PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
building: Lettere e Filosofia, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - CU003

supervisor: Prof.ssa Francesca Russo

Research: The administrative evolution of the continental provinces of the Kingdom of Naples during the French Bonapartist government and the overcoming of the feudal system of the justiciarates.

Graduated with honours in Law in 2022 from the "Niccolò Cusano" University of Rome, where he presented an experimental thesis in medieval legal history titled "The Crisis of Western Christianity and the Response Given to It by Francis of Assisi and Valdesio of Lyon." His educational and cultural profile has always been characterised by a focus on historical and institutional subjects, leading him to enrol in February 2023 in the second-level Master's programme in Parliamentary Institutions "Mario Galizia" for Assembly consultants at the Faculty of Political Science of "La Sapienza" University. Concurrently with his postgraduate studies, he had the opportunity to work as a trainee lawyer in criminal law and cultural heritage law at the SDV law firm in Rome and at the "Rivista Marittima" of the Italian Navy. He is also a candidate for admission to the XXXIX Doctoral Cycle, where he proposed a research project focused on the evolution of the continental administrative apparatus of the Kingdom of Naples during the Bonapartist Government of the early nineteenth century.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma