PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
building: Geologia-Mineralogia (CU005)

co-supervisor: Prof. Luca Aldega

Research: Paleothermal indicators and geochronology to constrain the evolution of orogens and fault zones

Research products

11573/1711447 - 2024 - Unveiling complex fault architecture evolution through (micro)structural, geochronological and petrophysical investigations: the case of the Carboneras Fault (SE Spain)
Del Sole, L.; Vignaroli, G.; Moretto, V.; Curzi, M.; Aldega, L.; Van Der Lelij, R.; Viola, G. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Congresso SGI 2024 congiunto SIMP, SGI, SOGEI, AIV (Bari)
book: Abstract book - ()

11573/1711523 - 2024 - Understanding fault architecture evolution in space and time: new structural, geochronological and thermal constraints from the Carboneras Fault (SE Spain)
Del Sole, L.; Vignaroli, G.; Moretto, V.; Curzi, M.; Aldega, L.; Van Der Lelij, R.; Viola, G. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: DRT 2024 24th International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics (Barcellona)
book: Abstract book - ()

11573/1711391 - 2024 - A reappraisal of the Carboneras Fault (SE Spain) from new structural, geochronological and thermal constraints
Del Sole, Leonardo; Vignaroli, Gianluca; Moretto, Vincenzo; Curzi, Manuel; Aldega, Luca; Van Der Lelij, Roelant; Viola, Giulio - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna)
book: Abstract book - ()

11573/1711466 - 2024 - Alteration-controlled repeated breakage of hydrothermally altered marly-limestones seals, Fenice-Capanne mining area (Tuscany, Italy)
Marchesini, B.; Rossetti, F.; Ruggieri, G.; Cavallo, A.; Moretto, V.; Castorina, F.; Trippetta, F.; Aldega, L.; Novella, D.; Caracausi, A.; Billi, A.; Carminati, E. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Congresso SGI 2024 congiunto SIMP, SGI, SOGEI, AIV (Bari)
book: Abstract book - ()

11573/1711347 - 2024 - Time-space evolution of synkinematic clay minerals in the Carboneras fault zone traced by X-ray diffraction, H and O isotopes, and K-Ar dating
Moretto, V.; Del Sole, L.; Curzi, M.; Dallai, L.; Vignaroli, G.; Viola G., &Amp;; Aldega, L. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: BASIS Symposium 2024 (Amsterdam)
book: Abstract book - ()

11573/1711467 - 2024 - Paleothermal indicators and H, O stable isotopes for constraining temperature and fluid evolutionary models of complex fault zones: a new approach
Moretto, V.; Del Sole, L.; Curzi, M.; Dallai, L.; Vignaroli, G.; Viola, G.; Aldega, L. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Congresso SGI 2024 congiunto SIMP, SGI, SOGEI, AIV (Bari)
book: Abstract book - ()

11573/1711349 - 2024 - Tracing the origin of parental fluids and paleo-temperature distribution in fault zones: case studies from the Carboneras Fault (Spain) and Lemnos Island (Greece)
Moretto, V.; Del Sole, L.; Curzi, M.; Dallai, L.; Vignaroli, G.; Viola, G.; Balsamo, F.; Berio, L. R.; Grathoff, G.; Warr, L. N.; Aldega, L. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: EGU General Assembly 2024 (Vienna)
book: Abstract book - ()

11573/1711468 - 2024 - Fault architecture, age and deformation localisation history of the Mykonos Detachment, Cyclades, Greece
Zuccari, C.; Tavarnelli, E.; Mazzarini, F.; Viola, G.; Aldega, L.; Moretto, V.; Van Der Lelij, R.; Musumeci, G. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Congresso SGI 2024 congiunto SIMP, SGI, SOGEI, AIV (Bari)
book: Abstract book - ()

11573/1711348 - 2023 - The origin of neoformed clay minerals in fault zones: an example from the Carboneras Fault, Betic Cordilleras, Spain
Moretto, V.; Viola, G.; Vignaroli, G.; Curzi, M.; Dallai, L.; Aldega, L. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Congresso SGI 2023 congiunto SIMP, SGI, SOGEI, AIV (Potenza)
book: Abstract book - ()

11573/1711388 - 2023 - High-resolution multidisciplinary studies of fault zone architectures: A futile exercise or a necessary insight into fault mechanics and seismogenesis?
Viola, G.; Curzi, M.; Moretto, V.; Aldega, L.; Vignaroli, G. - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Congresso SGI 2023 congiunto SIMP, SGI, SOGEI, AIV (Potenza)
book: Abstract book - ()

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