PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Prof. Mario Ricca - s.s.d. IUS/11 -

Research: Boundaries of sustainability: a legal anthropological look at the energy transition in Romania, between norm and practice.

Simona Fabiola Girneata is a doctoral student in the Theory of Orders Curriculum, she is a researcher and collaborator for MNEM Society of Applied Anthropology. During her training at the University of Bologna and at the University Pantheon Sorbonne 1 in Paris her research activity structured by a legal anthropological methodology has focused in the areas of human rights, religious pluralism, environmental justice and cultural heritage.

Through an ethnographic-legal approach, the objective of her research entitled: Boundaries of sustainability: a legal anthropological look at the energy transition in Romania, between norm and practice, is to co-construct in an intercultural nomothetic perspective the local feedbacks indispensable to the legitimisation of environmental policy interventions. Without taking into account local cultural/religious needs and specificities, it is not possible to foresee the effects of normative interventions aimed at profoundly affecting the human subject/space relationship.
Through a comparative analysis between the Romanian case and the experience of other Member States, in particular France, the aim is to bring out a series of data that can serve as explanatory indices of why a European regulatory design inspired by a homogeneous levelling of the green revolution is impossible.
The deficits in the implementation of Community standards exist, they are as multi-sited as they are heterogeneous, and they are already partly evident. The proposed result is to be able to develop an interdisciplinary theoretical-methodological apparatus that can function as a magnifying glass capable of analysing and managing the effectiveness of management at a local level, but which can simultaneously guarantee the unity of the European ecological transition.

Research products

11573/1725257 - 2024 - Un ambiente ‘preterintenzionale’? Radici del dualismo soggettivo/oggettivo nella transizione ecologica europea (Un’indagine etno-giuridica nell’immaginario ortodosso della Romania rurale)
Girneata, Simona Fabiola - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CALUMET (Catania : [s. n.]) pp. 1-20 - issn: 2465-0145 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1730704 - 2024 - Abitare il sacro e diritto alla città. Percorsi di costruzione della soggettività giuridica: da clandestini a cittadini attraverso le chiese cristiano-ortodosse
Girneata, Simona Fabiola - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CALUMET (Catania : [s. n.]) pp. 58-78 - issn: 2465-0145 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1725265 - 2023 - Case in Chiesa. Pratiche, discorsi e spazi dell’integrazione fra i migranti ortodossi in Italia
Girneata, Simona Fabiola; Davide Nicola, Carnevale - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Pluralismo confessionale e dinamiche interculturali. Le best practices per una società inclusiva - (9791259765901)

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