Full professor


Born in Roma in 1968, he had is his PhD in Romance Philology and Medieval Culture at Università di Bologna «Alma Mater» in 1997 and his degree in Romance Philology at Università di Roma «La Sapienza» in 1993.

His research interests mostly concern the textual tradition of medieval french romance, and also include origins and tradition of the modern romance lyrics from provençal troubadours to Petrarca.

From 2008 to 2010 he directed the Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca su Traduzione e Tradizione at Cassino University, where he works since 1998-1999, teaching Romance Philology and Linguistics undergraduate, graduate and doctoral courses about the origins of romance languages and literatures, namely medieval french novels, medieval poetry since provençal lyrics to Petrarca, early castillan epics.

He coordinated the research program on «Lirica e romanzo in versi nella Francia medievale: repertorio tematico e lessicale» at the Dipartimento di Linguistica e Letterature Comparate of Università di Cassino, as a branch of the national project on «Biblioteca e strumenti della lirica romanza dalle origini al XIV secolo» (cofin MIUR 2004).

Within the same research program, he coordinated the workshop on «Words and Themes in the French Medieval Novels» («Consistenza lessicale e articolazioni tematiche del romanzo medievale», Gaeta oct. 2006).

He is part of the editorial board of the scientific international journals «Critica del Testo» and «Segno e Testo». He conceived and Published in collaboration with Fabio Massimo Bertolo, Paolo Canettieri and Carlo Pulsoni the journal of Romance Philology and Comparative Literature «Antico Moderno» (1995-2001) and the open-access online journal «Cognitive Philology» («Rivista di Filologia Cognitiva» since jan. 2003- ) in collaboration with Paolo Canettieri.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma