PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
building: CU027
room: t2

supervisor: Francesca Cutruzzolà

Research: RNA-protein non-canonical interactions

Master’s degree in Bioinformatics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
110/110 cum laude with President Award Honors

Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
110/110 cum laude

November 2022- June 2023
Master’s degree internship in structural bioinformatics at ENEA Research Center (Casaccia).
• Thesis title: “Modeling the interaction between PM 0.1’s and biological
membranes’ structural models”
• Thesis topic: To investigate potential interactions of PM
0.1 with biological targets, specifically its role in neurodegenerative dis-
eases, a structural model of PM 0.1 (atmospheric particulate matter) was
constructed, along with three models of biological membranes, two of
which included lipid raft domains.

March 2021-September 2021
Bachelor’s degree internship in Biology
• Thesis title: “The hypothesis of micronucleus formation through non-
mitotic mechanisms in human lymphocytes following in vitro exposure
to electromagnetic radiation: 1) ionizing radiation (X-rays), or 2) radiofre-
quencies (915 MHz).”
• Thesis topic: In this study, the frequencies of micronuclei and nuclear
buds observed in pre-mitotic and post-mitotic interphase (mono and
bi-nucleated cells) were compared following in vitro exposure to elec-
tromagnetic radiation and mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes. After
careful and prolonged microscopic observation, the results revealed that
cells treated with radiofrequencies did not show increases in micronuclei
and buds frequencies, whereas with X-rays, an increase in buds and mi-
cronuclei frequencies was observed, even in the pre-mitotic interphase.

• Experience using software in RNA-seq analyses applied
to Leukemia samples: fastqc, fastp, cutadapt, trimmo-
matic, hisat2
• Experience with Unix/Linux systems
• Experience with Packmol software: a package designed
for generating initial configurations of molecular systems
• Experience with CHARMM-GUI: web-based interface
which provides a user-friendly environment for construct-
ing and preparing input files for various types of molecu-
lar simulations
• Knowledge of programming languages: Python, Ruby,
PHP, Bash, R, tcl
• knowledge of software for molecular dynamics simula-
tions and analyses: NAMD, GROMACS, AMBER
• knowledge of software for graphic visualization: VMD,
PyMol, ChimeraX
• knowledge of scientific databases: PubMed, GenBank,

• Italian (native)
• English (Full professional proficiency)

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