PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
email: tudordaniel.hutul@uniroma1.it

supervisor: Andrei Holman

TUDOR‑DANIEL HUȚUL is a first-year PhD student in the Joint International Doctorate program in Social Representation, Culture, and Communication at Sapienza University, at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi.

Additionally, he is a systemic family and couples psychotherapist with extensive experience in counseling and psychotherapy for individuals struggling with addiction and their families, focusing on addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling, and pornography. He is also the author of numerous scientific articles published in prestigious international journals indexed in the Web of Science.
His academic contributions extend beyond articles, including numerous book chapters.
Moreover, he serves as a co-coordinator of the volume "Adictiile in societatea contemporana. De la acceptare la schimbare" (Addictions in Contemporary Society. From Acceptance to Change; ISBN 978-973-46-9599-7).
In terms of academic interests, his focus revolves around social representations, the psychology of addictions, trauma psychology, and mental health.

  • Huțul, T. D., Karner-Huțuleac, A., & Huțul, A. (2023). “The war is here!” anxiety, trauma centrality, and the mediating role of daily stressors in Romanian and Ukrainian civilians. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1037/tra0001572 (IF 2023 = 6.3)
  • Huțul, T.-D., & Karner-Huțuleac, A. (2022). The Level of Gambling Prediction Using Depression and Anxiety in the Romanian Population. Journal of Gambling Studies, 38(2), 653–662. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10899-021-10051-0 (IF 2022 = 2.4)
  • Huțul, T.-D., & Karner-Huțuleac, A. (2023). Socio-Demographic and Economic Factors Involved in the Consumption of Sexual Explicit Material. Ethical Aspects, Moral Incongruence, and the Frequency of Pornography Use. Journal of Intercultural Management and Ethics, 6(3), 33–42. https://doi.org/10.35478/jime.2023.3.04
  • Huțul, T.-D., & Karner-Huțuleac, A. (2023). “Are You Ashamed to Talk About It?” Pornography, Moral Incongruence, Morality, Ethics, and Religious Distress in Romania. Journal of Intercultural Management and Ethics, 6(2), 13–23. https://doi.org/10.35478/jime.2023.2.03
  • Huțul, T.-D., & Karner-Huțuleac, A. (2022). Transhumanism in Psychology: The Attitude towards the Use of Chatbots in Psychotherapy and Ethical Implications. Journal of Intercultural Management and Ethics, 5(4), 41–49. https://doi.org/10.35478/jime.2022.4.05
  • Huțul, T.-D., Pachița, I.-C., Karner-Huțuleac, A., & Gherguț, A. (2022). Attitudes towards Psychotherapy in Relation to Self-Stigma of Seeking Help and Coping Style. The Role of Interactions with Disabled People. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Social Sciences, 11(2), 32–44. https://doi.org/10.18662/lumenss/11.2/68
  • Ilie, E., Karner-Huțuleac, A., & Huțul, T.-D. (2021). Conflicts, Traumas (Fake)Solutions. A psychological reading of the novel ‘All our sins’ by Mihail Victus. Reading Multiculturalism. Human and Social Perspectives, 110–120.
  • Huțul, T.-D., & Karner-Huțuleac, A. (2019). Interpersonal Factors of Dyadic Satisfaction in Couples with Disabilities. Scientific Annals of the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Educational Sciences Series Tom XXIII, 79–90.
  • Karner-Huțuleac, A., & Huțul, T.-D. (Eds.). (2023). Adicțiile în societatea contemporană. De la acceptare la schimbare. Polirom. (ISBN 978-973-46-9599-7).
  • Huțul, T.-D. (2023). The issue of gambling in contemporary society. In A. Karner-Huțuleac & T.-D. Huțul (Eds.), Addictions in Contemporary Society. From Acceptance to Change (pp. 208–217). Polirom.
  • Huțul, T.-D. (2023). Systemic psychotherapy in problematic pornography consumption and gambling addiction. In A. Karner-Huțuleac & T.-D. Huțul (Eds.), Addictions in Contemporary Society. From Acceptance to Change (pp. 287–296).
  • Polirom. Huțul, T.-D., & Karner-Huțuleac, A. (2023). Definition and main types of addictions. In A. Karner-Huțuleac & T.-D. Huțul (Eds.), Addictions in Contemporary Society. From Acceptance to Change (pp. 23–32).
  • Polirom. Huțul, T.-D., & Karner-Huțuleac, A. (2022). Sexting: On the border from simple curiosity to ‘Revenge Porn’ and the impact of sexual cyberbullyng. In M. Iorga (Ed.), Cyberbullying in educational context (pp. 121–134). Editura Universității ‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza’ din Iași.

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