She is adaptable and a team player with good persuading and negotiating abilities. She has a solid experience in work-team management (organization, planning, costing and logistics of campaigns, events, experiments), and she can provide active support to decision making.

Research products

11573/1698224 - 2023 - SEUPD@CLEF: Team DARDS - IR System for Short and Long Term Retrieval
Carlesso, Daniel; Gobbo, Riccardo; Merlo, Simone; Pomaro, Angela; Spinosa, Diego; Ferro, Nicola - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: CLEF2023 Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (Thessaloniki; Greece)
book: Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF-WN 2023) - ()

11573/1691224 - 2023 - Winds and waves in the Arabian Gulf: Physics, characteristics and long-term hindcast
Langodan, Sabique; Cavaleri, Luigi; Bertotti, Luciana; Qasem Ali, M.; Razak Shanas, Puthuveetil; Pomaro, Angela; Hoteit, Ibrahim - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY (United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Limited) pp. - - issn: 0899-8418 - wos: WOS:000943118000001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85150244242 (0)

11573/1671019 - 2022 - The 2015 exceptional swell in the Southern Pacific: Generation, advection, forecast and implied extremes
Cavaleri, Luigi; Benetazzo, Alvise; Bertotti, Luciana; Bidlot, Jean-Raimond; Pomaro, Angela; Portilla-Yandun, Jesus - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY (-Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press, 1963-) pp. - - issn: 0079-6611 - wos: WOS:000856893400001 (4) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85135496272 (4)

11573/1672121 - 2021 - The Mediterranean sea we want
Cappelletto, Margherita; Santoleri, Rosalia; Evangelista, Lorenza; Galgani, Francois; Garces, Esther; Giorgetti, Alessandra; Fava, Fabio; Herut, Barak; Hilmi, Karim; Kholeif, Suzan; Lorito, Stefano; Sammari, Cherif; Lianos Monica, Campillos; Celussi, Mauro; D'alelio, Domenico; Francocci, Fedra; Giorgi, Giordano; Canu Donata, Melaku; Organelli, Emanuele; Pomaro, Angela; Sannino, Gianmaria; Segou, Margarita; Simoncelli, Simona; Babeyko, Andrey; Barbanti, Andrea; Chang-Seng, Denis; Cardin, Vanessa; Casotti, Raffaella; Drago, Aldo; El Asmi, Souha; Eparkhina, Dina; Fichaut, Michele; Hema, Tatjiana; Procaccini, Gabriele; Santoro, Francesca; Scoullos, Michael; Solidoro, Cosimo; Trincardi, Fabio; Tunesi, Leonardo; Umgiesser, Georg; Zingone, Adriana; Ballerini, Tosca; Chaffai, Amel; Coppini, Giovanni; Gruber, Sieglinde; Knezevic, Jelena; Leone, Gaetano; Penca, Jerneja; Pinardi, Nadia; Petihakis, George; Rio, Marie-Helen; Said, Mohamed; Siokouros, Zacharias; Srour, Abdellah; Snoussi, Maria; Tintore, Joaquin; Vassilopoulou, Vassiliki; Zavatarelli, Marco - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: OCEAN AND COASTAL RESEARCH (São Paulo SP: Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto Oceanográfico) pp. - - issn: 2675-2824 - wos: WOS:000747950800004 (11) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85120806777 (12)

11573/1671035 - 2021 - An exceptionally high wave at the CNR-ISMAR oceanographic tower in the Northern Adriatic Sea
Cavaleri, Luigi; Barbariol, Francesco; Bastianini, Mauro; Benetazzo, Alvise; Bertotti, Luciana; Pomaro, Angela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SCIENTIFIC DATA (Springer Nature London: Nature Publishing Group) pp. - - issn: 2052-4463 - wos: WOS:000616393500003 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85099934929 (7)

11573/1671028 - 2021 - Synergic use of altimeter and model sea level data in inner and coastal seas
Cavaleri, Luigi; Bertotti, Luciana; Ferrarin, Christian; Passaro, Marcello; Pezzutto, Paolo; Pomaro, Angela - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT (Elsevier Science Incorporated / NY Journals:Madison Square Station, PO Box 882:New York, NY 10159:(212)633-3730, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (212)633-3680) pp. - - issn: 0034-4257 - wos: WOS:000663448100003 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85107833747 (1)

11573/1672132 - 2020 - Wind waves in the Adriatic Sea under a severe climate change scenario and implications for the coasts
Bonaldo, Davide; Bucchignani, Edoardo; Pomaro, Angela; Ricchi, Antonio; Sclavo, Mauro; Carniel, Sandro - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY (United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Limited) pp. 5389-5406 - issn: 0899-8418 - wos: WOS:000515471000001 (17) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85088583751 (17)

