PhD Student

PhD program:: XL
email: yuanhang.fu@uniroma1.it
building: Department of Psychology
room: 3G - Laboratory of Personality and Individual Diferences

supervisor: Prof.ssa Concetta Pastorelli
co-supervisor: Prof. Antonio Zuffiano'

Present Position
PhD student in Psychology and Social Neuroscience
Curriculum "Personality and Organizational Psychology"
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Master's Degree in Cognitive Forensic Sciences
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy (2022–2024)
An interdisciplinary program at the intersection of psychology and law, focusing on the cognitive and behavioral dimensions of deviance and aggression.

Research Interest
Investigating the role of personality in shaping adaptive and maladaptive behaviors, including self-efficacy, prosocial actions, and aggression, with a focus on interventions to promote positive behavior and reduce harmful ones.

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