Associate professor

phone: 3317402048
building: Via Ostiense, 234-6
room: 3.07

NAME:Valentina Benigni
PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH: Roma, 12/11/1970
ADDRESS:Via V. La Mantia 24, 00156 Roma, Italia
TEL.:06-41204058; 331-7402048
ACADEMIC POSITION: Associate Professor in Russian Language at “Roma Tre” University, SSD L-LIN/21 Slavistics

2004 –2006: Research grant at Department of Linguistics, University “Roma Tre”

2002: PhD in Linguistics, at “Roma Tre” University.
Title of the thesis: Tendenza alla ristandardizzazione morfosintattici nel russo contemporaneo.

1997: Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures at the University “Roma Tre” (Russian, English). Title of the thesis: Contesti temporali aspettuali nel romanzo di Ju. Trifonov Il tempo e il luogo.
final note 110/110 cum laude

23-27/01/2012: Winterschool TRIPLE [SIT], Il lessico. Classi di parole, modelli, tipologia, computazione, Dept. of Linguistics, University Roma Tre

25-29/01/2010: Winterschool TRIPLE [SIT], Il lessico. Classi di parole, metodi, computazione, Dept. of Linguistics, University Roma Tre

November-December 2009: Research grant of the University “Rome Tre” for a period of study at the Saint Petersburg State University

May–June 1999: grant of the University “Rome Tre” for a period of study at the Moskow State University “M.V. Lomonosov”.

31/08-11/09/1998: 6th Summer School of the German Linguistic Society: Language typology, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, Germania.

September-December 1997: scholarship of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Academic at MGU (Moscow State University).

2008-present: Courses Russian Language I and Russian Language III (BA in “Mediazione linguistica e culturale”, LT12)), Courses Russian Language I and Russian Language II (MA in “Lingue moderne per la Comunicazione internazionale”, LM38)

2003: Lecturer at University “Roma Tre”. Object of the course: “Analisi contrastiva russo-italiano e strategie traduttive. Uso del dizionario monolingue e bilingue”

30 November -1 December 2018: Convegno Internazionale “Italiano e lingue slave: problemi di grammatica contrastiva”, Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Title of the talk (with Luisa Ruvoletto): Asimmetrie nella codifica dell’informazione deittica: italiano vs russo

25-27 October 2018: STAS 2018 Conference: The shaping of transitivity and argument structure, Università di Pavia: theoretical and empirical perspectives
Title of the talk (with Anna Alexandrova): Lexical aspect and argument structure of NA-prefixed verbs in Russian: A diachronic corpus-based account

20-22 September 2018: VII Incontro di Linguistica slava, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
Title of the talk: Ni chera v ètom ne razbirajus’: vulgar and euphemistic minimizers as negative polarity items in Russian

18-20 june 2018: Workshop internazionale “Pragmatic functions of type-nouns: a crosslinguistic phenomenon”, Universität Tübingen
Title of the talk (with Anna Alexandrova): The complementizer function of “type” words in ad hoc concept construction: evidences from Italian and Russian

07-09 March 2018: International Workshop “Evaluative meanings: Theoretical and computational perspectives”, Universität Stuttgart
Title of the talk (with Mara Frascarelli): Negate to mitigate. A corpus-based discourse-structural approach to evaluative speech acts

22-24 February 2018: XVIII International Conference of the Italian Association of Applied Linguistics, University of Roma Tre
Title of the talk (with Elena Nuzzo): Disaccordo e rifiuto in russo L2: spunti per una didattica della pragmatica corpus-based

19-20 October 2017: International Workshop "Building categories in interaction - Multidisciplinary approaches to categorization", University of Bologna
Title of the talk (with Anna Alexandrova): Morphopragmatics of rhyming and imitative co-compounds in Russian

28-30 September 2017: "SLI International Congress", Naples
Title of the talk (with Elena Nuzzo): L’insegnamento dei segnali funzionali nel russo come lingua straniera

28-30 settembre 2017: "SLI International Congress", Naples
Title of the talk (with Maria Cristina Lo Baido): La reduplicazione nella codifica della maniera

11-13 May 2017: "V GELITEC conference of contrastive Slavic-Romance Studies", Geneva
Title of the talk (with Lucyna Gebert): Determinatezza nominale e aspetto verbale: il caso dei verbi supporto

23-24 November 2016: “Sovremennyj russkij jazyk v Rossii i Evrope”, University of Bologna
Title of the talk (with Paola Cotta Ramusino): Frazeologija i grammatika konstrukcij - proekt FRAME

9-11 November 2016: "Contrastive phraseology. Comparing languages and cultures", University of Milan
Title of the talk: Le metafore di intensificazione tra italiano e russo

28-30 September 2016: "Sixth Italian Congress of Slavic Studies", Turin
Title of the talk (with Paola Cotta Ramusino): Fraseologia comparata e linguospecificità: il caso del russo nel progetto FRAME

22-24 September 2016: "VI Slavic Linguistics Conference", "L'Orientale" University of Naples, Procida School
Title of the talk: Strategie di intensificazione in russo: i nomi non scalari tra semantica e pragmatica

22-24 settembre 2016: "SLI International Congress", Milan
Title of the talk: Assolutamente! Da intensificatore assoluto a segnale discorsivo. Fenomeni di pragmaticalizzazione nel parlato televisivo

31 August - 3 September 2016: "SLE 2016 - 49 th Annual Meeting", University of Naples Federico II
Title of the talk: Ad hoc categorization in Russian and multifunctional general extenders

