PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
phone: +48 790 252 324

supervisor: prof. Arkadiusz Rojczyk
co-supervisor: prof. Margherita Dore
joint PhD: Sapienza Università di Roma

Research: A neural network approach for speech recognition in the Polish language

Steven Jarosz is a Ph.D. candidate in linguistics at the University of Silesia in Katowice and a cotutelle Ph.D. candidate in linguistics at the University of Sapienza in Rome. He holds Master of Science in Computer Science, Master of Arts in General linguistics and Master of Arts in Slavic linguistics degrees from Indiana University Bloomington, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Russian Language and Culture. His primary research interests include phonetics, phonology, natural language processing, artificial intelligence and Slavic linguistics. His current dissertation research involves the modeling and implementation of a recurrent neural network for speech recognition in the Polish language. Most notably, he explores the modeling of language in software from a biologically plausible perspective and the cross-section of linguistics, computer science and cognitive science. Other academic responsibilities include teaching English as a second language at the university level.

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