PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
phone: +393513372845

supervisor: Prof. ssa Rita D'Ecclesia

Research: Artificial Intelligence in the ESG framework

My name is Sergio, and I am currently a doctoral candidate in the Finance program at the Department of Social and Economic Sciences. My academic background includes a bachelor's degree in Statistical Sciences for Finance and a master's degree in Actuarial and Financial Sciences, both with honors, obtained from the Department of Statistical Sciences at La Sapienza University.

My research focuses on sustainable finance, with a particular interest in applying statistical methodologies and artificial intelligence to ESG scores. This interest stems from my master's thesis, which explored the relationship between corporate performance and sustainability.

My international perspective has been broadened through participation in the Erasmus+ program at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, and my work experience in Frankfurt as a quantitative analyst specialized in ESG ratings at Sustainalytics. This international experience has contributed to my professional growth and further enriched my interest in academic research.

I am fluent in English, Spanish, and Italian. In addition to academic and professional pursuits, I have several hobbies, including cooking, boxing, whale watching, and Latin American literature.

Currently, my academic commitment is focused on my doctoral studies, where I contribute to the academic discourse on sustainable finance. My dedication to advancing knowledge in this field underscores my passion for combining in-depth statistical insights with the goal of promoting sustainable business practices in environmental and social domains.

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