Title: Researcher- RTD type B in History of Christianity (SSD M-STO/07) from 2018, June in the Department of Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo (SARAS) of Letter and Philosophy Faculty in Sapienza University of Rome. From 16/11/2016 to 16/11/2022: National Scientific Abilitation (ASN) to University Professor (II fascia) for SC 11/A4 – Scienze del libro e del documento e scienze storico-religiose.
2001: first degree in Letters (110/110 lode), Sapienza Università di Roma.
2005: Ph.D. in Religious History, Sapienza Università di Roma.
2006: post-doctoral fellowship from the «Fondazione Michele Pellegrino - Centro di studi di storia e letteratura religiosa», Turin.
2008: post-doctoral fellowship in Studi di Storia delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni”, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome.
2009: research fellowship in History of Christianity (SSD M-STO/07) in the Department of Studi Storico-Religiosi at Sapienza University of Rome. Research title: Il rapporto fra teologia e politica in età tardo antica: indagine sui presupposti di una tolleranza religiosa.
2012: Researcher (RTD a) in History of Christianity (SSD M-STO/07) and Head of the Local Research Unit of Sapienza University for a research project funded by the Ministry of Education FIRB 2010 (coordinated by the University of Bari) "Sacred spaces and identity paths. Foundation texts, iconography, religion and traditions in the Christian Italian shrines between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages”
From 16/11/2016 to 16/11/2022: National Scientific Abilitation (ASN) to University Professor (II fascia) for SC 11/A4 – Scienze del libro e del documento e scienze storico-religiose.
2017/2018: research fellowship in History of Christianity (SSD M-STO/07) in the Department of Storia Culture Religioni at Sapienza University of Rome.
2018-: Researcher- RTD type B in History of Christianity (SSD M-STO/07) in the Department of Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo (SARAS) of Letter and Philosophy Faculty in Sapienza University of Rome
Involvement in Research Projects and learned Societies:
- PRIN 2002-2004 The Construction of Christian Identity in East and West (I-VII Centuries). Pluralism and Conflict, coord. M. Simonetti, Rome.
- PRIN 2004-2006 The Transformation of Christianity in the I-VII Centuries: Change and Continuity in the Forms of Social, Political, and Cultural Community, coord. M. Pesce, Bologna.
- PRIN 2006-2008 Christianity and the Mediterranean World: Pluralism, Symbiosis, and Religious Conflict between Cities and their Hinterlands (I-VIII Centuries (I-VIII Centuries), coord. M. Pesce, Bologna.
2008-2009 Research Project Sapienza University: Shamanic wisdom. Critical review, mapping interdisciplinary and global perspectives of a religious concept, coord. Prof. A. Saggioro.
- PRIN 2010-2012 Forms and Community Structures in Christianity down to the creation of Europe, coord. M. Pesce, Bologna.
- 2014-2017 International Project “The Emergence and the Effects of the Sacred” (USA, Italy, Norway) (coord. E. Lupieri, J. McCarty, Loyola University Chicago).
- 2015 Research Project of Sapienza University of Rome (Grandi progetti 2015): “Defining Religious pluralism. A research hub for the study of religions” (coord. A. Saggioro, Sapienza Università di Roma).
- 2012: FIRB 2010 Sacred spaces and identity paths. Foundation texts, iconography, religion and traditions in the Christian Italian shrines between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (local coord.)
- 2016-2019: International Project HAR2015-66453-R, “The Rise of Intolerance in the Mediterranean: In Search of the Origins of Religious Conflict (II-VI centuries AD)” (PI Prof. Mar Marcos, Universidad de Cantabria).
Participation in editorial committees of scientific Reviews, editorial series, encyclopaedias and research groups:
- Editorial Board for SMSR
- Editorial Board for Adamantius
- Member of AIRS (Associazione Internazionale per la Ricerca sui Santuari).
