Research: From Moral Realism to Digital Realism: Iris Murdoch 3.0The aim of the project is Iris Murdoch’s moral thought, revising it in light of her literary texts, especially her characters ethics and “moral vocabulary” employed. Within a “permanent background” the attention to ordinary life is a moral effort, which is not intended to be activity of choice hic et nunc, but vision and pluralistic comprehension of reality. Beyond that, the recognition of human incompleteness is tension to Good in a platonic sense. Moreover, the research aims to reinvent the concept of “Moral Realism”, as intended by Iris Murdoch, in a digital ethics perspective. In wider terms the aim is to rethink Murdoch within Digital Humanities field, focusing on relationship between identity and virtual intersubjectivity and analysing limits and possibilities.
Iris Murdoch; Digital Humanities, Realism; Moral Imagination; Identity; Ethics and Literature; Ordinary Life; Moral vocabulary, Attention; Perfectionism