Associate professor

phone: 3668724714
building: Via dei Marsi, 78
room: 318

Susana Alves, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Sapienza University of Rome
Department of Social and Developmental Psychology
Rome, Italy- 00185

Ph.D. in Architecture (Environment-Behavior Studies) (May 2003)
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, U.S
Dissertation Title: The Role of Nature-Related Activities in the Psychological Well-Being of Nursing Home Residents.
Supervisor: Professor Uriel Cohen
Major Concentration: restorative and nature-related interventions
Minor Concentration: visual research methods

M. S. in Environmental Psychology (May 1997)
Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
Thesis Title: Trees from Brasília: An Exploratory Study of Preferred Form
Supervisor: Professor Harmut Günther

B. S. in Psychology (July 1993)
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil

Key Qualifications
Susana Alves is an Environmental Psychologist examining how natural landscapes can promote people’s health and psychological well-being. Dr. Alves’ research has focused on diverse groups of people, including older adults, migrants, and urban residents under stress. Her research has addressed quality-of-life issues in neighbourhood outdoor spaces and also in institutional settings for older people where she has assessed people’s landscape perceptions and activities. Strong components of her work are the use of a multi-method approach to research, the emphasis on policy-related social problems, and the aim to promote culturally meaningful social and environmental interventions for diverse groups of people.

Recent topics of research involve the study of the social and environmental aspects of risk behaviour related to natural disasters, the exploration of the intangible aspects of historic urban landscapes, and the examination of atmospheres in architecture. Dr. Alves has engaged in research and teaching activities in environmental psychology, landscape architecture, and architecture in Brazil, US, UK, and Turkey.

Previous Positions
RTD-B Researcher (2020-2023), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Visiting Professor (April 2019-July 2019), University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Department of Architecture and Industrial Design, Aversa, Italy
Post-Doctorate Researcher (2016-2017); Universidade Estadual da Paraíba), Campina Grande, PB, Brazil.

Assistant Professor (September 2017-2019); Çankaya Üniversitesi; Faculty of Architecture; Department of Architecture, Ankara, Turkey.
Assistant Professor (January 2012-present); Okan Üniversitesi; Faculty of Engineering & Architecture; Department of Architecture, İstanbul, Turkey.
Visiting professor (July 2014 – June 2015) - Università sapienza di Roma; Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca in Psicologia Ambientale, Rome, Italy.
Research Associate (June 2006 – June 2011); OPENspace Research Centre; Edinburgh College of Art – Edinburgh, UK.
Post-Doctorate Researcher (October 2003 – June 2006); Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – Natal, RN; Brazil.

Research Projects

University Green Campus (2020-2023)
The first part of this projects aims to examine students’ connectedness to nature in university campuses by analyzing their relation with biophilic features and elements. The second part aims to develop an environmental audit to help practitioners and university managers to assess the presence/absence of biophilic elements in their campuses. This project is currently unfunded and has been developed in collaboration with Prof. Gowri Gulwadi Betrabet (USA) and Pia Nilsson (Sweden).

Participation in the research project "Pride of Place" in the Erasmus+ Call 2018 - KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices - Strategic Partnerships for school education (Erasmus+ Funding, project n. 2018-1-NL01-KA201-039020, duration 26 months, 01/09/2018 – 30/10/2020). Evaluation of an environmental education program for primary school students for the promotion of pride of place and other related psychological-environmental constructs. Organization: Sapienza University of Rome, Rome,

Participation in the project "ABC-SALT: Advanced Biomass Catalytic conversion to middle distillates in molten SALTs" in the EC Horizon 2020 call; Call: H2020-LCE-2016-2017-RES-RIA-TwoStage; Topic: LCE-06-2017: New knowledge and technologies; Type of action: Research and Innovation Action (EC H2020 Funding, Grant Agreement no. 764089, duration 48 months, 01/04/2018 – 31/03/2022). Stakeholder analysis to understand which psychological-social factors are favorable or against the adoption of biofuels. Institution: Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.

Exploring the soundscape and the atmosphere of the Gigli di Nola cultural festival in Italy (April 2019-July 2019)
This project examined the Gigli of Nola, an Italian folk ceremony featuring a shoulder-borne procession celebrating the feast of Saint Paulinus. The main objective of the study was to analyse the Gigli festival, its soundscape and related atmosphere. The research project was funded by the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Department of Architecture and Industrial Design, Aversa, Italy.

Influência do ambiente urbano na saúde e qualidade de vida depessoas idosas em Campina Grande, Paraíba (2016-2017)
The study investigated older people’s perception of environmental quality (measured by Residential Environment Quality and Neighborhood Attachment Indicators) and consequent influences on their quality of life and psychological wellbeing. Project funded by the Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia da Saúde, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, Brazil.

Peri-urban agriculture in Istanbul: An analysis of ten family-based projects (2014)
This study investigated gardening practices in ten urban gardens in Istanbul, Turkey. It describes the socio-physical characteristics of the gardens and examines the association between gardeners’ socio-demographic backgrounds and their perceptions, motivations and farming practices through in-depth interviews.
Project funded by Okan University, Department of Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey.

Inclusive Design for Getting Outdoors (I’DGO 2 – Phase 2) (2007-2011)
Examine how ‘Home Zone’ neighbourhoods, higher density housing, and the use of tactile paving affect people’s access and use of outdoor spaces, and provide guidance for design. Project funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). I’DGO 2 was a consortium project worth a total of £1.6m with OPENspace Research Centre been awarded a grant of £678k.
Leading Research Associate

Inclusive Design for Getting Outdoors (I’DGO 1 – Phase 1) (2006-2007)
Examine the associations between outdoors environments, outdoor activities, and the quality of life of older people. Project funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). This is a consortium project worth a total of £0.5 million.
Research Associate

Peri-Urban Land Use Relationships: Strategies and Sustainability Assessment Tools for Urban-Rural Linkages (PLUREL) (2007-2010)
Develop response functions related to social factors, such as migration, aging and ethnicity and their impact on land use through a literature review. Use this data to select relevant relationships to be examined through quantitative analysis.PLUREL was a research project funded within the 6th Research Framework Programme of the EU with 31 partner organisations from 14 European countries plus China. Project coordinated the University of Copenhagen.
Research Associate

Favourite Places & Activities of Elderly People (2004-2006)
Investigate elders’ favourite places, use, and engagement in activities in the city of Natal. Project funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico e Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Rio Grande do Norte

Literature Review on Landscape Preference (Spring 2001)
Conduct a literature review and analysis of all articles in Environment and Behavior addressing people’s interaction with natural environments. Project funded by the USDA Forest Service Station in Chicago, Illinois.

The Impact of Urban Forests on the Quality of Life of the Elderly: A Multicultural Perspective (Summer 2000)
Examine cultural differences in nature-related activities among elderly Spanish-speaking immigrants and English-speaking Anglo-Americans.
Project funded by the USDA Forest Service/NUCFAC Grant.

The Influence of the Eden Alternative on the Quality of Life of Residents in Long-Term Care Environments (Spring 1999)
Examine the influence of the Eden Alternative approach on the quality of life of nursing home residents.

Evaluation of Boulevard Trees and Plantings in Milwaukee (Spring 1999)
Evaluate the economic and psychological values of boulevards and greenspaces in Milwaukee.
Project funded by Wisconsin Urban Forestry Division.
Research Associate

The Botanical Domes as a Restorative Environment (Spring 1998)
Examine the potential of the Botanical Domes to be a restorative environment for residents in Milwaukee.

Teaching Experience

Dipartimento di Psicologia dei Processi di Sviluppo e Socializzazione, Sapienza University of Rome (2020-present)
Customer Behavior
Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics
Communication Psychology
User-Centered Design

Department of Architecture, Çankaya Üniversitesi, Turkey
Everyday Life in Public Spaces, 2018 (PhD level)
Environmental Psychology: Application to Design, 2017-2018
Use and Evaluation of Public Spaces, 2017-2018
Department of Psychology, Universidade Estadual da Paraíba
Ageing and Environment (Masters level)

Department of Architecture, Okan Üniversitesi, Turkey
Gender and the Built Environment, 2013-2015 (Master’s and PhD students)
Landscape, Health, and Design, 2013-2014
Research Topics in Architecture: Ageing Environments, 2013
Culture, Architecture, and Design, 2013-2014
Space and Psychology, 2012-2014
Urban Sociology, 2012-2013
Analysing Design, 2012-2013

Department of Landscape Architecture at Edinburgh College of Art, UK
Lecturer of Research Methods, 2007-2010 (PhD and Masters Level)
Lecture of Landscape Architecture, 2007-2010 (PhD and Masters Level)

Department of Psychology at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Lecturer of Research Methods, 2004-2006
Lecturer of Environmental Psychology, 2004-2006
Lecturer of Research Planning, 2004-2006 (Ph.D. level)
Lecturer of General & Experimental Psychology, 2006

Department of Psychology at Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
Lecturer of Environmental Psychology, 1996

Department of Psychology at Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
Teaching Assistant/Research Assistant in Social Psychology, 1992-1993

PhD Supervision and Member of PhD Committees
Co-supervisor (with Dr. Simon Bell) of a PhD dissertation on “Impacts of Tourism and Outdoor Development on Desert Environment: A Case Study of the Eastern Coast Desert Region of Saudi Arabia”. Edinburgh College of Art, UK.

External-reviewer of PhD dissertations in the department of Psychology at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Alves, S. & Betrabet Gulwadi, G. (2024). People–nature interactions within activity settings: Understanding health-promoting mechanisms using Amos Rapoport’s three EBS questions. In K. Silva & N. Fernando (Eds.), Theorizing Bult Form and Culture: The Legacy of Amos Rapoport. Routledge.

Alves, S., Cabras, C., Bellini, D. & Bonaiuto, M. (2024). Perceived environmental quality indicators as health-enabling elements within prisons. The Prison Journal, 104(2), 215-243.

Bonaiuto, M. & Alves, S. (in press). Nature-based solutions contribute to quality of life: Protecting, restoring, and building human capacities. In R. Marans, R. J. Stimson & N. J. Webster (Eds.), Handbook of Quality of Life: Place and Space Perspectives. University of Michigan, USA.
Alves, S. & Kalyoncuoğlu, B. B. (2023). Understanding social-ecological memory in urban agriculture: A case-study from Istanbul. Ecopsychology 15, 130–141. (doi:10.1089/eco.2022.0006).

Inglese, G., Mura, A. L., Alves, S., Bonaiuto, M., Villani, T. (2023). Biophilic design for remote studying environments: analysis of case studies involving a collaboration between ergonomics and environmental psychology. In L. Imbesi (Ed.), Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict. Cumulus Antwerp 2023 (pp. 98-102). Gent, Belgium: Academia Press. ISBN 978-94-014-9647-6.

Alves, S.; Betrabet Gulwadi, G.; Nilsson, P. (2022). An exploration of how biophilic attributes on campuses might support student connectedness to nature, others, and self. pp.793175. Frontiers in Psychology, 12

Alves, S., Betrabet Gulwadi, G., & Villagra, P. (2022). Cross-Cultural and Relational Views on Nature. Frontiers in Psychology (editorial)

Dessi, F.; Ariccio, S.; Albers, T.; Alves, S.; Ludovico, N.; Bonaiuto, M. (2022). Sustainable technology acceptability: Mapping technological, contextual, and social-psychological determinants of EU stakeholders’ biofuel acceptance. Sustainable Reviews, 158

Alves, S.; Di Gabriele, M.; Carillo, S.; Masullo, M.; and Maffei, L. (2021). Exploring the soundscape and the atmosphere of the Gigli di Nola cultural festival in Italy. Emotion, Space and Society,

Villagra Islas, P., Quezada, C. A. R., Alves, S., & Vilches, O. R. (2021). Efecto de las tipologías de urbanizaciónenlapercepción de loshumedales urbanos: aportes a la resiliencia comunitaria (Effetto delle tipologie di urbanizzazione sulla percezione delle zone umide urbane: contributi alla resilienza delle comunità). Aprendizajes e Innovación para la Resiliencia Urbana y Riesgo Sociocultural. Convergencia: Ciencia, Estado y Ciudadanía (Apprendimento e innovazione per la resilienza urbana e il rischio socioculturale. Convergenza: scienza, stato e cittadinanza). Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo Urbano e Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales, Santiago de Chile: RIL editores.

Alves, S., Bonaiuto, M. (2020). Nature Based Solutions (NBS)/Soluzioni basate sulla natura. In G. Latini, M. Bagliani, T. Orusa (a cura di), Lessico e nuvole: le parole del cambiamento climatico - II ed. Torino, Università di Torino, Zenodo (pp. 322-323). ISBN: 9788875901752

Alves, S., Bonaiuto, M. (2020). Percezione dei cambiamenti climatici/Perception of Climate Change. In G. Latini, M. Bagliani, T. Orusa (a cura di), Lessico e nuvole: le parole del cambiamento climatico - II ed. Torino, Università di Torino, Zenodo (pp. 340-341). ISBN: 9788875901752

Betrabet Gulwadi, G., Mishchenko, E. D., Hallowell, G., Alves, S. and Kennedy, M. (2019). The restorative potential of a university campus: Objective greenness and student perceptions in Turkey and the United States. Landscape and Urban Planning, 187, 36-46.

Alves, S. (2018). Understanding intangible aspects of cultural heritage: The role of active imagination. The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice,

Korpela, K. M., Pasanen, T., Repo, V., Hartig, T., Staats, H., Mason, M., Alves, S., Fornara, F., Marks, T., Saini, S., Scopelliti, M., Soares, A. A., Stigsdotter, U. K., &
Ward Thompson, C. (2018). Environmental strategies of affect regulation and their associations with subjective well-being. Frontiers in Psychology,

Villagra, P. &Alves, S. (2016). Open space attributes and their use in an earthquake emergency scenario: The case of Concepcion, Chile. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 19(1), 56-67.

Curl, A., Ward Thompson, C., Alves, S., & Aspinall, P. (2016). Outdoor Environmental Supportiveness and Older People's Quality of Life: A Personal Projects Approach.Journal of Housing For the Elderly, 30(1), 1-17.

Bonaiuto, M., Alves, S., De Dominicis, S., & Petruccelli, I. (2016). Place attachment and natural hazard risk: Research review and agenda. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 48, 33-53.

Hipp, A., Betrabet Gulwadi, G., Alves, S. &Sequeira, S. (2016). The relationship between perceived greenness and perceived restorativeness of university campuses and student-reported quality of life. Environment & Behavior, first published on August 16, 2015 as doi:10.1177/0013916515598200

Bonaiuto, M., Fornara, F., Alves, S., Ferreira, I., Mao, Y., Moffat, E., Piccinin, G., & Rahimi, L. (2015). Urban environment and well-being: Cross-cultural studies on perceived residential environment quality indicators (PREQIs). Cognitive Processing, 16(1), 165-169.

Alves, S. (2014). Affordances of historic urban landscapes: An ecological understanding of human interaction with the past. European Spatial Research and Policy Journal, 21(2), 13-31.

Ward Thompson, C., Curl, A., Aspinall, P., Alves, S. and Zuin, A. (2014). Do changes to the local street environment alter behaviour and quality of life of older adults? The ‘DIY Streets’ intervention. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 48(13), 1059-1065.

Nefs, M., Alves, S., Zasada, I., & Haase, D. (2013). Shrinking cities as retirement cities? Opportunities for shrinking cities as green living environments for older individuals. Environment and Planning A, 45(6), 1455-1473.

*Alves, S., Aspinall, P. A., Ward Thompson, C., Sugiyama, T., Brice, R., & Vickers, A. (2013). Preferences of older people for environmental attributes of local open space.In R. C. Lefebvre (Ed.), Social Marketing: Deepening and Expanding the Impact. Vol. 6. Sage Library in Marketing. SAGE Publications Ltd. *Reprinted research article

Bonaiuto, M. & Alves, S. (2012). Residential places and neighbourhoods: Towards healthy life, social integration and reputable residence. In S. Clayton (Ed.), The OxfordHandbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology. Oxford University press.

Curl, A., Ward Thompson, C., Aspinall, P., & Alves, S. (2012). The importance of a supportive environment for older people's outdoor projects in predicting life satisfaction. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 20, S41-S42.

Curl, A., Ward Thompson, C., Aspinall, P., & Alves, S. (2012).Shared space interventions: Impact on older people's physical activity and quality of life. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 20, S40-S40.

Alves, S. (2012). Toward a situated understanding of people’s interaction with outdoor spaces. In B. Schermer, S. Ahrentzen, & C. Després (Eds.), Blurring Boundaries, Building Bridges: The Legacy of the Milwaukee School in Environment-Behavior Studies. The School of Architecture and Urban Planning. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Alves, S. (2011). Ambientes restauradores [restorative environments]. In Calvacante, S. & Elali, G. A. (eds.), Temas Básicos em Psicologia Ambiental [Basic Themes in Environmental Psychology]. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes.

Alves, S. (2011). Guest editor introduction to the Aging and Environment special issue of Psyecology, 2(3), 295-298.

Alves, S. (2011). Everyday life in the context of outdoor spaces for older people. Psyecology, 2(3), 299-307.

García-Mira, R., Bomfim, Z. A. C., Dimitru, A., Alves, S., and Fraga, A. (2011). Vulnerabilidades socio-ambientales: obstáculos y caminos hacia la sostenibilidad. In: B. Fernandez-Ramirez, C. H. Villodres, C. M. S. Ferrer, & M. J. M. Mendez (Eds.), Psicologia Ambiental 2011: entre los estúdios urbanos y el analisis de la sostenibilidad. Almería, Espanha: Artes Gráficas Gutenberg.

Bell, S., Alves, S., de Oliveria, E. S., and Zuin, A. (2010). Migration and land use change in Europe: A review. Living Reviews in Landscape Research, 4. URL:

Aspinall, P. A. Ward Thompson, C., Alves, S. Sugiyama, T., Brice, R., and Vickers, A. (2010). Preference and Relative Importance for Environmental Attributes of Neighbourhood Open Space in Older People. Environment and Planning B, 37(6), 1022-1039.

Zasada, I., Alves, S., Müller, F. C., Piorr, A., Berges, R., & Bell, S. (2010). International Retirement Migration in the Alicante Region, Spain: Process, Spatial Pattern and Environmental Impacts. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 53(1), 125-141.

Sugiyama, T., Ward Thompson, C. and Alves, S. (2009). Associations Between Neighbourhood Open Space Attributes and Quality of Life for Older People in Britain. Environment and Behavior, 41(1), 3-21.

Macedo, D., Oliveira, C. V., Günther, I. A., Alves, S. M., and Nóbrega, T. S. (2008). O Lugar do Afeto, o Afetopelo Lugar: O que DizemosIdosos [The Place of Affect, the Affect for the Place: What do the elderly say?]. Psicologia, Teoria e Pesquisa, 24(4), 441-450.

Alves, S.; Aspinall, P. A.; Ward Thompson, C. Sugiyama, T.; Brice, R.; & Vickers, A. (2008). Preferences of Older People for Environmental Attributes of Local Open Space. Facilities, 26(11/12), 433-453.

Alves, S. M. & Betrabet-Gulwadi, G. (2008). Human-Nature Interactions: A Review of the Literature in Environment & Behavior.Métodos de Pesquisa nos Estudos Pessoa-Ambiente [Research Methods in Environmental Psychology]. São Paulo: All Books Casa do Psicólogo.

Alves, S., Betrabet-Gulwadi, G., and Cohen, U. (2005). Accommodating Culturally Meaningful Activities in Outdoor Settings for Older Adults. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 19 (3/4), 109-142.

Alves, S. (2003). Nature-related activities and the psychological well-being of nursing home residents. Unpublished PhD dissertation. University of Wisconsin-Milwakee, U.S.

Alves, S. (1997). Árvores de Brasília: Um Estudo Exploratório sobre a Preferência de Forma (Trees from Brasília: An Exploratory Study of Preferred Form). Unpublished Master’s thesis. Universidade de Brasília, Brazil.


Alves, S. and Gouveia, V. V. (1995). Atitudes em Relação à Arborização Urbana: Uma Contribuição da Psicologia Ambiental Para a Qualidade de Vida Urbana. [Attitudes Towards Street Trees: A Contribution from Environmental Psychology to the Quality of Life of Urban Residents]. Textos do Laboratório de Psicologia Ambiental, 4, 33-37.
Alves, S. (1995). Atitudes em Relação à Preservação Ambiental: Influência do Genêro, Idade e Nível de Escolaridade. [Pro-Environmental Attitudes: The Influence of Gender, Age, and Educational Level]. Textos do Laboratório de Psicologia Ambiental, 4, 59-62.

Gouveia, V. V. and Alves, S. (1993). Versão Brasileira da Escala de Assertividade Rathus: Teste de Construto e Construção de Normas Diagnósticas. [Brazilian Version of the Rathus Assertiveness Scale: Test of Construct Validity and Elaboration of Diagnostic Norms]. Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia, 46 (1/2), 162-172.

Gouveia, V. V. and Alves, S. (1993). Tipo de Comportamento e a Proximidade Ator-Observador; Suas Influências na Atribuição de Responsabilidade Social. [The Influence of Type of Behavior and Actor-Observer Proximity on the Attribution of Social Responsibility]. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 6, 49-56.

Published Reports
Bell, S., Brinkhuijsen, M., Pröbstl-Haider, U., Atik, M., Jiricka, A., Rodrigues, F. M., Larden, M., Tratsela, M., Roe, M. &Alves, S. (2013). Sutainable Coastal Tourism. LE:NOTRE Landscape Forum Report. Antalya, Turkey in April 2012.

Bell, S. Hamilton, V. Montarzino, A. Rothnie, H. Travlou, P. and Alves, S. 2008. Green space and quality of life: a critical literature review. Greenspace Scotland Research Report, Stirling.

Ward Thompson, C., Roe, J., and Alves, S. (2007). Woods in and Around Towns (WIAT) Evaluation: Baseline Survey. Final Report submitted to Forestry Commission Scotland.

Alves, S., Betrabet, G., and Cohen, U. (2002). The Impact of Urban Forests on the Quality of Life of the Elderly: A Multicultural Perspective. Publications in Architecture and Urban Planning Research. Report: R02-2, ISBN: 1-886437-21-1.

International Summer School Programme, Invited Lectures and Intensive Courses
International Summer School Programme

Technical University in Budapest
Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme (April 7-11, 2014). Two lectures were given at the Technical University in Budapest: (1) Examining humans’ interaction with nature: implications for architectural and urban design; and (2) Street settings and their affordances.
Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme (September 1-15, 2013). Summer School in Designing of Company Museum Systems in Euro-Mediterranean area. Collaboration between the Second University of Naples, Department of Architecture and Industrial Design "Luigi Vanvitelli"; Okan University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture and the University of Applied Sciences Cologne, Faculty of Architecture.

Summer School entitled Theodosian Walls and Urban Agriculture (May 2013). Exchange programme among Turkish universities, including Okan University and Aachen University in Germany.

Invited Lectures
Alves, S. (2023). Understanding Customers’ Behaviour: Insights from Environmental
Psychology (series of 5 lectures delivered to students at Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia).

Alves, S. (2023). Nature-based solutions and interventions: How to promote quality of life and wellbeing (series of 5 lectures delivered to students at Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia).

Alves, S. (2018). In-between spaces and their role in architecture. Department of Architecture and Industrial Design. University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Aversa, Italy.

Alves, S. (2017). Understanding human experience in natural environments. Institute of Environmental Science and Evolution Science Faculty. Universidad Austral de Chile,
Valdivia, Chile.

Alves, S. (2014). Street Settings and Their Affordances. Invited lecture and Workshop at the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.

Alves, S. (2011). Daily life research in environmental psychology. Invited seminar at the Inter-University Research Center on Environmental Psychology (CIRPA) at Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy.

Alves, S. (2011). Patterns of human-nature interaction and implications for biophilic design. Invited seminar at the Inter-University Research Center on Environmental Psychology (CIRPA) at Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy.

Alves, S. (2011). La Importancia de los espacios al aire libre para la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. Invited seminar at the Department of Psychology at UPAEP. Puebla, Mexico.

Alves, S. (2011). Ageing, migration and spatial transformation in urban systems. Invited seminar presented in the Faculty of Spatial Sciences at the Groningen University, The Netherlands.

Alves, S. (2010). Outdoor spaces and older people’s health: What does environmental fit means? Invited seminar at the Inter-University Research Center on Environmental Psychology (CIRPA) at Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy.

Alves, S. (2010). La importancia de los espacios al aire libre para la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. Invited seminar at the Person-Environment Research Group, Universidad de la Coruña, Coruña, Spain.

Alves, S. (2010). La importancia de los espacios al aire libre para la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. Invited seminar at the Research Group on Social, Environmental and Organizational Psychology University of Barcelona, Spain.

Alves, S., (2009). Use of conjoint analysis to understand older people’s preferences for environmental attributes of open spaces. Invited seminar atInterdisciplinary Research Group on Suburbs, Laval University, Québec.

Invited Intensive Courses
Special Environments: Pedestrian-Friendly Neighbourhoods (Nov. 2011) - Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Poland.

The first part of the course presented a conceptual framework based on the notion of supportive environments—to explain how neighbourhood outdoor spaces (e.g. streets) can contribute to health and quality of life. The second part of the course discussed the design, analysis and strengths/weaknesses of research methods aimed to measure everyday patterns of activities in neighbourhood environment, such as a choice-based conjoint questionnaire and a personal project questionnaire.

Presentations at Conferences (from 1997 onwards)

Gulwadi Betrabet, G. & Alves, S. (2023). Applying Rapoport’s framework to build a pattern language of nature-based affordances. Paper presented at the 54th EDRA conference in Mexico City (June 20-23).

Inglese, G., Mura, A. L., Alves, S., Bonaiuto, M., Villani, T. (2023). Biophilic Design for remote studying environments: Analysis of case studies involving a collaboration between Ergonomics and Environmental Psychology. Cumulus conference. Antwerp, Belgium (April 12-15).

Alves, S., Betrabet Gulwadi, G., Nilsson, P: (2022). Understanding students’
connectedness to nature, others, and self in campus settings. XVI Congresso de
Psicologia Ambiental (PSICAMB 2022), Faro, Portugal.

Contzen, N., Steg, L., Perlaviciute, G., Al Alam, A., Alves S., Bidwell, D., Böhm, G., Bonaiuto, M., Dessi, F., do Carmo Eulálio, M., Chou, L., Corral-Verdugo, V., Dietz, T.,
Fielding, K., Granskaya, J., Gurikova, T., Hernández, B., Pobedovna Kabakova, M., Lee, C., LI, F., Lima, L., Liu, L., Luís, S., Muinos, G., Ogunbode, C.A., Victoria Ortiz, M., Pidgeon, N.,
Argüello, M., Rahimi, L., Revokatova, A., Gómez Román, C., Salloum, C., Schuitema, G., Reyna, C., Shwom, R., Siegrist, M., Spence, E., Sütterlin, B., Yalcinkaya, N.S. (2021).
Perceived risks and acceptability of solar radiation management: Insights from a cross-cultural study. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference “The Discipline(s) of Risk
Science”, Society for Risk Analysis conference, June 13-16, Espoo, Finland.

Dessi, F., Ariccio, S., Albers, T., Alves, S., Ludovico, N., Bonaiuto, M. (2021). L’accettabilità della tecnologia sostenibile: mappatura delle determinanti tecnologiche, contestuali e psicologico-sociali della accettazione di biocarburanti da parte di stakeholder in ambito UE. Riassunto di comunicazione al XVII Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, Sezione di Psicologia Sociale. Brescia, 13–15 settembre 2021.

Alves, S., Betrabet-Gulwadi, G. & Nilsson, P. (2020). Integrating Nature in Campus Settings through Biophilic Principles and Patterns. Paper presented in the 26th conference of the International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS). June 21 – 26, 2020. Québec City, Canada.

Alves, S. & Villagra, P. (2019). The restorative aspects of open spaces in natural risk situations. Paper presented at the XVI Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia sociale dell’AIP. Roma, Italy. September 12-14.

Alves, S. (2019). Do spaces of migration turn into places of attachment? Insights from research on International Retirement Migration. Paper presented at the XVI Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia sociale dell’AIP. Roma, Italy. September 12-14.

Alves, S. (2018). Why in-between spaces are important to everyday architecture? Paperpresented at the international congress on sustainability in architecture, planning, anddesign. Çankaya University, October 17-19, Ankara, Turkey.

Betrabet-Gulwadi, G., Mishchenko, E. D., Hallowell, G., Alves, S. & Kennedy, M. (2018). Undergraduate campuses as health-promoting resources: Student’s perceptionsof campus greenness, campus restorativeness, academic workload and quality of life inTurkey and the United States. Poster presented in the 25th conference of theInternational Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS). July 8-13, Rome,Italy.

Villagra, P., Alves, S., Rojas, C., & Quintana, C. (2018). A spatial study on the effectsof facilities in security sites on people’s perceptions in tsunami prone-environments.Paper presented in the 25th conference of the International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS). July 8-13, Rome, Italy.

Alves, S. (2017). Linking tangible-intangible aspects of heritage through an ecological view of perception. Historic Urban Landscape Forum. Bartlett School of Architecture. London, UK.

Alves, S. & Nilsson, P. (2017). Coexistence through water in urban environments: Implications for health and design. Compresenze. Corpi, Azioni e Spazi Ibridi nella Città Contemporanea. Rome, Italy.19-24 June.

Alves, S., Gulwadi, G. B., Mishchenko, E. D., &Hipp, A. (2016). An integrative conceptual framework to understand human-nature interaction in diverse cultural contexts. Paper presented in the 24th conference of the International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS). June 27-July 1, Lund, Sweden.

Vilagra, P. & Alves, S. (2016). Attributes, uses and restorative qualities of open spaces during daily life and after disaster: The case of Conception, Chile. Paper presented in the 24th conference of the International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS). June 27-July 1, Lund, Sweden.

Alves, S. (2015), Creative heritage: an analysis of third places in Istanbul and Rome. Paper presented at the International conference on ‘Changing Cities’: spatial, morphological, formal, and socio-economic dimensions. June 22-26, Porto Heli, Greece.

Bonaiuto, M., De Dominicis, S., Alves, S., Ganucci Cancellieri, U., Petruccelli, I., Stancu, A. (2015). Place attachment, environmental risk, and coping. Presentation at the 11th European Spring Conference on Social Psychology, March 15-22, Hotel Laudinella, St. Moritz, Switzerland.

Alves, S., Bilgel, N., Bayram, N., & Torun, A. O. (2014). The examination of perceived residential environment quality in two cities in Turkey. Paper presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP). July 8-13, 2014. Paris, France.

Bonaiuto, M., Fornara, F., Alves, S., Kyttä, M., & Johansson, M. (2014). Creating environments that support healthy physical activity. Symposium presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP). July 8-13, 2014. Paris, France.

Baser, B., Zasada, I., Berges, R., Alves, S., &Benninger, S. (2014). Urban agriculture and its ecosystem services from a cross-cultural perspective: Case studies in Germany, Turkey, and India. Paper presented at the 23rd conference of the International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS). June 24-27, Timișoara, Romania.

Bonaiuto, M., Scrima, F., Paillé, Alves, S., De Dominicis, S. &Schultz, W. (2014). Positive psychology and environmental psychology. Symposium presented at the 23rd conference of the International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS). June 24-27, Timișoara, Romania.

Alves, S. (2014). An examination of the affordances of street spaces in Mediterranean cities. Paper presented at the International Ambiance Network conference. February 24-26, Tunis, Tunisia.

Bonaiuto, M., Alves, S. & Molinario, E. (2013). Positive environments. Invited keynote speaker in the Third World Congress on Positive Psychology. Los Angeles, CA., U.S.

Alves, S. (2013). Affordances analysis of archaeological landscapes: The case of Çatalhöyükin Turkey. Paper presented at the International conference on ‘Chaging Cities’: spatial, morphological, formal, and socio-economic dimensions. Skiathos island, Greece. 18-21 June

Alves, S. (2013). A conceptual framework to study landscape affordances: implications for future research in Turkey. Paper presented at the first symposium in Residential Environmental Quality: Implications for Health and Wellbeing. Okan University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Alves, S. (2012). Use of conjoint analysis to understand older people’s preferences for environmental attributes of open spaces. Invited paper presentation at the 5th International Psycho-Social and Applied Gerontology Symposium. Antalya, Turkey.
1-2 Nov.

Hipp, A., Alves, S., & Gulwadi, G. (2012). The University Green and student psychological well-being. Paper presented at the 43th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Seattle, Washington. May 30-June 2.

Ward Thompson, C., Aspinall, P. A., Young, A,. Alves, S., Zuin, A., Roe, J., Curl, A. supportive environment for older people’s outdoor projects in predicting life satisfaction. Paper presented at the World Conference on Active Ageing, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. June 18-21.

Curl, A., Ward-Thompson, C., Aspinall, P., Alves, S. (2012). Shared space interventions: Impact on older people’s physical activity and quality of life. Paper presented at the World Conference on Active Ageing, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. June 18-21

Ward Thompson, C,. Curl, A., Aspinall, P. A., Roe, J. R., Zuin, A., Alves, S. (2012). A longitudinal study of shared space street improvements and older people’s quality of life. Paper presented at the International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS), Glasgow, UK. June 24-29

Alves, S. (2011). Operacionalización de los ‘ofrecimientos’ en el contexto de los espacios abiertos y verdes para las personas mayores. Paper presented at the Tercer Encuentro Latino Americano de Psicología Ambiental. Mexico City, Mexico.??

Nefs, M., Alves, S., Zasada, I., and Haase, D. (2011). Retirement cities: Analysing the opportunities and challenges of a co-existence of ageing and urban shrinkage in Europe. Paper presented at the 9thBiennal of Environmental Psychology. Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 26-28 September

Alves, S., and Esbjerg, A-K. (2011). Spaces for burial and death: Bridging issues of design and experience in urban landscapes. Poster presented at the 9th Biennal of Environmental Psychology. Eindhoven, The Netherlands (26-28 September).

Alves, S. (2011). Observing people in residential street environments: What accounts for greater social interaction? Paper presented in a symposium entitled Open Spaces and Social Benefits at the 42th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Chicago, Illinois. May 25-28.

Ward Thompson, C., Aspinall, P., Alves, S., Zuin, A., Roe, J., Sugiyama, T., and Millington, C. (2011). “I’d go outdoors if I could; wouldn’t you?” - Age-friendly neighbourhoods and quality of life. Paper presented at Open Space, People Space 3 conference. Edinburgh, UK. Available at the OPENspace Research Centre website
27th June – Wednesday 29th

Ward Thompson, C., Alves, S., Aspinall, P., Roe, J., and Zuin, A. (2011). A longitudinal study of shared space street improvements and older people’s quality of life. Paper presented at the 42th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Chicago, Illinois. May 25-28

Ward Thompson, C., Roe, J., Aspinall, P. and Alves, S. (2011). The impact of urban woodland improvements on use by deprived communities - a longitudinal study. Paper presented at the 42th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Chicago, Illinois. May 25-28

Alves, S. (2011). Vulnerabilidad de personas mayores y uso de espacios abiertos en el contexto de Reino Unido - Proyecto “Inclusive Design for Getting Outdoors”. Paper presented in the symposium entitled Vulnerabilidades Socio-Ambientales: Obstáculos y Caminos hacia la Sostenibilidad at the XI Congreso de Psicología Ambiental. Almería, Spain. 9-11 February

Alves, S., Ward Thompson, C., Aspinall, P., and Zuin, A. (2010). Examining older people’s outdoor experiences through an ecologically situated methodology. Paper presented in the symposium entitled Advances in Housing research: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges at the 21th International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS). Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig, Germany. June 27-July 2,

Alves, S. Millington, C., and Ward Thompson, C. (2010). Studying pedestrian outdoor activities in residential streets in deprived parts of Britain. Paper presented in 21th International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS). Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig, Germany. June 27-July 2,

Piorr, A., Zasada, I., Berges, R., Loibl, W., Korcelli, P., Tosics, I., Lalenis, L., & Alves, S. (2010). Land use change and sustainability performance of European Region types. Managing the rural-urban interface. University of Copenhagen, Denmark; (part of the PLUREL project activities).

Alves, S., Ward Thompson, C., Sugiyama, T., Aspinall, P., Brice, R., and Vickers, A. (2009).Use of conjoint analysis to understand older people’s preferences for environmental attributes of open spaces. Invited presentation at the Villes Régions Monde (VRM) Forum at the 77th Congress of the Association Francophone Pour Le Aavoir (Acfas). Quebec City, Canada.??? June 1-5 (not sure)

Alves, S., Ward Thompson, C., Aspinall, P., Millington, C., and Zuin, A. (2009). How do shared space streets, such as ‘Home Zones’, contribute to older people’s quality of life? Preliminary results from the I’DGO TOO research project. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Kansas City, Missouri. May 27-31.

Clemerson, S., Alves, S., Gulwadi, G. B., and Krawczyk, C. (2009). Doing research with older people: challenges of small sample sizes. Paper presented in a symposium entitled Epistemological, Methodological and Ethical Aspects of Working with Marginalised or Vulnerable People at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Kansas City, Missouri.

Zasada, I., and Alves, S. (2009). Retirement Landscape in the Alicante Region. Paper presented at the European Urban Research Association (EURA). Madrid, June 4-6, 2009. Paper has been published in the annals of the conference and in available at:

Alves, S. M., Ward Thompson, C., Zuin, A., Millington, C., and Aspinall, P. (2009). The role of shared space streets, such as ‘Home Zones’ on older people’s quality of life. Paper presented at Well-Being and Place conference. Durham University, UK. April 7th

Alves, S., Bell, S. and Zuin, A. (2008). Mapping out the social impacts of land use: Soft-GIS and choice-based conjoint analysis as integrative methods. Paper presented at the Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes International conference. Berlin, Germany. April 6th

Alves, S., Bell, S., and Silverinha, E. (2008). Migration-environment relations: An ecological model and methodology for elaborating response functions. Paper presented at the Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes International conference. Berlin, Germany.

Alves, S. M. & Penny, T. (2008). Symposium proponents Integrative methodologies for capturing diversity inherent in people-place relationships. Paper presented in a symposium entitled Integrative Methodologies for Capturing Diversity Inherent in People-Place Relationships at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Vera Cruz, Mexico. May 28-June 1

Alves, S., Ward Thompson, C., Aspinall, P., Zuin, A., and Millington, C. (2008). Studying older people’s activity patterns in outdoor environments: methodological issues and lessons learned in the field. Paper presented in the symposium entitled Integrative Methodologies for Capturing Diversity Inherent in People-Place Relationships at the 20th International Association for People-Environment Studies. Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta (L.U.M.S.A), Rome, Italy. 28 July-1 August, 2008

Alves, S.; Sugiyama, T.; Ward Thompson, C.; and Aspinall, P. (2008). ‘Being Outdoors’ as a meaningful personal project for older people. Paper presented at the 20th International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS). Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta (L.U.M.S.A), Rome, Italy. 28 July-1 August, 2008

Zuin, A., S. Alves, S. Bell, and Peter Aspinall. (2008). Quality of Life Indicators in Housing Location Preference: Assessing the Importance of Perceived Affordances." In Urban Diversities, Biosphere and Well-Being: Designing and Managing Our Common Environment. Paper presented at the 20th International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS). Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta (L.U.M.S.A), Rome, Italy.

Travlou, P., S. Alves, M. Kyttä, and C. Rishbeth. "Integrative Methodologies for Capturing Diversity Inherent in People-Place Relationships." In Urban Diversities, Biosphere and Well-Being: Designing and Managing Our Common Environment. Paper presented at the 20th International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS). Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta (L.U.M.S.A), Rome, Italy. 28 July-1 August, 2008

Alves, S., Ward Thompson, C., Sugiyama, T., Aspinall, P. (2007). How can the neighbourhood environment make a difference to the health of older people? Paper presented at OPENspace Conference: Open Space/People Space conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. 19th September – Friday 21st

Ward Thompson, C., Sugiyama, T., Alves, S., and Aspinall, P. (2007). Neighbourhood Outdoor Spaces: What do they represent as part of a vital urban environment for older people? 10th Anniversary Conference, European Urban Research Association (EURA), University of Glasgow, Scotland. 12-14 September 2007,

Alves, S., Sugiyama, T., Ward Thompson, C., and Aspinall, P. (2007). Mobility-related characteristics and their influence on older people’s preference for outdoor environments. 7thBiennal Conference on Environmental Psychology, Bayreuth, Germany. SEP 9-12, 2007

Alves, S., Sugiyama, T., Ward Thompson, C., and Aspinall, P. (2007). What can help older people enjoy the outdoors more? Choice-based scenarios comparing natural and non-natural physical features. Invited paper presentation at the IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) VI Symposium. Saariselkä, Finland. 14–20 August 2007

Alves, S. and Elali, G. (2007). Auto-ethnography as a pedagogic tool in Environmental Psychology. Written Landscape Symposium, University of Exeter, UK. Written Landscape Symposium, University of Exeter, UK. 7th-8th July 2007

Alves, S., Ward Thompson, C., Sugiyama, T., and Aspinall, P. (2007). What attributes do older people prefer in accessing their local open space? A choice-based conjoint analysis approach. Paper presentation at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Sacramento, California. May 30-June 3, 2007,

Ward Thompson, C., Sugiyama, T., Alves, S., and Aspinall, P. (2006). Neighbourhood environments, physical activity and health for older people: What have we learned from the I’DGO project? Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Physical Activity & Health Alliance Conference: Let’s Make Scotland More Interactive. Edinburgh, Scotland. October 15-18.

Betrabet-Gulwadi, G.; Alves, S. M and Cohen, U. (2004). Accommodating culturally meaningful activities in outdoor settings for older adults. Paper presentation (symposium) at the 18th Conference of the International Association for People-Environment Studies. Vienna, Austria. July 7-10, 2004

Alves, S. M.; Betrabet-Gulwadi, G.; and Cohen, U. (2004). Enhancing quality of life among older adults. Paper presentation (workshop) at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Albuquerque, New Mexico. June 2 - 6

Alves S. M.; Betrabet, G.; and Gobster, P. (2004). Reflexões sobre as interações humanas com ambientes naturais publicadas na revista Environment & Behavior. Paper Presentation at the Meeting of the Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa em Pós-Graduação em Psicologia. Praia Formosa, Aracuz, ES. May 15-19

Alves, S., Betrabet, G., and Cohen, U. (2002). The impact of urban forests on the quality of life of the elderly: A multicultural perspective. Paper Presentation at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Philadelphia, PA. May 22-26

Alves, S. and Betrabet, G. (2001). The impact of urban forests on elderly people in long-term settings: A multicultural perspective. Poster Presentation at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Edinburgh, Scotland. 3-6 July 2001

Cohen, U., Cohen, R., and Alves, S. (2001). The influence of the Eden Alternative in the quality of life of elders in nursing homes. Paper Presentation at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Edinburgh, Scotland. 3-6 July 2001

Alves, S. (2001). Evaluation of the social and economic values of trees in Milwaukee. Poster Presentation at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Edinburgh, Scotland.

Betrabet, G. and Alves, S. M. (2000). Assessing the impact of urban forests on elderly people in long-term care settings: Toward a multicultural framework. Sixth International people-Plant Symposium. Chicago, IL. Oct 15-19

Alves, S. M. (1999). The nature of nature. Paper Presentation at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Orlando, FL. June 2–6, 1.

Alves, S. M. (1999). The Botanical Domes as a restorative environment. Poster Presentation at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Orlando, FL. June 2–6, 1.

Alves, S. M. (1997). An exploratory study about the preference of tree shapes in Brasília. Paper presentation at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Environmental Design Research Association. Saint Louis, MI. May 27–31

Scholarships and Prizes
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) Post-doctoralscholarship (2016-2017). Post-doctoral work at UEPB, Campina Grande, PB. Brazil.
Royal Society of Edinburgh RSE Research Awards in the Arts and Humanities - Small Research Grant (Winter 2010)—visits to research centres in Italy and Spain. United Kingdom.
PLUREL study visit fellowship to ZALF research centre (Fall 2008) in Berlin, Germany. United Kingdom.
COST-E39 (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Short Term Scientific Mission scholarship (Winter 2007–visits to research centres in Finland and Estonia). United Kingdom.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) Postdoctoral Fellowship (2004-2006). Brazil.
Cheryl Minor Female Scholar of Distinction Award (Spring 2002). United States.
Victor Vega PhD Scholarship (Fall 1998, 2000, 2001, and 2002). United States.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) Doctoral Award (1997-2001). PhD in the US.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) Master’s Award (1995-1997). Brazil.

Membership of Professional Bodies and Editorial Board Activities
Associate editor for Global Environmental Psychology (since 2023).
Editor for Ricerche in Psicologia, Milan, Italy
Member of the International Association of Applied Psychology
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Arborização Urbana, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Co-chair of the Nature and Ecology Network - Research network part of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), U.S.
Member of IAPS - International Association for People-Environment Studies
Member of EDRA - Environmental Research Design Association
Member of the LE: NOTRE Landscape Forum - Thematic Network Project in Landscape Architecture

Journal Reviewer Activities
The Journal of Global Environmental Psychology (associate editor) Ricerche in Psicologia (Italy)
Journal of Environmental Psychology (U.S.)
Frontiers in Psychology (Switzerland)
Landscape and Urban Planning (U.S.)
Estudos em Psicologia (UFRN, Brazil)
Environment & Behavior (U.S.)
Facilities (UK)
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Arborização Urbana
Psico (PUCRS– Brazil)
Psyecology (Spain)

Service for Professional Organizations
Reviewer for the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) since 2006.

Community and Dissemination Related Work

I have worked with different communities in the UK while collecting data and managing interviews, site visits, and meeting with elders and community leaders for the Inclusive Design for Getting Outdoors project.

I have disseminated research findings to academic and non-academic stakeholders (elderly community meetings; sustainable transportation organisation, such as Sustrans in the UK). I have designed pamphlets and brochure to recruit research participants; I have liaised with assisted living and nursing home organisations directors and employees to recruit participants, organise meetings, and disseminate research information.

Portuguese (Native language)

Data Analysis Jobs
Research Assistant, Roberto Hernandez Center (Spring 2003)
Data entry and data analysis of two surveys assessing the needs of employers and employees in the Wisconsin Green Industry. The goal of the research project was to generate data to guide the training and educational programs in the green industry in SE Wisconsin.

Student Assistant, UWM Employment and Training Institute (Fall 2002)
Application and data entry of a survey conducted for the Private Industry Council of Milwaukee County about the job openings in the Milwaukee metropolitan area.

Research Assistant, Department of Natural Resources, City of Milwaukee (1999-2000)
Design and data analysis of a survey to evaluate the economic and psychological value of boulevards and greenspaces in Milwaukee.

Research products

11573/1707579 - 2024 - People-nature interactions within activity settings: understanding health-promoting mechanisms using Amos Rapoport’s three EBS questions
Alves, S.; Betrabet Gulwadi, G. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Theorizing Built Form and Culture: The Legacy of Amos Rapoport. - ()

11573/1702222 - 2024 - Perceived Environmental Quality Indicators as Health-Enabling Elements Within Prisons
Alves, Susana; Cabras, Cristina; Bellini, Diego; Bonaiuto, Marino - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: THE PRISON JOURNAL (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Periodicals Incorporated) pp. 215-243 - issn: 0032-8855 - wos: WOS:001148020200001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85182811104 (0)

11573/1707634 - 2024 - Nature-Based Solutions contribute to quality of life: Protecting, restoring, and building human capacities
Bonaiuto, M.; Alves, S. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Handbook of Quality of Life Research: Place and Space Perspectives - ()

11573/1707549 - 2024 - Public opinion about solar radiation management: A cross-cultural study in 20 countries around the world
Contzen, N.; Perlaviciute, G.; Steg, L.; Reckels, S. C.; Alves, S.; Bidwell, D.; Bohm, G.; Bonaiuto, M.; Chou, L. -F.; Corral-Verdugo, V.; Dessi, F.; Dietz, T.; Doran, R.; Eulalio, M. D. C.; Fielding, K.; Gomez-Roman, C.; Granskaya, J. V.; Gurikova, T.; Hernandez, B.; Kabakova, M. P.; Lee, C. -Y.; Li, F.; Lima, M. L.; Liu, L.; Luis, S.; Muinos, G.; Ogunbode, C. A.; Ortiz, M. V.; Pidgeon, N.; Pitt, M. A.; Rahimi, L.; Revokatova, A.; Reyna, C.; Schuitema, G.; Shwom, R.; Yalcinkaya, N. S.; Spence, E.; Sutterlin, B. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CLIMATIC CHANGE (Dordrecht Netherlands: Springer Nature Dordrecht Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers) pp. - - issn: 0165-0009 - wos: WOS:001196943900001 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85188885698 (2)

11573/1722282 - 2024 - Implementation of a hybrid working system: Can it increase millennial workers’ commitment in greater Jakarta?
Purba, S. D.; Nilawati, L.; Nugroho, Y. A. B.; Darmoyo, S.; Alves, S. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: HUMAN SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT (IOS Press:Nieuwe Hemweg 6B, 1013 BG Amsterdam Netherlands:011 31 20 6883355, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 31 20 6203419) pp. - - issn: 0167-2533 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1707547 - 2024 - Spatial interactions between perceived biophilic values and neighborhood typologies in wetlands
Villagra, P.; Rojas, C.; Rojas, O.; Alves, S. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CITY AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT (Singapore: Springer) pp. - - issn: 2435-7928 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1707548 - 2023 - Understanding Social-Ecological Memory in Urban Agriculture: A Case Study from Istanbul
Alves, S.; Baser Kalyoncuoglu, B. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ECOPSYCHOLOGY (New Rochelle N.Y.: Mary Ann Liebert) pp. 130-141 - issn: 1942-9347 - wos: WOS:001003087900004 (2) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85162124997 (2)

11573/1682444 - 2023 - Biophilic Design for remote studying environments: Analysis of case studies involving a collaboration between Ergonomics and Environmental Psychology
Inglese, Giovanni; Mura, Alessandro Lorenzo; Bonaiuto, Marino; Alves, Susana; Villani, Teresa - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Cumulus Conference Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflicts (Antwerp)
book: Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflicts. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Antwerp 2023 - (978 94 014 9647 6)

11573/1706424 - 2022 - Editorial: Cross-Cultural and Relational Views on Nature
Alves, S.; Betrabet Gulwadi, G.; Villagra, P. - 01m Editorial/Introduzione in rivista
paper: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY (Lausanne: Frontiers Editorial) pp. - - issn: 1664-1078 - wos: WOS:000840726800001 (1) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85135834519 (1)

11573/1636815 - 2022 - An Exploration of How Biophilic Attributes on Campuses Might Support Student Connectedness to Nature, Others, and Self
Alves, Susana.; Betrabet Gulwadi, G.; Nilsson, P. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY (Lausanne: Frontiers Editorial) pp. 793175- - issn: 1664-1078 - wos: WOS:000791991000001 (6) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85128987352 (14)

11573/1620807 - 2022 - Sustainable technology acceptability: Mapping technological, contextual, and social-psychological determinants of EU stakeholders’ biofuel acceptance
Dessi, F.; Ariccio, S.; Albers, T.; Martins Alves, S.; Ludovico, N.; Bonaiuto, M. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS (Kidlington, Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier Science Limited) pp. - - issn: 1364-0321 - wos: WOS:000820109600006 (10) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85122705309 (17)

11573/1636813 - 2021 - Exploring the soundscape and the atmosphere of the Gigli di Nola cultural festival in Italy
Alves, Susana.; Di Gabriele, Maria.; Carillo, Saverio.; Masullo, Massimiliano.; Maffei, Luigi. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EMOTION, SPACE AND SOCIETY (Oxford: Elsevier) pp. 100848- - issn: 1755-4586 - wos: WOS:000722085400001 (7) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85119232722 (12)

11573/1582750 - 2021 - L'accettabilità della tecnologia sostenibile: mappatura delle determinanti tecnologiche, contestuali e psicologico-sociali dell'accettazione di biocarburanti da parte di stakeholder in ambito EU
Dessi, Federica; Ariccio, Silvia; Albers, Thomas; Martins Alves, Susana; Ludovico, Nuccio; Bonaiuto, Marino - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: XVII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’AIP (Brescia)
book: Abstract Book del XVII Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sociale dell’AIP - ()

11573/1478497 - 2020 - Nature Based Solutions (NBS)/Soluzioni basate sulla natura
Martins Alves, Susana; Bonaiuto, Marino - 02d Voce di Enciclopedia/Dizionario
book: Lessico e nuvole: le parole del cambiamento climatico - II ed. - (9788875901752)

11573/1478501 - 2020 - Percezione dei cambiamenti climatici/Perception of Climate Change
Martins Alves, Susana; Bonaiuto, Marino - 02d Voce di Enciclopedia/Dizionario
book: Lessico e nuvole: le parole del cambiamento climatico - II ed. - (9788875901752)

11573/1401397 - 2019 - The restorative potential of a university campus: Objective greenness and student perceptions in Turkey and the United States
Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi, ; Evrim Demir Mishchenko, ; George, Hallowell; Martins Alves, Susana; Megan, Kennedy - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING (Amsterdam ; Tokyo ; Oxford ; New York : Elsevier) pp. 36-46 - issn: 0169-2046 - wos: WOS:000467665900004 (73) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85063452856 (93)

11573/1401410 - 2018 - Environmental strategies of affect regulation and their associations with subjective well-being
Korpela, Kalevi M.; Tytti, Pasanen; Veera, Repo; Terry, Hartig; Henk, Staats; Michael, Mason; Martins Alves, Susana; Ferdinando, Fornara; Tony, Marks; Sunil, Saini; Massimiliano, Scopelliti; Soares, Ana L.; Stigsdotter, Ulrika K.; Catharine Ward Thompson, - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY (Lausanne: Frontiers Editorial) pp. - - issn: 1664-1078 - wos: WOS:000430350700001 (56) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85045515130 (59)

11573/1401408 - 2018 - Understanding intangible aspects of cultural heritage: The role of active imagination
Martins Alves, Susana - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: THE HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT (London : Maney, 2010-) pp. 207-228 - issn: 1756-7505 - wos: WOS:000456727000003 (8) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85057304045 (12)

11573/955320 - 2016 - Place attachment and natural hazard risk. Research review and agenda
Bonaiuto, Marino; Alves, Susana; De Dominicis, Stefano; Petruccelli, Irene - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010) pp. 33-53 - issn: 0272-4944 - wos: WOS:000391074800004 (199) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84984940265 (213)

11573/1401428 - 2016 - Outdoor environmental supportiveness and older people’s quality of life: a personal projects approach
Curl, Angela.; Thompson Catharine Ward, ; Alves, Susana.; Aspinall, Peter - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY (New York, N.Y. : Haworth Press, [c1983]-) pp. 1-17 - issn: 0276-3893 - wos: WOS:000386649500001 (25) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84962550003 (25)

11573/1401420 - 2016 - The relationship between perceived greenness and perceived restorativeness of university campuses and student-reported quality of life
Hipp, J. Aaron.; Gulwadi Betrabet Gowri, ; Alves, Susana.; Sequeira, Sonia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ENVIRONMENT AND BEHAVIOR (Sage Periodicals Incorporated:2455 Teller Road:Thousand Oaks, CA 91320:(805)499-0721, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (805)499-0871) pp. 1292-1308 - issn: 0013-9165 - wos: WOS:000387154600004 (121) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84992449486 (142)

11573/1401412 - 2016 - Open space and their attributes, uses and restorative qualities in an earthquake emergency scenario: the case of Concepción, Chile
Villagra-Islas, P.; Alves, Susana - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING (Elsevier GmbH. All Jena: Urban & Fischer Verlag) pp. 56-67 - issn: 1618-8667 - wos: WOS:000386190500008 (18) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84978699236 (26)

11573/819111 - 2015 - Urban environment and well-being. Cross-cultural studies on Perceived Residential Environment Quality Indicators (PREQIs)
Bonaiuto, Marino; Fornara, Ferdinando; Alves, Susana; Ferreira, Ines; Mao, Yanhui; Moffat, Eva; Piccinin, Gloria; Rahimi, Leila - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: COGNITIVE PROCESSING (Lengerich : Pabst Science, 2000-2003 Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 2004-) pp. 165-169 - issn: 1612-4782 - wos: WOS:000368472000296 (26) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84941425298 (33)

11573/1401424 - 2014 - Affordances of historic urban landscapes. An ecological understanding of human interaction with the past
Alves, Susana - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EUROPEAN SPATIAL RESEARCH AND POLICY (Łódź: Łódź University Press.) pp. 13-31 - issn: 1231-1952 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84929158379 (8)

11573/1401431 - 2014 - Do changes to the local street environment alter behaviour and quality of life of older adults? The 'DIY Streets' intervention
Thompson, Catharine. Ward.; Curl, Angela.; Aspinall, Peter.; Alves, Susana.; Zuin, Affonso - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE (London: BMJ Loughborough: British Association of Sport and Medicine, 1968-) pp. 1059-1065 - issn: 0306-3674 - wos: WOS:000337917600011 (44) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84902546852 (54)

11573/1427536 - 2013 - Preferences of older people for environmental attributes of local open space
Alves, Susana; Aspinall, Peter; Ward Thompson, Catharine; Sugiyama, Takemi; Brice, Roger; Vickers, Adrian - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Social Marketing - (978-1446253113)

11573/1427526 - 2013 - Accommodating culturally meaningful activities in outdoor settings for older adults
Alves, Susana; Gulwadi, G. B.; Cohen, U. - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: The Role of the Outdoors in Residential Environments for Aging - (9780429236006)

11573/1419522 - 2013 - Integrated approach to museology: proposal for a route linking archaeological sites in Canakkale, Turkey
Batirbaygil, Harun; Alves, Susana; Baser, Bahar; Torun, Ayse - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Heritage, Architecture, Landesign: Focus on Conservation, Regeneration, Innovation - ()

11573/1401435 - 2013 - Shrinking cities as retirement cities? Opportunities for shrinking cities as green living environments for older individuals
Nefs, Merten.; Alves, Susana.; Zasada, Ingo.; Haase, Dagmar - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A (Pion Limited:207 Brondesbury Park, London NW2 5JN United Kingdom:011 44 20 84590066, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 20 84516454) pp. 1455-1473 - issn: 0308-518X - wos: WOS:000322803300016 (41) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84879548093 (48)

11573/1401444 - 2012 - Toward a situated understanding of people’s interaction with outdoor spaces
Alves, Susana - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Blurring Boundaries, Building Bridges: The Legacy of the Milwaukee School in Environment-Behavior Studies - (978-0-615-58797-4)

11573/516145 - 2012 - Residential places and neighbourhoods: Toward healthy life, social integration, and reputable residence
Bonaiuto, Marino; Alves, Susana - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Conservation Psychology. - (9780199733026)

11573/1421656 - 2012 - The importance of a supportive environment for older people's outdoor projects in predicting life satisfaction
Curl, A; Ward-Thompson, C; Aspinall, P; Alves, Susana - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF AGING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics Publishers, c1993-) pp. S41-S42 - issn: 1063-8652 - wos: WOS:000307433500063 (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1402003 - 2011 - Everyday life in the context of outdoor spaces for older people
Alves, Susana - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PSYECOLOGY (San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid : FIA) pp. 233-242 - issn: 2171-1976 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-84858658872 (0)

11573/1402434 - 2011 - Ambientes restauradores
Alves, Susana - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Temas Básicos em Psicologia Ambiental - (9788532641380)

11573/1427519 - 2011 - Invited editor's introduction
Alves, Susana - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PSYECOLOGY (San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid : FIA) pp. 295-298 - issn: 2171-1976 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85024045994 (0)

11573/1402051 - 2010 - Preference and relative importance for environmental attributes of neighbourhood open space in older people
Aspinall, P. A.; Thompson, C. W.; Alves, Susana.; Sugiyama, T.; Brice, R.; Vickers, A. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-PLANNING & DESIGN (Pion Limited:207 Brondesbury Park, London NW2 5JN United Kingdom:011 44 20 84590066, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 20 84516454) pp. 1022-1039 - issn: 0265-8135 - wos: WOS:000286356200006 (111) - scopus: 2-s2.0-78649779134 (129)

11573/1402040 - 2010 - Migration and land use change in Europe: a review
Bell, Simon; Alves, Susana; Silveirinha De Oliveira, Eva; Zuin, Affonso - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: LIVING REVIEWS IN LANDSCAPE RESEARCH (Müncheberg : Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research) pp. - - issn: 1863-7329 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-78449307741 (54)

11573/1402446 - 2010 - International retirement migration in the Alicante region, Spain: Process, spatial pattern and environmental impacts
Zasada, Ingo; Alves, Susana; Muller Felix Claus, ; Piorr, Annette; Berges, Regina; Bell, Simon - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT (Abingdon : ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS- TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Abingdon : Carfax, 1992-) pp. 125-141 - issn: 0964-0568 - wos: WOS:000273404200007 (26) - scopus: 2-s2.0-74349103226 (35)

11573/1402450 - 2009 - Associations between neighborhood open space attributes and quality of life for older people in Britain
Sugiyama, Takemi.; Ward Thompson, Catharine.; Alves, Susana - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ENVIRONMENT AND BEHAVIOR (Sage Periodicals Incorporated:2455 Teller Road:Thousand Oaks, CA 91320:(805)499-0721, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: (805)499-0871) pp. 3-21 - issn: 0013-9165 - wos: WOS:000261407700001 (177) - scopus: 2-s2.0-57649244939 (197)

11573/1652583 - 2008 - Preferences of older people for environmental attributes of local parks: the use of choice-based conjoint analysis
Alves, Susana.; Aspinall, Peter; Ward Thompson, Catharine.; Sugiyama, Takemi.; Brice, Roger.; Vickers, Adrian - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FACILITIES (Emerald:60 62 Toller Lane, Bradford BD8 9BY United Kingdom:011 44 1274 777700, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1274 785202) pp. 433-453 - issn: 0263-2772 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-51349148050 (85)

11573/1402459 - 2008 - Preferences of Older People for Environmental Attributes of Local Open Space
Alves, Susana.; Aspinall, Peter; Ward, Thompson; Sugiyama, Catharine.; Takem, I.; Brice, Roger.; Vickers, Adrian - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: FACILITIES (Emerald:60 62 Toller Lane, Bradford BD8 9BY United Kingdom:011 44 1274 777700, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 44 1274 785202) pp. - - issn: 0263-2772 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1402465 - 2008 - Human-Nature Interactions: A Review of the Literature in Environment & Behavior.
Alves, Susana; Gowri, Betrabet-Gulwadi - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Métodos de Pesquisa nos Estudos Pessoa-Ambiente - ()

11573/1402454 - 2008 - The place of affect, the affect for the place: What do the elderly say?
Macedo, Danielle.; Oliveira, Carolina. Vilela.; De Araujo Gunther, Isolda.; Alves, Susana; Nobrega, Thais. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PSICOLOGIA: TEORIA E PESQUISA (Universidade de Brasilia:70910 Brasilia DF, Brasilia DF Brazil) pp. 441-449 - issn: 0102-3772 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-77950268032 (5)

11573/1402472 - 2005 - Accommodating Culturally Meaningful Activities in Outdoor Settings for Older Adults
Alves, Susana; Betrabet-Gulwadi, Gowri; Cohen, Uriel - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY (New York, N.Y. : Haworth Press, [c1983]-) pp. - - issn: 0276-3893 - wos: (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-33747802092 (6)

11573/1418327 - 2002 - The Impact of Urban Forests on the Quality of Life of the Elderly: A Multicultural Perspective
Alves, Susana.; Betrabet, Gowri.; Cohen, Uriel. - 03a Saggio, Trattato Scientifico

11573/1402476 - 1993 - Tipo de Comportamento e a Proximidade Ator-Observador; Suas Influências na Atribuição de Responsabilidade Social
Gouveia, Valdiney; Alves, Susana - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PSICOLOGIA: REFLEXÃO E CRÍTICA (Porto Alegre, RS: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Departamento de Psicologia, Curso de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia) pp. - - issn: 0102-7972 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1402474 - 1993 - Versão Brasileira da Escala de Assertividade Rathus: Teste de Construto e Construção de Normas Diagnósticas
Gouveia, Valdiney; Santos, Willian; Alves, Susana - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: ARQUIVOS BRASILEIROS DE PSICOLOGIA (Rio de Janeiro: FGV, Instituto de Seleção e Orientação Profissional.) pp. - - issn: 0100-8692 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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