PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVI
building: Lettere e Filosofia, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - CU003

supervisor: Prof. Marco di Maggio
co-supervisor: Prof. Alessio Gagliardi - Prof. Serge Wolikow
co-supervisor (2): Prof. Jean-Numa Ducange
joint PhD: Université de Rouen


Sebastiano Usai, born in Rome (RM) on 19.09.1991. Three-year degree in Historical Sciences. Master-degree in Historical Sciences. Middle Ages, Modern Ages, Contemporary Ages at University of Rome “La Sapienza” with a thesis on “The Marx of exile: reception and diffusion of Karl Marx’s thought among the italian anti-fascist emigration” (vote 110/110 cum laude). Advanced training course on “Philosophy, Philology and Archives” (2018-2019) by Sapienza University of Rome at Fondazione Giovanni Gentile per gli studi filosofici (Fondazione Roma-Sapienza). PHD in “History of Europe” (Cycle XXXVI) at the Department “History, Antropology and Religions” of “La Sapienza” with a project on “Interpretation and diffusion of Karl Marx’s thougth among the italian anti-fascists: a ‘croisée’ study between Italy and France. Indipendent researcher, i’ve cooperated with: Istituto di Studi Politici “S.Pio V”(2020); Harvard Business School-HBS(2018-2019); EUROSOC-réseau de recherce sur l’histoire du socialisme européen(in progress). I collaborate with the monthly “Le Monde Diplomatique” italian version, in the “critics and review “ section. The topics of my studies are: history of workers and socialist movement; history of Marxism; editorial history of Marxism.

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