PhD Student

PhD program:: XL
building: Marco Polo
room: 205

supervisor: Prof. Irene Ranzato

Research: Audiovisual Translation and Reception of Gender-Diverse Characters on the Small Screen: A Study on the Italian Translations of British and American TV Series

Valerio Monticelli is a PhD student enrolled in the programme Studies in  English Literatures, Language, and Translation at Sapienza University of Rome (curriculum in English Language and Translation). In 2024, he completed a master’s degree in English and Anglo-American Studies at Sapienza University of Rome, with a thesis titled “Fashioning the History of the English Language: Victorian Canons and the Oxford English Dictionary”, after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Lingue, Culture, Letterature e Traduzione at the same university. His research project examines the audiovisual translation of gender-diverse characters in British and American TV series, and its impact on the Italian audience. His research interests include audiovisual translation, reception studies, queer and trans studies, and the history of the English language.

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