Sara Lagi

Associate professor


Laurea (M.A.) cum Laude in History at the University of Florence (2002); Ph.D in the History of European Political Thought – modern and contemporary, Faculty of Political Science, State University of Perugia (2005);  National Scientific Abilitation (ASN) to the position of Associate Professor of the History of Political Thought (2013); Assistant Professor of History of Political Thought, Department of Cultures, Politics, Society, University of Turin (2014-2018); Associate Professor of History of Political Thought, Department of Cultures, Politics, Society, University of Turin (2018-present days); National Scientific Abilitation (ASN) to the position of Full Professor of the History of Political Thought (2020). Member of research projects of national relevance on the history of democratic political thought, the development of civil society, the interplay between democracy and education (PRIN) financed by the Italian Ministry for the University and Research: 2006-2008; 2008-2010; 2023-2025; member of the international research project on "Derecho y Poder", University of Medellin, Colombia (2013); member of local research projects on democracy and education, human rights and religion: 2016-2018; 2017-2019; 2021-2022. Member of the following scientific associations: Associazione di Storia del pensiero politico, the European society for the history of political thought, Northeastern politcal science association, Midewest political science association; Italian Society for Law and Litterature (ISLL), Centro Hans Kelsen de Estudos sobre a Jurisdição Constitucional (Hans Kelsen Center for Studies on Constitutional Jurisdiction), in collaboration with the Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa - IDP (Brazilian Institute for Teaching, Development and Research), Brasilia (Brasile); scientific committee of the editorial series “Filologia e Politica”, Giappichelli, Torino; editorial committee of the editorial series Lumbral della Faculdad de Ciencias sociales y humanidades – Universidad autonoma de San Luis Potosì (Centro de Estudios para la cultura de la paz), Messico; scientific committee of the Centro di Studi sull'Europa TO-EU, Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società, Università di Torino, scientific committee and Faculty of the Master “Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response”, Università di Torino; editorial board of the Journals "Il pensiero politico", "Rivista" and scientific committee of the "Cahiers di scienze sociali". Participant with papers in many national and international conferences and seminars. Member of the Doctorate school in “Environmental Sustainability and Well-being” – University of Ferrara (from 2021 to present days).

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