Dottore di ricerca

ciclo: XXXV

supervisore: Prof. Giovanni Laneve
relatore: Prof. Giovanni Laneve

Titolo della tesi: Boosting the adoption of wildfire risk mapping for wildfire management by demonstrating the socio-economic value of geospatial information

Wildfire risk assessment and mapping, utilizing advanced information from multiple sources and technologies, has proven vital for reducing risk and improving wildfire management. Wildfire managers, confronting increasing stress from climate change and political uncertainties, have at their disposal the science for geospatial information, methods and tools for wildfire risk management. They have not yet, however, collectively and systematically employed such scientific knowledge to full advantage in the prevention and containment of wildfires. They also have neglected the methods and tools that would assist them in grasping the many contributing factors that worsen or mitigate the risk, specifically the critical interactions between the natural variability of climate, environmental factors, and human interventions. A greater awareness of the need for – and value of – collective risk mapping by wildfire managers could prove essential to advance and sustain effective wildfire management both domestically and across national borders. This thesis demonstrates and advances the need for - and value of - risk mapping, and suggests avenues to boost its adaptation by decision-makers across national borders. This overall aim of this work is pursued considering three interrelated specific research objectives: i) how to assess the value of geospatial information for wildfire management; ii) how to assess the socio-economic impact of wildfires or vulnerability; iii) how to develop a framework for valuing risk mapping, mitigating the negative impact of wildfire. This latter objective forms the core focus of this work. A conceptual framework for assessing the value of risk mapping for wildfire management will be advanced based on the research, review, and assessment of the methods conducted in the two previous objectives. The thesis utilizes a literature review and originates the case study of the Liguria Region (Italy).

Produzione scientifica

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