- Member of CUSCC (Consulta Universitaria Storia del Cristianesimo e delle Chiese)
- Member of GIROTA (Research Group on Origen and the Alexandrian Tradition)
- Editorial Board for “Costantino I. Enciclopedia costantiniana sulla figura e l’immagine dell’imperatore del cosiddetto editto di Milano, 313-2013”, ed. by Alberto Melloni, Peter Brown, Johannes Helmrath, Emanuela Prinzivalli, Silvia Ronchey e Norman Tanner, Rome 2013.
Papers given at Professional or International Meetings:
-2003: Day of Study on “Teologia Politica (Il potere viene da Dio?)”, Department of Historical-Religious Studies- Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia- Sapienza Università di Roma (G. Lettieri).
-2003: Seminar “Il 'modello' costantiniano”, Departments of Historical Sciences of Antiquity of Messina and Perugia (V. Aiello, Prof. G. Bonamente).
- 2003: National Congress of the CISSR (Centro Italiano di Studi Superiori sulle Religioni), Bertinoro.
- 2004: Meeting “Diritto romano e identità cristiana: definizioni storico-religiose e confronti interdisciplinari”, (G. Piccaluga, G.M. Vian and A. Saggioro), Rome.
- 2005: National Congress of the CISSR (Centro Italiano di Studi Superiori sulle Religioni), Bertinoro.
Round Table of the IRSB (Institut Romand des Sciences Bibliques), Lausanne.
- 2006: Day of Study on “Tradizioni apocrife e tradizioni agiografiche”, Università Roma Tre.
- 2007: National Congress of the CISSR (Centro Italiano di Studi Superiori sulle Religioni), Bertinoro.
- 2009: Neg/otia Nostra, Lectures of the Department of Historical-Religious Studies of Sapienza Università di Roma.
- 2010: National Congress of the CISSR (Centro Italiano di studi Superiori sulle Religioni), Bertinoro.
- 2012: Chairmanship of the day of study "Geografia Infera", as Head of the Local Research Unit of Sapienza University for the Firb project, in the National Congress "Sulle rive dell'Acheronte. Costruzione e percezione della sfera del post-mortem nel Mediterraneo Antico", Velletri.
2012: International Congress "I santuari, le vie, i corpi”, Padova University.
2012: Seminar “Le Religioni e le Arti”, Roma, Department of History, Cultures and Religions, Sapienza University.
2013: International Congress “Il corpo in scena: rappresentazioni, tecniche, simboli”, Padova University.
2013: International Congress “L’Impero costantiniano e i luoghi sacri”, Rome, Sapienza University.
2014: Conference “Il battesimo di Costantino fra storia e leggenda: gli Actus Silvestri”, Rome, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana.
2014: National Congress Firb “Il santuario di s. MIchele al Monte Tancia. Un modello di
interazione fra università, ricerca e territorio”, Rome, Department of History, Cultures and
Religions, Sapienza University.
2015: “The Sanctuary of St. Michael on Mount Tancia”. International Conference “The Emergence and Effect of
“The Sacred””, University Federico II of Naples, june 15-17.
2015: “Luoghi santi e ancora più santi. Osservazioni sulle forme di competizione e trasformazione religiosa attorno ai luoghi sacri in età costantiniana”, International Conference "Spazi e percorsi sacri fra Tarda Antichità e Altomedioevo. Archeologia, Storia e Nuove Tecnologie", University “Kore” of Enna, november 6-7.
2016: “The words of Religious Tolerance in Early Christian Literature”, International Conference EASR
“Relocating Religion”, Helsinki, 28 june-1 july.
2016: “Inquilinus sine domo, hospes sine hospitio. La comunità donatista di Roma secondo Ottato di Milevi” International Conference “Loca Haereticorum. La topografia dell’eresia nel Mediterraneo Tardoantico”, Sapienza Università di Roma –Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología, november 25-26.
2017: “Il battesimo leggendario di Costantino fra vicende testuali e ripercussioni storiche: gli Actus Silvestri e le
fondazioni sacre costantiniane”, Conference for Seminari di Antichistica by University of Roma Tre,
Roma, march 10.
2017: “Le parole della tolleranza e intolleranza religiosa nel cristianesimo tardoantico”, Workshop “Defining
Religious Pluralism” (coord. A. Saggioro), Sapienza University of Rome, may 8.
2017: “Spazi sacri e Late Antiquity. Metodi e prospettive di ricerca dell’Unità di Roma del progetto FIRB”,
International Conference “Spazi e luoghi sacri. Espressioni ed esperienze di vissuto religioso”, University Aldo
Moro of Bari, may 23-25.
2017: “General Introduction. Some remarks about the Christian attitude toward religious landscape in Late
Antiquity”, International Conference of European Academy of Religion (EASR), “Zero Conference”, University
of Bologna, june 18–21.
2018: “Conversion and Political Attitude in Ostrogothic Italy (VI century)”. 16th Annual Conference of the
European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) “Multiple Religious Identities”, Bern, june 17-21.
2018: “Tria genera hominum. Religious Disputes and Confluences between IV and VI centuries”. International Conference “Religious Rivalry and Disputes in Late Antiquity”, Malaga, september 17-18.
2018: “Gli Actus Silvestri, ovvero storia di un falso che fece la storia”. Seminar for Phd in Scienze
archeologiche, storiche e storico-artistiche of Torino University, Torino, november 13-14.
2018: “Il peso della tolleranza: cristianesimo antico e alterità”, presentation of the book by Tessa Canella
with A. Monaci and A. Triscuoglio. “Lunedì della Peterson”, Biblioteca “Erik Peterson”, Torino,
december 17.
2019 Congress EUARE (European Academy of Religion), with Michel-Ives Perrin e Ulrico Agnati: book discussion T. Canella, "Il peso della tolleranza. Cristianesimo antico e alterità" (march 7, Bologna).
2019 “Tolleranza e intolleranza nel cristianesimo tardoantico”, Conference in panel organized bya Tessa Canella “Tolleranza/intolleranza nel mondo romano: interazioni e comparazioni fra passato e presente" AIPH - 3th National Congress of Public History (Santa Maria Capua Vetere, june 24-28 2019).
2019: “Notarii, decretali e apocrifi nella Roma tardoantica”. International Conference “La Collectio Avellana fra notarii atrdoantichi e copisti altomedievali”, (Perugia, Gubbio, Fonte Avellana, september 19-21, 2019).
2019: “Violenza religiosa fra tolleranza e intolleranza nella Tarda Antichità”. University Conference “Declinazioni della violenza. Dal testo sacro alla violenza di genere”, (Università degli Studi di Catania, Monastero dei Benedettini, Coro di notte, november 18, 2019).
Research Undertaken Abroad:
2002: Centre de Recherches comparées sur les Sociétés Anciennes Luis Gernet, Collège de France, Paris.
2003: Institut des Sources Chrétiennes et l’UMR «Histoire et Sources des Mondes Antiques», Lyon.
2003: Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Advanced Studies (SLUB Bibliothek), Dresden.
University Teaching:
-Director and co-director for theses for the BA and MA in the History of Christianity, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Sapienza Università di Roma.
-Member of the Commission for Examinations in History of Christianity
Adjunct Lecturer, The History of Christianity, M-STO/07 (E. Prinzivalli).
2008: Complementary Module for History of Christianity, M-STO/07( E. Prinzivalli).
2010: Adjunct Lecturer, History of Christianity -Scienze della moda e del costume-Faculty of Letter and Philosophy-Sapienza Università di Roma.
2012-: Professor of History of Christianity, M-STO/07 for LM in SAR - Faculty of Letter and Philosophy-Sapienza University of Rome.
Coordination and organization of Seminars and Congresses:
- Since 2010 with S. Botta coordinates the permanent seminar on "Religion and the Arts", as part of the conference Neg / otia Nostra promoted by the Department of History, Cultures and Religions, Sapienza University of Rome.
Organizations and coordination within the activities of the FIRB project:
- 2013. Organization and coordination of the Seminar-Workshop “Il santuario di S. Michele al Monte Tancia. Tradizioni storico-letteriarie, aspetti metodologici di rilevamento e prospettive di valorizzazione” ", Casale Tancia (Monte s. Giovanni in Sabina) 24-25-26 June.
-2013. Organization and coordination of the International Conference "The Costantinian Empire and holy places", Sapienza University of Rome, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, 2-4 December.
- 2013. Seminar “Divinità femminili in Sabina: metodologie d'indagine a confronto”. In the presence of prof. Gérard Capdeville, Professor Emeritus at 'Université Paris-Sorbonne, visiting professor at La Sapienza - University of Rome, with conferences of Massimiliano Di Fazio, University of Pavia, "Feronia"; Giulio Vallarino University of Rome La Sapienza, "Notizie di culti femminili a Trebula Mutuesca "; and Alessandro Saggioro Sapienza University of Rome "Vacuna". Rome, Department of History, Cultures and Religions, Sapienza University of Rome, December 11.
- 2013. Conference of prof. Gérard Capdeville, "La religione etrusca", Rome, Department of History, Cultures and Religions, Sapienza University of Rome, December 9.
- 2013. Seminar: "Culti in grotta e divinità femminili nel Mediterraneo antico" In the presence of prof. Gérard Capdeville, Professor Emeritus at 'Université Paris-Sorbonne, visiting professor at La Sapienza - University of Rome, with the participation of Carmine Pisano, University of Naples Federico II, on "La categoria di grotta sacra tra testi antichi e storiografia moderna"; Chiara Terranova, University of Messina, on the theme "Un percorso storico-religioso tra il cielo e la terra: i culti di Mephitis e di Iuturna nell’Italia antica"; and Clara Di Fazio, University of Rome La Sapienza, on the theme "Le declinazioni di Iuno nelle città del Latium vetus". Introduced and coordinated by Alessandro Saggioro. Rome, Department of History, Cultures and Religions, Sapienza University of Rome, November 22.
- 2013. Conference by prof. Gérard Capdeville, "Attorno ai boschi sacri", Rome, Department of History, Cultures and Religions, Sapienza University of Rome, October 25.
- 2013. Seminar " Dal fiume Giordano alla costruzione delle basiliche: per una storia degli spazi sacri del cristianesimo antico ", with presentations by Edmondo Lupieri (Loyola University-Chicago), "Giovanni e Gesù. Storia di un antagonismo"and Richard Westall (Gregorian University-Rome),"La creazione di S. Pietro in Vaticano ", Rome, Department of History, Cultures and Religions at the University of Rome La Sapienza, 10 June.
-2014. Organization and coordination of the national Congress “Il santuario di S. Michele al Monte Tancia. Un modello di interazione fra università. ricerca e territorio”, Department of History, Cultures and Religions, Sapienza University of Rome, May 12.
-2016. Organization of the conference by the Visiting Professor Maria del Mar Marcos (Universidad de Cantabria): “Sinergie in ricerca. Lo spazio delle religioni nel Tardoantico. Una conversazione con Mar Marcos”, Sapienza University of Rome, May 4.
-2016. Organization (with Mar Marcos) of the International Conference “Loca Haereticorum. La topografia dell’eresia nel Mediterraneo Tardoantico”, Sapienza University of Rome –Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología, november 25-26.
-2017. Organization of the conference by J.A. Myers (Greensboro College, USA) “Reading Romans in Rome: Investigating Obedience at Ground Level”, Sapienza University of Rome, June 13.
2017. Organization of the Panel “Spaces and Places in the History of Christianity: Buildings, Destructions,
Renewals and Transformations between Rhetoric and Practice”, in the “Zero Conference” of the European
Academy of Religion, Bologna University, june 18–21.