The nervous system of mammals is generated by complex genetic and epigenetic programs that guarantee a defined structure already at birth. Sensitive, motor, sensorial and cognitive stimuli, through interaction with the environment, have a key role in redefining neural "circuits" after birth. This set of modifications is generically called plasticity, to include biochemical, structural modifications and neurogenesis. Genetic, pharmacological and environmental factors can modulate this plasticity, through mechanisms that are the subject of continuous cultural acquisition The objective of this Doctorate will be the evaluation of changes over time in perception, memory or cognitive processing abilities following sensory or brain damage. In recent years, growing attention has been paid to the role of systemic factors in modifying the nervous response to external stimuli or in modulating repair processes, which are affected by immune-mediated factors, in turn influenced by conditions traditionally considered extraneous to the brain. such as the microbiota. Neuro-plasticity concerns behavioral areas of psychiatric interest, including, mainly, the phenomenon of addiction and phenomena of altered motivational behavior in general, including eating disorders, gambling and drug abuse. Molecular Biology will help to define the measurable variables associated with reparative processes, and possibly to explain in ways typical of Precision Medicine the mechanisms underlying the variability of individual responses. The central and founding element is the integration of knowledge and skills. The Doctorate will develop through different curricular profiles: 1- curriculum in psychiatry, neurology, neurosurgery, neuroradiology and neuropsychiatric rehabilitation involves the interdisciplinary study of the neurobiological and mental processes that underlie the main cerebral functions (cognition, consciousness, memory, thought, learning) and psychic functions (affection, empathy) and their behavioral sequelae. 2- curriculum concerns the study of the various sensory functions in correlation with the cognitive alterations typical of states of senile dementia. 3- curriculum in plastic-dermatological microsurgery involves studying in depth, through an interdisciplinary approach, the structure and ultrastructure of the skin and neurosensory receptors, as well as the neurobiological processes underlying the functions of mechanoreceptive, thermal, pain and erogenous sensitivity, also taking into consideration the consequences in relationship life. Particular attention will then be dedicated to the study of degenerative, post-surgical and post-traumatic sensory defects. |