Study plan for the academic year 2021/2022

List of courses / activities for the first year

Letteratura greca e latina 1
Filologia classica 1
Letteratura greca e latina medievale e umanistica 1
Storia greca e romana 1
Epigrafia greca e latina 1
Storia del vicino oriente antico e epigrafia semitica 1
Egittologia e civiltà copta 1
Assiriologia e anatolistica 1
Filologia, religioni e storia dell'Iran 1
Letteratura cristiana antica 1

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The training plan includes both lectures and seminars and laboratories for a total of 10 CFU corresponding to 80 hours of which 40 hours minimum of frontal teaching and the rest of seminars and laboratories. The remaining CFU are acquired by the PhD students through the research work conducted under the constant supervision of tutors.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

The subject is indicated in the research project, which, presented at the time of the announcement, is one of the most important evaluation titles. The subject is then presented to the Board of Professor of the PhD, which is responsible for the approval and the indication of one or more tutors.

Admission to the second year

PhD students, at the end of the academic year, present to the Board of Professor a detailed written and oral report of all the activities they have carried out and report on the progress of research for the thesis.

List of courses / activities for the second year

Seminari di Letteratura greca "Luigi Enrico Rossi" 1
Lezioni e seminari di lingue, letterature e culture di Grecia e Roma 2
Laboratorio Theatron. Progetto Teatro Antico alla Sapienza 1
Lezioni e seminari di cultura nella tarda antichità, letteratura latina medievale e bizantina 1
Lezioni e seminari di storia greca e romana 1
Lezioni e seminari di epigrafia greca e latina 1
Lezioni e seminari di storia del vicino oriente antico e di epigrafia semitica 1
Lezioni e seminari di filologia dell'oriente antico 1
Lezioni e seminari di epigrafia orientale antica 1

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The training plan includes both lectures and seminars and laboratories for a total of 10 CFU corresponding to 80 hours of which 30 hours minimum of frontal teaching and the rest of seminars and laboratories. The remaining CFU are acquired by the PhD students through the research work conducted under the constant supervision of tutors.

Method of preparation of the thesis

Library research work and writing of first chapters of the dissertation with constant supervision and advice from faculty members acting as mentors.

Admission to the third year

PhD students, at the end of the Academic Year, present to the Board of Professor a detailed written and oral report of all the activities they have carried out and report on the progress of their research for the thesis.

List of courses / activities for the third year

Lezioni e seminari organizzati dai Dipartimenti ai quali afferiscono i docenti del Collegio 5
Seminari organizzati dai dottorandi iscritti al terzo anno 5

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The training plan includes both lectures and seminars and laboratories for a total of 10 CFU corresponding to 80 hours of which 20 hours minimum of frontal teaching and the rest of seminars and laboratories. The remaining CFU are acquired by the PhD students through the research work conducted under the constant supervision of tutors.

Method of admission to the final examination

The PhD student submits a detailed report of activities during the third year and a detailed report of the progress of the thesis. Theses are submitted for evaluation by two specialists outside the Board, who may approve the thesis or request additional time to improve it. Once the approval of the external evaluators has been obtained, the tutor and cotutor submit a detailed report on the candidate's thesis and apply to the Board of Professor for admission to the final examination.

Final examination

The candidate discusses the doctoral dissertation before a committee of three external members who make the final judgment.

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