PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
phone: 3921923726

supervisor: Marco Rossi
co-supervisor: Mirko Rocci

Research: Development of Enabling (Green) Technologies for new generation PCBs and glass-ceramic materials/tapes for cutting-edge Space applications (EnTechSpace)

I completed my bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2018 and my master degree in Nanotechnology Engineering in 2022 at La Sapienza. As the winner of the the Lazio Regional Announcement (XVIII), I started on the 1st June of 2023 an industrial PhD. that gave me the opportunity to work and study with La Sapienza e Thales Alenia Space. The objective of my project consists of studying and developing cutting-edge techniques and solutions to make advanced prototypes of Printed Circuit Board (PCB). In particular there are two main goals: -- improving on the integration status of PCBs; -- developing ceramic materials with elevated mechanical and electrical characteristics and using them as substrates for spatial application.

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