Sergio Salvatore

Full professor


Professor of Dynamic Psychology at the Department of Human and Social Sciences, Università del Salento (Lecce, Italy). PI of the Re.Cri.Re Project (2015-2018), granted by the EU in the EU H2020 framework ( His scientific interests regard the psychodynamic and semiotic theorization of psychological and social phenomena and the methodology of analysis of socio-cultural and mental processes as field dynamics. He also takes an interest in the theory and the analysis of psychological intervention in socio-political, community, scholastic, organizational as well as clinical fields. On these issues he has designed and managed various scientific projects and published more than 300 works - among volumes, chapters, and articles. Associate Editor of Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science (Springer) Editor of the Springer Book Series: Culture in Policy Making: The Symbolic Universes of Social Action Editor di Yearbook of Idiographic Science (IAP) Editor-in-Chief of Rivista di Psicologia Clinica/The Italian Journal of Clinical Psychology Member of the Editorial/Advisor Board of several scientific journals Roles: Member of the panel GEV-ANVUR/Area 11 VQR (2004-2010). Secretary of the CPA (Conference of the Academic Psychology, (2013-2016) Member of the Board on Educational Affairs of the EFPA-European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (2016- President of the Board of the Professors and Researchers of Dynamic Psychology of the Italian University (2016-) Vice President of AIP (Associazione Italiana di Psicologia) Italian Association of Psychology (2018-2020) President of EICAP (European Institute of Cultural Analysis for Policies)

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