Research: Patrimonialization of archaeomusicological assets in Europe. Data and future prospects
The research aims, in a first phase, to outline the state of the art of the process of patrimonialisation of assets relating to musical archaeology, examining what has been done in Europe in the last fifteen years. Starting from the census, mapping and analysis of temporary and permanent museum exhibition itineraries, educational-laboratory activities and performance practices, we investigate the choices made by the institutions and promoting bodies, trying to understand the motivations and relationship with the socio-cultural context where they were implemented. Following the analysis of the current situation, the aim is to outline a new valorization proposal, aimed at the implementation of a heritage education project that can contribute not only to the transmission of the archaeomusicological heritage, but above all to the development of a creative dialogue with the community artistic-cultural and social that guards it and the consequent birth and consolidation of an identity bond with it.