6-7 May 2016: International Conference “Violazioni - Letteratura, cultura e società in Russia dal crollo dell'Urss ai nostri giorni”, Roma Tre University
Title of the talk: Vaghezza e approssimazione: la linguistica dei corpora nell’analisi del discorso letterario

14-16 Aprile 2016: International Conference “Gli orizzonti dell’Italianistica: tradizione, attualità e sfide di ricerca”, Pedagogical University, Krakow, Poland.
Title of the talk: Una festa da paura! Mi sono divertito da morire! Gli intensificatori sintagmatici dell’italiano e la loro resa in russo

17 March 2016: Seminar cycle "Linguaggio a Roma Tre", Roma Tre University
Title of the talk (by invitation): Verbi supporto in russo

12-13 November 2015: "SLEDU 2015 - Standard and variation in second language education: a cross-linguistic perspective”, Roma Tre University.
Titolo of the talk (with Elena Nuzzo): Multimedia Russian Corpus (MURKO) and the teaching of pragmatics in L2/LS Russian

14-16 May 2015: "IV GELITEC congress of contrastive Slavic-Romance Studies", Bergamo
Title of the talk: Roba da matti! La resa dei nomi vaghi nella traduzione dall’italiano al russo

25-27 September 2014: "V Slavic Linguistics Meeting", Rome
Title of the talk: I marcatori di lista in russo

16-17 May 2014: “Valutazione dell’efficacia didattica e dei risultati dei corsi POR. Seminario di aggiornamento sull’insegnamento delle lingue”, Sassari
Title of the talk: Strumenti di analisi dei corpora nella didattica del russo L2

22 January 2014: Lecture (by invitation) for the PhD in Linguistics (Doctoral School in Humanities), Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the University of Pavia
Title of the talk: Il genitivo di tema in russo: un approccio costruzionista

29 May–2 June 2013: International Conference on Computational Linguistics "Dialog XXI", Bekasovo, Moskva
Title of the talk (with Paola Cotta Ramusino): The computational treatment of support verb constructions in Italian and in Russian

16-18 May 2013: "III GELITEC Conference of Slavic-Romance Contrastive Studies", Procida
Title of the talk: Strategie di approssimazione lessicale in russo e in italiano

12-13 October 2012: "IV Slava Linguistic Meeting", Milan
Title of the talk: Il genitivo di tema in russo: un approccio costruzionista

22-24 September 2011: "V Italian Congress of Slavic Studies", Faenza
Title of the talk: La linguistica dei corpora e le sue applicazioni nella didattica e nella ricerca

14-17 September 2011: "8th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM 8)”, Cagliari
Title of the talk: (with Francesca Masini): Russian shortenings in -ka: the case for constructions

25-29 Maggio 2011:International Conference on Computational Linguistics "Dialog XXI", Bekasovo, Moskva
Title of the talk: (with Paola Cotta Ramusino): Ital’janskie konstrukcii s glagolom podderžki fare v sopostavlenii s russkim

3-4 December 2010: "III Slavic Linguistics meeting", University of Bologna
Title of the talk: Le costruzioni binominali coordinative in russo

20 May 2010: Seminar cycle "Linguaggio a Roma Tre", Roma Tre University
Title of the talk (by invitation, with Francesca Masini): Costruzioni lessicali in russo: composti nominali, nomi sintagmatici e strategie di riduzione

13-16 May 2010: “14th International Morphology Meeting (IMM14)”, Budapest
Title of the talk (with Francesca Masini): Phrasal lexemes and reduction strategies in Russian

14-15 November 2008: "Slavic Linguistics Meeting: Grammar and Semantics", University of Padua.
Title of the talk: Le costruzioni partitive impersonali in russo come test di inaccusatività: ix sidelo troe

4-5 May 2007 "Slavic Linguistics Meeting. Slavic languages between innovation and conservation: Grammar and Semantics ", University of Bergamo.
Title of the talk:Ja ždu avtobus: i verbi intensionali in russo tra norma e uso.

20-23 September 2006: "IV Italian Congress of Slavic Studies - Slavic studies in Italy and in the world today", University of Udine.
Title of the talk: Processi morfologici derivazionali in russo: il suffisso –ka e i radicali puri

17th January 2006: "Study day for young Slavists. Reflections on Linguistics and Translation", University of Florence.
Title of the talk: Variazione accusativo / genitivo nell’espressione dell’oggetto diretto in russo: risultati di un’indagine empirica.

22-24 September 2005: International Conference "The teaching of Russian Language and Literature in Europe: new conditions and perspectives of the XXI century", University of Verona.
Title of the talk: Problema variantnosti padežej i praktika prepodavanija RKI: ispol’zovanie roditel’nogo padeža dlja vyraženija prjamogo ob’’ekta.

21-26 February 2000: International Conference "Aktivnye jazykovye processy konca XX veka (Četvertye šmelevskie čtenija)". Russian Language Institute, Academy of Sciences.
Title of talk: Produktivnye modeli v razvitii klassa analitičeskix prilagatel'nyx.

16-19 September 1997: International Conference “Tipologija vida: problemy, poiski, rešenija”.
Title of talk: Koncepcija vremeni v romane Ju. Trifonova “Vremja i mesto”, Moscow State University "M.V. Lomonosov ".

russian linguistics: morphosyntax, information structure, linguistic variation;
cognitive semantics;

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma