Call for application 38° cycle

Educational goals and objectives

In the 37 years of its running, Italian Studies Ph.D. at "La Sapienza" University has represented an important reference point - not only in the Italian context but also abroad - for research training in fields which are relevant to the study of Italian Literature and literary cultures since the Middle Ages, both in the Italian Language and in the other languages of
Italian Literature (such as Latin and Italian dialects).

Based on such targets, the Ph.D. Program has organized specific educational pathways, with cycles of lectures for Ph.D. students, as well as seminars and conferences with Italian and foreign scholars on issues related to the research of postgraduates students.

The Ph.D. Board carefully assess the consistency of this educational path (as in the past, and taking into account the new dispositions concerning doctoral programs) and its specific didactic program, with the educational needs of the graduate students first and foremost, aiming at providing the doctoral students with opportunities to
gain experience in different fields, provided that they are coherent as for methods and instruments, and the ongoing reformation of the doctoral programs.

Particularly, the goal of the PhD program in Italian Studies at La Sapienza is to promote education in:
1. philological research on Italian Literary writers textual tradition, both handwritten and printed, in order to form students, who have this specific interest, to make critical editions of high quality texts, with fundamental and innovative ecdotic techniques;
2. historical and critical research on the whole of Italian Literature, in order to provide students, who develop this particular interest, with the fundamental and most innovative instruments to produce high quality studies on the issues of periodization and characterization of the different phases and typologies of Italian literature, and the dynamic of its cultural models, Italian writers experiences, analysis, interpretation and evaluation of texts, their form and style, their reception and tradition;
3. an awareness of contemporary critical methods and theories and the comparative framework of literary traditions and literary cultures, both in the longue durée and the present of our tradition, with researches on the diffusion of Italian literature and Italian cultural models abroad, the intellectual emigration, non-native Italian writers, and native Italian
writers in other languages;
4. improvement of bibliographic and digital skills with workshops and activities;
5. to learn how to participate, with adequate information, to competitive tenders.

Specifiche economiche

Tipologia 1: DM118
Transizione digitale Generiche Pubblica Amministrazione Patrimonio culturale

Tipologia 2: DM117 Tipologia 3: PE/PNC/CN/TP Tipologia 4:Enti terzi
0 0 1

Tipologia 5: Sapienza Senza borsa
4 1

Tematiche, curriculum e competenze specifiche
Themes, curriculum and specific competence

C - PNRR351 - non associata a curriculum

- Testi della letteratura italiana on line - costruzione di risorse digitali
Competenze richieste: Buona conoscenza in tema di digital humanities; piena informazione sui principali progetti italiani ed europei destinati alla pubblicazione on line delle risorse e dei testi della letteratura italiana.
- Texts of Italian literature online - building digital resources
Required skills: Good knowledge in digital humanities; full information on the main Italian and European projects aimed at the online publication of resources and texts of Italian literature.

F - ENTI TERZI - non associata a curriculum

- Poesia italiana del Rinascimento in lingua latina: l’Eroticon di Tito V. Strozzi
Ente finanziatore: Dipartimento di Lettere e Culture moderne
Competenze richieste: Si richiedono le seguenti competenze: a) conoscenza della tradizione lirica classica, medievale e rinascimentale, con specifica attenzione per quella tre-quattrocentesca in lingua latina; b) padronanza della metodologia filologica, comprovata dagli studi finora condotti; c) capacità di orientarsi tra gli strumenti di ricerca documentaria e testuale oggi disponibili.
- Italian Renaissance poetry in Latin: the Eroticon by Tito V. Strozzi
Founded by: Dipartimento di Lettere e Culture moderne
Required skills: The following skills are required: a) knowledge of the classical, medieval and Renaissance lyric tradition, with specific attention to 14th-15th century poetry in Latin; b) mastery of the philological methodology, proven by the studies carried out up to now; c) ability to orient oneself among the documentary and textual research tools available today.

Il candidato sceglierà una tematica in fase di presentazione della candidatura on line

Admission Procedure

Qualifications assessment Criteria for evaluation of titles (max. 10 points)

Titles will be evaluated with particular regard to their relevance to the Ph.D. in Italianistics.

In particular, the following titles will be evaluated:

post-graduate training courses (max. 3 points)
collaborations in research programs (max. 3 points)
scientific publications (max. 4 points)

Research project evaluation Research project (max. 50 points)

To be admitted to the PhD oral examination, the candidate must present a project that can make an assessment of his or her research inclination and his or her ability to independently design and organize the different phases of the project.

The project should not exceed a maximum length of 20,000 characters (including spaces). The
exceeding this limit, even minimal, will result in exclusion from the evaluation.

The project submitted in the competition does not constitute an obligation, for the admitted candidates, in the performance of research activities during the doctoral program.

II particular will be evaluated:

- Knowledge of the state of the art (max 10 points)
- Originality and innovative content (max 10 points)
- Clarity and completeness of the exposition of the objectives, methodologies and
potential results (max 10 points)
- Feasibility of the project (max 10 points)
- Relevance of the project to the educational objectives of the doctoral program (max 10 points)

Summing the evaluation of the titles and the evaluation of the Research Project, the minimum score to be admitted to the oral test is 40 points.
language ITALIANO

Oral interview The interview in Italian is aimed at verifying the preparation, skills and aptitude
of the candidate to research with specific reference to the submitted research project (max.
30 points).

Language test (max 10 points).

The minimum score, including the language test, of the oral examination is 30 points out of a
a maximum of 40.
language ITALIANO

contacts and info

Curriculum studiorum

Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree
Certificates of participation in post-graduate university courses
certificates of Participation in research groups

Required documentation

§ research project
mandatory, the file must be uploaded within 25/08/2022

§ List of publications
optional, the file must be uploaded within 25/08/2022

Language Skills

the candidate will have to know one among

Exam Schedule

Qualifications assessment
notesfino a esaurimento valutazione dei candidati
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication09/09/2022

Altra tipologia (Research project evaluation)
classroomAula C Dip. di Lettere e Culture moderne, IV piano
addressPiazzale Aldo Moro 5, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication09/09/2022

Oral interview
classroomAula C Dip. di Lettere e Culture moderne, IV piano
addressPiazzale Aldo Moro 5, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
publication on notice boardNO
publication on the web siteYes
web site
date of publication19/09/2022

Evaluation scale

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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma