PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
phone: 3349600926
building: Botanica
room: N°: 04

co-supervisor: Simone Ferrari

Research: Bio-based conversion of agricultural waste biomasses into products for sustainable crop protection

My name is Tonanzi Andrea, and I was born in Rome on March 16, 1996; I graduated from Sapienza in 2019 in Agro-Industrial Biotechnology, a bachelor's degree course, thanks to the discussion of an experimental thesis focused on isolation and characterization of microbial strains producing bioactive molecules.
Subsequently I continued my studies, still at Sapienza, graduating in 2021 in Genomic, Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology; during my internship I focused on the characterization of the long-term effects induced by some elicitors on the model organism Arabidopsis Thaliana.
In November 2022 I started a Ph.D, in Sapienza laboratories, in Cellular and Developmental Biology based on Bio-based conversion of agricultural waste biomasses into products for sustainable crop protection.

Research products

11573/1730421 - 2024 - Arabidopsis plants with defective hydrolysis of indole glucosinolates show increased resistance to the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea
Tonanzi, Andrea; Diomaiuti, Alessandra; Lorrai, Riccardo; Bednarek, Pawel; Ferrari, Simone - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: XVII FISV Congress (Padova)
book: Poster in XVII FISV Congress - ()

11573/1695956 - 2023 - Priming of special metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana mediates elicitor-induced resistance to fungal infection
Diomaiuti, Alessandra; Tonanzi, Andrea; Lorrai, Riccardo; Pislewska-Bednarek, Mariola; Piasecka, Anna; Bednarek, Pawel; Ferrari, Simone - 04f Poster
conference: XII National Conference of the Italian Society of Plant Biology (Bari; Italy)
book: Abstract Book SIBV 2023 - ()

11573/1695959 - 2023 - Priming of special metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana mediates elicitor-induced resistance to fungal infection
Diomaiuti, Alessandra; Tonanzi, Andrea; Lorrai, Riccardo; Pislewska-Bednarek, Mariola; Piasecka, Anna; Bednarek, Pawel; Ferrari, Simone - 04f Poster
conference: Plant Biology Europe 2023 (Marseilles; France)
book: PBE abstract book - ()

11573/1726525 - 2023 - Elicitor-Induced Transgenerational Priming of Defense Responses in Arabidopsis thaliana
Tonanzi, Andrea; Diomaiuti, Alessandra; Ferrari, Simone - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Congress of the Italian Society of Plant Biology (Bari; Italia)
book: Abstract book Congress of the Italian Society of Plant Biology - ()

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