Dottore di ricerca

ciclo: XXXV

relatore: Prof. Stefano Bellomo

Titolo della tesi: Attivazione delle politiche occupazionali e incremento delle prestazioni del Ministero Pubblico Brasiliano - concetti di workfare per far leva sui progetti di inserimento

This work aims to contribute to the performance of the Brazilian Public Ministry of Labor (Labor Prosecution Office) in the field of public policies, notably those aimed at employment, proposing visitation of the workfare state doctrine. The activation of traditional measures aimed at the labormarket, basically the State benefits provided to the unemployed, is a well-established trend promoted by the International Labor Organization itself, going far beyond old recommendations on the need for national placement services. The pursuit of full employment in developing countries, however, faces additional challenges, due to several factors, including political instability, a culture of informality, and a lack of planning for economic development. In Brazil, a specialized labor judiciary has been fulfilling an important mission in the solution of disputes arising from individual and collective regulation, applying a consolidated Labor Law already in the 40’s. However, as for the other vectors of the labor tripod, namely, unemployment protection and active policies for the labor market, these are issues that are less faced, and that are gradually being faced by the Public Ministry of Labor, from the new order. Constitution of the late 80’s, which on the one hand signaled for a plural and democratic sociality, on the other hand bet on the ministerial institution as an agent defending the democratic and social state, reinforcing the prerogatives of the Prosecutors. The study uses the methodology of bibliographic review of Spanish and Brazilian authors, including consultation of official community and Mercosur texts, in order to support a critically propositional analysis regarding two initiatives of the Public Ministry of Labor aimed at enhancing the employability of two groups, namely, rescued from operations to combat slave labor, and adolescents subject to socio-educational measures, and basically focused on professional training. Initially, the research introduces the panorama of the centrality of work, which remains in contemporaneity, despite currents of thought questioning the current paradigm of the division of roles and wealth. The conclusion seems to be that the peculiar role that the Public Ministry of Labor proposes to play with regard to public policy has constitutional authorization, and can be enhanced by the dogmatics of complementarity of actions, which tend to work if they are heterogeneous, intense, focused to specific groups, and with rigorous monitoring and validation. The broadening of the view of the new “policymaker” tends to increase the initial results of the academic research presented, on data from initiatives based on a single training policy, which did not point to an improvement in employability. Moreover, this call for a holistic view of the labor tripod and employment policies as a whole, by the analyzed institution, can work as an important input in the desire to transform it into a Public Ministry that is less responsive to complaints, but more proactive in their noble constitutional missions, among them the defense of social rights, such as decent work. Keywords: Centrality of work. Judicialization of social rights. Brazilian labor prosecution office profile. Slavery. Learning of socio-educated adolescents. Complementarity of active employment policies.

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