11573/1672129 - 2020 - European Radiometry Buoy and Infrastructure (EURYBIA): A Contribution to the Design of the European Copernicus Infrastructure for Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration
Liberti Gian, Luigi; D'alimonte, Davide; Di Sarra, Alcide; Mazeran, Constant; Voss, Kenneth; Yarbrough, Mark; Bozzano, Roberto; Cavaleri, Luigi; Colella, Simone; Cesarini, Claudia; Kajiyama, Tamito; Meloni, Daniela; Pomaro, Angela; Volpe, Gianluca; Yang, Chunxue; Zagolski, Francis; Santoleri, Rosalia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: REMOTE SENSING (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International) pp. - - issn: 2072-4292 - wos: WOS:000537709600128 (9) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85084253432 (9)

11573/1672136 - 2019 - The October 29, 2018 storm in Northern Italy – An exceptional event and its modeling
Cavaleri, Luigi; Bajo, Marco; Barbariol, Francesco; Bastianini, Mauro; Benetazzo, Alvise; Bertotti, Luciana; Chiggiato, Jacopo; Davolio, Silvio; Ferrarin, Christian; Magnusson, Linus; Papa, Alvise; Pezzutto, Paolo; Pomaro, Angela; Umgiesser, Georg - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY (-Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press, 1963-) pp. - - issn: 0079-6611 - wos: WOS:000496861900019 (75) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85072577441 (76)

11573/1672142 - 2018 - Unraveling climatic wind and wave trends in the Red Sea using wave spectra partitioning
Langodan, Sabique; Cavaleri, Luigi; Pomaro, Angela; Portilla, Jesus; Abualnaja, Yasser; Hoteit, Ibrahim - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF CLIMATE (American Meteorological Society:45 Beacon Street:Boston, MA 02108:(617)227-2425, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (617)742-8718) pp. 1881-1895 - issn: 0894-8755 - wos: WOS:000427438100012 (14) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85041948769 (16)

11573/1672139 - 2018 - 39 years of directional wave recorded data and relative problems, climatological implications and use
Pomaro, Angela; Cavaleri, Luigi; Papa, Alvise; Lionello, Piero - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: SCIENTIFIC DATA (Springer Nature London: Nature Publishing Group) pp. - - issn: 2052-4463 - wos: WOS:000438869200002 (20) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85050373350 (21)

11573/1672150 - 2017 - The climatology of the Red Sea – part 2: the waves
Langodan, Sabique; Cavaleri, Luigi; Pomaro, Angela; Vishwanadhapalli, Yesubabu.; Bertotti, Luciana; Hoteit, Ibrahim - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY (United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Limited) pp. 4518-4528 - issn: 0899-8418 - wos: WOS:000414329800003 (29) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85019015690 (32)

11573/1672145 - 2017 - The climatology of the Red Sea – part 1: the wind
Langodan, Sabique; Cavaleri, Luigi; Vishwanadhapalli, Yesubabu; Pomaro, Angela; Bertotti, Luciana; Hoteit, Ibrahim - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY (United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Limited) pp. 4509-4517 - issn: 0899-8418 - wos: WOS:000414329800002 (61) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85019174462 (65)

11573/1672155 - 2017 - Climatology and trends of the Adriatic Sea wind waves: analysis of a 37-year long instrumental data set
Pomaro, Angela; Cavaleri, Luigi; Lionello, Piero - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY (United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Limited) pp. 4237-4250 - issn: 0899-8418 - wos: WOS:000412095400001 (36) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85018631947 (39)

11573/1672122 - 2016 - The 1966 flooding of Venice: What time taught us for the future
Trincardi, Fabio; Barbanti, Andrea; Bastianini, Mauro; Benetazzo, Alvise; Cavaleri, Luigi; Chiggiato, Jacopo; Papa, Alvise; Pomaro, Angela; Sclavo, Mauro; Tosi, Luigi; Umgiesser, Georg - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: OCEANOGRAPHY (Oceanography Society:104 Lynch Street:Rockville, MD 20850:(301)251-7708, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (301)251-7709) pp. 178-186 - issn: 1042-8275 - wos: WOS:000390560400020 (47) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85008514431 (53)

11573/1672177 - 2013 - Accuracy of global and high resolution models in stormy conditions
Cavaleri, Luigi; Bertotti, Luciana; Pomaro, Angela - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2013 (Anchorage, AK, usa)
book: Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference - ()

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma