Study plan for the academic year 2021/2022

List of courses / activities for the first year

Cycle of seminars on the main astrophysics observatories form the ground 3
Cycle of seminars on the main astrophysics observatories form space 3
Communicating your results to your colleagues (and the public) 2
Seminars (at least 6 during the year) 2
Written review on the scientific topic of the thesis project - September 2022 4
Communicating your results to your colleagues and the pubblic 6
Budgeting Science the funds Universe - Importance in research and innovation 6

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The main activity is a course that provides highlights on a selection of experiments from ground and from space that are ongoing or planned for the next decade. The course illustrates the experimental challenges, the expected science outcome, interactions and complementarities among different experiments.

Method of choosing the subject of the thesis

Each student ranks 4 possible theses, from the list made available in advance by the hosting institutes. The list offers about 60 possibilities, and includes abstracts and contacts of the proposers. During the first month, the coordinator assigns the topic to each student.

Admission to the second year

PhD students start working on the thesis from first year, in close collaboration with the tutor. To pass the end of year evaluation, each PhD student is required to write a review on the scientific issues of specific interest to the topic of the thesis. The same review is presented in the Astrophysics Workshop publicly and in the presence of the entire Teaching Council. See

List of courses / activities for the second year

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Method of preparation of the thesis

Admission to the third year

List of courses / activities for the third year

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Method of admission to the final examination

Final examination

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