Study plan for the academic year 2021/2022

List of courses / activities for the first year

1st year seminars (november 2021-march 2022) 30
Seminario Interdisciplinare in Scienze del Testo "Armando Petrucci" 10
Digitizing the Monaci Archive - Digital scholarly editions Lab 10
Laboratori linguistici 5
Laboratorio di editoria digitale (marcatura dei testi in XML): partecipazione alle attività delle ricerche LRM (Lirica Medievale Romanza: ed EDV (Epigraphic Database Vernacular 5

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Students must attend a series of seminars held from November 2021 to March 2022 (programme attached).

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Each student discusses and formalizes his/her research topic with members of the Collegio who specilize in his/her area.

Admission to the second year

Students in order to be admitted to the following year present a formal seminar to the Collegio.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Seminario Interdisciplinare in Scienze del Testo "Armando Petrucci" 20
Collaboration with the editorial board of «Cognitive Philology», «Critica del Testo», and «Studj Romanzi» 20
Digitizing the Monaci Archive - Digital scholarly editions Lab 20

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Students attend all seminars and the activities of the Laboratorio Monaci, which - in their second year - entail the publication of their digitisations of texts.

Method of preparation of the thesis

Students discuss and finalize on methodologies and deadlines with their tutors.

Admission to the third year

Students in order to be admitted to the following year present a formal seminar to the Collegio.

List of courses / activities for the third year

Seminario Interdisciplinare in Scienze del Testo "Armando Petrucci" 20
Collaboration with the editorial board of «Cognitive Philology», «Critica del Testo», and «Studj Romanzi» 20

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Students concentrate mainly on their theses, bt carry on, in as far as possible with seminars and editorial work

Method of admission to the final examination

Students discuss their work in front of the whole Collegio. If approved, the thesis proceeds to the external reviewers and pending their assessment proceeds to the final examination panel.

Final examination

Public oral examination

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