PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

co-supervisor: prof. Petra Košťálová, prof. Francesco Caccamo

Research: Georgian Demokratic Republic in 1918-1921 illustrated on the personality of Jaroslav Svatoš – the first Czechoslovak consul in Georgia

Veronika Sidó obtained her master's degree in 2003 in the philological fields of Russian and English at Charles University in Prague. She completed her five-year studies discussing a thesis entitled "Sergey Dovlatov – phenomenon of emigration“ under the leadership of prof. Antonín Hlaváček. During her studies, she completed a semester internship at the A. S. Pushkin Institute in Moscow, Russia. She is currently working on the dissertation project "Georgian Demokratic Republic in 1918-1921 illustrated on the personality of Jaroslav Svatoš – the first Czechoslovak consul in Georgia“ under the supervision of Prof. Petra Košťálová and Prof. Francesco Caccamo. The aim of the project is to analyze the establishment of the first diplomatic relations between then Czechoslovakia and then Georgian Democratic Republic and contribution of Jaroslav Svatoš to its development.

Research products

11573/1671199 - 2013 - Pracovní návštěva ministra Karla Schwarzenberga v Gruzii
Sido, Veronika - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Pracovní návštěva ministra Karla Schwarzenberga v Gruzii - ()

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