
ciclo: XXXVII

supervisore: Jacob Weisdorf
co-supervisore: Carlo D'Ippoliti

I am a Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Economics and Law of Sapienza University in Rome, and a member of the interdisciplinary research community of the Sapienza School for Advanced Studies. I earned my M.Sc. in Economics at Sapienza University in 2021, and my B.A. in Economic Sciences in 2019, at Sapienza as well. My reasearch interests are in development and growth; my current research agenda takes a historical approach and focuses on the African continent. My doctoral project is called "Love thy neighbour as thyself?", and it deals with the economics of ethnic diversity in the perspective of long-run development, in relation to heterogeneous colonial policies and, in particular, the Christian missionary expansion. I am specializing in the use of GIS and spatial econometrics.

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