Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications impose a strong, unprecedented demand for high-performance and/or power-efficient digital processing VLSI devices. Research activities carried out at the Laboratory of Digital Systems span all the abstraction levels of the digital VLSI design flow, namely hardware/software platform level, register transfer level (RTL) and circuit level.
Specific fields of competence covered at LSD lab are:
Advanced embedded HW/SW development:
Linux, Embedded Linux, kernel programming, driver development
ARM, PIC, STM32 embedded system SW development
Zigbee-compatible wireless-sensor-networks
Architecture modeling/evaluation (single- & multi-core):
ARM, Leon, ST200, domain-specific (e.g. fuzzy, DSP)
Modeling languages: QEMU, SystemC, C, VHDL
RTL semi-custom IP design and IP integration:
arithmetic units, codecs, JPEG2000 compression, neural architectures
FPGA and ASIC flow (primarily VHDL based)
Circuit design:
CMOS cell design, timing, power, reliability analysis (SPICE level)
Self-timing, delay insensitive logic, globally-synch-locally-synch.
Research topics include:
Performance optimization of microprocessor platforms in specific applications;
Power optimization, low voltage microarchitectures;
Variability aware circuits and microarchitectures;
Facilities avalaible at LSD lab are the following:
HW Facilities:
200MHz Digital Oscilloscope
100MHZ Logic state analyzer
PCB development tools
FPGA Xilinx Spartan6 dev. boards
FPGA Xilinx Virtex dev. boards
STM Nucleo (ARM Cortex M3) dev. boards
Microchip PIC32 and DSPic dev. boards
Intel Galileo dev. boards
Raspberry Pi dev. boards
Atmel AVR (ATmega) dev. board (in house design)
FPGA Spartan3 dev. board (in house design)
SW facilities:
Cadence/Synopsys design flow (PDK ST 45nm, ST 28 nm)
Xilinx ISE design flow
Modelsim/Questasim/Synplify VHDL envinronment
HSPICE, NGSPICE, SPECTRE circuit simulators
QEMU, MPARM, SoCLib architecture simulators
gcc embedded cross toolchains
Microchip MPLAB
Available PhD research topics can be summarized as the design and modeling of power-aware and variation-aware microprocessor architectures and circuits for IoT.
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For further information on how to join, please contact the researchers at LSD lab: