
Attività formative e seminariali



From 50 years of a malaria-free Italy towards a malaria-free World

I 50 anni dalla dichiarazione dell'eradicazione della malaria in Italia

Breakthroughs in knowledge of Plasmodium vivax malaria: is vivax still a neglected human malaria parasite?

COVID-19: Facing a multi(face)phase pandemic
from September 17 to October 8 every thursday
Relevance After so many editions, the PhD Day represents a traditional, successful event in the activities of the PhD in Infectious diseases, microbiology and public health. The 11th Seminar of PhD students has been delayed and will be carried out online, due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, this tragical event, that has dramatically affected people’s life all over the world, will be the core of the topics considered. Objectives The event aims at encouraging sharing and spreading the PhD students’ results and research projects. Their works will be presented as either oral communications or abstracts. This will permit to a wide audience to get in touch with the most updated researches in the field. Structure The Seminar will be held online on Google Meet platform and it will be scheduled in four days, each characterized by an in-depth analysis of topics related to the pandemic, such as the establishment of predictive models, the clinical, diagnostic and anatomopathological aspects, the effects of social distancing and the impact of the pandemic on the socially less-favoured people.
“Resilienza e Impatto” - HIV e COVID: due epidemie a confronto

Attività di ricerca e didattica nei Paesi a risorse limitate

La ricerca in Sanità Pubblica: applicazioni e prospettive future

Malaria: un viaggio nel tempo e nello spazio. Dialogo impossibile tra due malariologi, in Italia e in Africa, a cento anni di distanza

“SARS-CoV-2 Biology and COVID-19: current research and perspectives”.
We are pleased to announce the virtual edition of the Congress of the Italian Federation of Life Sciences (FISV) on COVID19, which will take place on September 16, 2020.
Corso di comunicazione scientifica



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