Research: ARCHITECTURES IN TRANSITION. Temporality in the reuse of existing structures and the construction of new forms of living
In 2018, I graduated in Architecture at the Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Architecture Valle Giulia, with a thesis entitled "Study on the redevelopment, repurposing and regeneration of the ATAC depot in Via di Portonaccio, Rome" under the supervision of Professor Eliana Cangelli. During this time, I developed a passion for theoretical research while exploring its practical applications in various design experiments. With the same drive, I won the "TornoSubito" scholarship from the Lazio Region in 2019, which enabled me to complete an internship at the company Think City SNB in Malaysia. There, Ideveloped projects dealing with the preservation and restoration of local architectural heritage and urban regeneration. In the meantime, I had worked as a freelance architect and consultant for national architectural firms and international organisations, contributing to urban planning, conservation and restoration projects in developing countries. In 2022, I won a PhD scholarship in Architecture and Civil Engineering under the PNRR351 Technopole - Next Gen EU programme at the Technopole in Rome with a focus on Energy Transition (FP2) and a project dealing with the sustainable reuse of existing structures through green technologies. During my ongoing doctoral studies, I have actively participated in various research activities within the Department of Architecture and Design as well as in seminars and workshops. I also support teaching in the Architectural Technology Laboratory under the direction of Professor Eliana Cangelli and contribute to the Rome Technopole project. Since 2022, I'm a member of the Italian Society of Architectural Technology.