Study plan for the academic year 2021/2022

List of courses / activities for the first year

Inglese scientifico 3
Banche dati bibliografiche - cataloghi biblioteche - Open access 1
Sicurezza in laboratorio 2
Sperimentazione animale 1
Seminari dei membri del Collegio Docenti Dottorato 0
Seminari di ricercatori italiani o stranieri 0
Physiochemical properties of drugs and drug-like molecules/ADME/PK and dose prediction. 27/04/2020 Dr. Franco Lombardo 0
Physiochemical properties of drugs and drug-like molecules/ADME/PK and dose prediction. 28/04/2020 Dr. Franco Lombardo 0
Physiochemical properties of drugs and drug-like molecules/ADME/PK and dose prediction. 29/04/2020 Dr. Franco Lombardo 0
Ingesgible nanocomposites for drug delivery. 06/07/2020 Prof. Giovanna Lollo 0
Nanomedicines targeting to the tumor: expectations, pitfalls and outcome.06/05/2020 Prof.Stefano Salmaso 0
Nanocarriers of activehydrophobic compounds targeting multidrug resistant tumors.19/10/2020 Prof. Catherine Passirani 0
Challenges in computational medicine: from bench to bedside. 16/10/2020 Prof. Domenico Alvaro 0
Nanoconstructs for Theranostics: from In Silico to In Vitro preclinical models. 30/10/2020 Prof. Paolo Decuzzi 0
From EXCornsEED: Separation, fractionation and isolation of biologically active natural substances from corn oil and other side streams. 24/02/2020 Prof. Giancarlo Fabrizi 0
Chiral photon/chiral molecule interaction as a spectroscopic tool for chiral recognition.30/07/2020 Prof. Stefano Stranges 0
Nanocarriers of active hydrophobic compounds targeting multidrug resistant tumors. 19/10/2020 Prof.ssa Catherine PASSIRANI 0
Liposomes a journey towards 40 years of research. 29/11/2019 prof Elias Fattal 0
A new ortho-allylation of phenols, enabled by alumina and inspired by antibiotic cannabinoids. 22/11/2019 Prof. J. Magolan 0
Heterochiral Peptide Assembly: Entry to Wonderland through the Mirror. 23/11/2020 Silvia Marchesan 0
Inglese Scientifico. Scuola BEMM 3
Banche dati bibliografiche – cataloghi biblioteche – Open access. Scuola BEMM 1
Sperimentazione Animale. Scuola BEMM 1
Sicurezza in laboratorio. Scuola BEMM 1
Bioinformatics: Theory and Applications from Genomes to Drugs. Scuola BEMM 3
Misconducting Research Integrity. Scuola BEMM 1
Biostatistica. Scuola BEMM 2
Biotecnologie e brevetti. Scuola BEMM 1
Scientific Writing – Comunicazione Scientifica – Public speaking. Scuola BEMM 1
MSCA Actions. Scuola BEMM 1
10th BEMM symposium. Scuola BEMM 1
Spin off – Start up. Scuola BEMM 1
Practical approaches of human genomics / metagenomics of human microbiota. Scuola BEMM 1

More information

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Admission to the second year

List of courses / activities for the second year

Bioinformatics: Theory and Applications from Genomes to Drugs 3
Fundamentals of Enzyme Kinetics 1
Drug Discovery & Delivery 3
Biostatistica 2
Seminari dei membri del Collegio Docenti Dottorato 0
Seminari di ricercatori italiani o stranieri 0

More information

Method of preparation of the thesis

Admission to the third year

List of courses / activities for the third year

Attivita della scuola BEMM symposium 0
Seminari tenuti da docenti del collegio 0
Seminari tenuti da ricercatori italiani o stranieri 0
Proprietà intellettuale nel settore chimico e biotecnologico - Paola Pace 6
Biophysical Sciences: Nanomedicine - Giulio Caracciolo 10
Epigenetic Polypharmacology - Antonello Mai 4
Alternative career in science - Associazione Giovanile Laboratorio 11 2

More information

Method of admission to the final examination

Final examination

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