PhD Graduate

PhD program:: XXXI

Thesis title: Code-domain non orthogonal multiple access for 5G networks

While expected to be standardized by the year 2020, the fifth generation (5G) cur- rently receives considerable attention from the wireless community [1]. Among the key features chacracterizing 5G, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is one of the promising technologies, that are expected to address the targets of 5G wireless communications, including high spectral efficiency, massive connectivity, and low latency [2, 3]. Back to the history of cellular communications from 1G to 4G, the radio multiple access schemes are mostly characterized by orthogonal multiple access (OMA), where different users are assigned to orthogonal resources in either frequency (frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) and orthorgonal FDMA (OFDMA)), time (time-division multiple access (TDMA)) or code (synchronous code-division multiple access (CDMA) in underloaded condition) domains. However, 5G multiple access is required to support a wide range of use cases, providing access to massive numbers of low-power internet-of-thing (IoT), as well as broadband user terminals in the cellular network. Providing high spectral efficiency, while minimizing sig- naling and control overhead to improve efficiency, may not be feasible to achieve by OMA techniques [4]. In fact, the orthogonality condition can be imposed as a requirement only when the system is underloaded, that is, when the number of active users is lower than the number of available resource elements (degrees of freedom or dimensions). The idea of NOMA is to serve multiple users in the same band and abandon any attempt to provide orthogonal access to different users as in conventional OMA. Orthogonality naturally drops when the number of active users is higher than the number of degrees of freedom, and “collisions” appear. One possible way of controlling collisions in NOMA is to share the same signal dimension among users and exploit power (power-domain NOMA (PDM-NOMA)) vs. code (code-domain NOMA (CDM-NOMA)) domains [2]. However, refer to NOMA, most of intuition gained from the recent literature implies power-domain case [5], which was firstly introduced by Mazzini [6], including integration of NOMA with other technologies such as MIMO-NOMA, Cognitive Radio NOMA (CR-NOMA), mm-Wave NOMA, full-duplex NOMA and so on. In PDM-NOMA, it uses superposition coding, a well-known non-orthogonal scheme for downlink transmissions [7], and makes superposition decoding possible by allocating different levels of power to different users [8]. The “near” user, with a higher channel gain, is typically assigned with less transmission power, which helps making successive interference cancellation (SIC) affordable at this user [9]. Interested readers are referred to the latest works on PDM-NOMA such as [5, 10]. CDM-NOMA is characterized by sparsity employed in spreading sequences or multi-dimensional codewords. It is worthy noting that CDM-NOMA and conven- tional CDMA share the same working principle in exploiting different spreading codes. As a matter of fact, several characterizing variants of CDM-NOMA, such as low-density spreading CDMA (LDS-CDMA) [11–13], low-density spreading or- thogonal frequency-division multiplexing (LDS-OFDM) [14], sparse code multiple access (SCMA) [15], pattern division multiple access (PDMA) [16], and multi-user shared access (MUSA) [17], may be inferred from the framework of CDMA. By re- laxing orthogonality requirements, CDM-NOMA variants enable flexible resource allocation, and reduce hardware complexity. This thesis aims to shed some light on understanding CDM-NOMA and its different dialects, particularly the schemes with single-carrier waveforms from an information-theoretic perspective. At the moment, NOMA has been currently proposed for the 3rd generation partnership project long-term evolution advanced (3GPP-LTE-A) standard, the next general digital TV standard (ATSC 3.0), and the 5G New Radio (NR) standard. In fact, CDM-NOMA variants are currently under consideration via Specification TS 38.812 (Study on NOMA for NR) in anticipation to have a “ready” NR system in 2020 [18]. The emergence of a complete theoretical work on CDM-NOMA is, therefore, of essence and of expectation to contribute as a timely reference for future release of 5G standardization. In order to understand CDM-NOMA1 in terms of fundamental limits, the con- sidered framework focuses on investigating the following issues: • the impact of system load, which classifies NOMA vs. OMA, • the impact of sparsity, which classifies NOMA further into low-dense vs. dense, • the impact of regularity, which characterizes possible spreading mapping constraints, • theimpactofthechannelfading,especiallyflat-fading,whichisverycommon in practical scenarios, • the impact of the channel knowledge, known as channel state information (CSI), which is characterized by the rapid change of real-world communication channels. The first three issues are investigated subject to the ideal assumption of AWGN channel, and the rests are studied subject to the flat-fading channel assumption, respectively.

Research products

11573/1021974 - 2019 - Non-cooperative and cooperative spectrum sensing in 5G cognitive networks
Caso, Giuseppe; Mai, Phuong; De Nardis, Luca; Di Benedetto, Maria Gabriella - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Handbook of Cognitive Radio - (978-981-10-1389-8)

11573/1077294 - 2018 - muMAB. A multi-armed bandit model for wireless network selection
Boldrini, Stefano; De Nardis, Luca; Caso, Giuseppe; Le, Thi Phuong Mai; Fiorina, Jocelyn; Di Benedetto, Maria-Gabriella - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ALGORITHMS (Molecular Diversity Preservation Int. (Basel, Switzerland)) pp. 1-22 - issn: 1999-4893 - wos: WOS:000427504200002 (18) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85041462568 (18)

11573/1077296 - 2018 - Performance comparison of WiFi and UWB fingerprinting indoor positioning systems
Caso, Giuseppe; Le, Thi Phuong Mai; De Nardis, Luca; Di Benedetto, Maria-Gabriella - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: TECHNOLOGIES (Basel : MDPI) pp. 1-16 - issn: 2227-7080 - wos: WOS:000425847400013 (21) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85058173560 (24)

11573/1179708 - 2018 - Capacity bounds of low-dense NOMA over rayleigh fading channels without CSI
Le, Thi Phuong Mai; Caso, Giuseppe; De Nardis, Luca; Mohammadpour, Alireza; Tucciarone, Gabriele; Di Benedetto, Maria-Gabriella - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 25th International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2018 (Saint Malo; France)
book: 2018 25th International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2018 - (9781538623213)

11573/1148981 - 2018 - On information-theoretic limits of codedomain NOMA for 5G
Le, Thi Phuong Mai; Ferrante, Guido Carlo; Caso, Giuseppe; De Nardis, Luca; Di Benedetto, Maria-Gabriella - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: IET COMMUNICATIONS (Stevenage : Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2007-) pp. 1864-1872 - issn: 1751-8628 - wos: WOS:000443951300013 (26) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85053128354 (29)

11573/952699 - 2017 - Performance evaluation of non-prefiltering vs. time reversal prefiltering in distributed and uncoordinated IR-UWB ad-hoc networks
Caso, Giuseppe; De Nardis, Luca; Le, Thi Phuong Mai; Maschietti, Flavio; Fiorina, Jocelyn; Di Benedetto, Maria Gabriella - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: MOBILE NETWORKS AND APPLICATIONS (Baltzer Science Publishers BV:PO Box 221, 1400 AE Bussum Netherlands:011 31 35 6954250, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 35 6954258) pp. 796-805 - issn: 1383-469X - wos: WOS:000412417400003 (3) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85013413586 (4)

11573/974094 - 2013 - Multiuser precoding in MIMO two-way relay transmission
Nguyen Duy Nhat, Vien; Hung, Nguyen Le; Chien, Tang Tan; Le, Thi Phuong Mai - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, ICUFN 2013 (Da Nang; Viet Nam)
book: International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, ICUFN - (9781467359900)

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