Full professor

phone: 06 49917601
building: Dipartimento di Psicologia, Via dei Marsi 78
room: 214


1987: Specialty in Neurology, University of Verona, Magna cum Laude
1983: MD, University of Pisa, Magna cum Laude
1977: Diploma Liceo Scientifico Zalueco, Locri (RC), 60/60
Director of two fully equipped laboratories based at Sapienza University of Rome and at IRCCS, Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome. My research is performed using a variety of state-of-the-art techniques (for details see: http://agliotilab.or /facilities). My research topics regard several aspects of social neuroscience (for details see:http://agliotilab. /research-topics)
2018: Elected senior research fellow at Scuola Superiore Alti Studi (SSAS), Sapienza for the period 2019-2021
2016: Elected senior research fellow at Scuola Superiore Alti Studi (SSAS), Sapienza for the period 2016-2018
2015-2018: Director of the Psychology Doctoral School, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
2013-2018: Coordinator of the International Ph.D. Program in "Psychology and Social Neuroscience" (, and reference of its research curriculum "CoSAN -Cognitive Social and Affective Neuroscience" ( at Sapienza University of Rome.
Nov 2013 - Nov 2014: President of the Steering Committee of the Doctoral programmes at Sapienza University of Rome.
April - July 2013: Visiting Professor, Institute de Sciences Cognitives, Université de Lyon, France.
2011 - 2014: Delegate of the Rector for representing Sapienza in the European Committee for Doctoral Education.
Nov 2009 - Nov 2012: Head of Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
2006 - 2014: Member of the committee for the evaluation of Doctoral Programs at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
2005 - 2008: Director of the School of Specialization in Clinical Neuropsychology, at the Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, and IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy.
2001 to present: Full professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychological Physiology, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
1998 - 2000: Associate Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
1990 - 1997: Assistant Professor, Department of Neurological and Vision Sciences, Human Physiology, Medical School, University of Verona, Italy.
Teaching activities
2013 - to present: Social Neuroscience (9 CFU) and Organizational Neuroscience (6 CFU), School of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Social Neuroscience course (2 CFU) at the School of Specialization in Neuropsychology.
2014: Social Neuroscience course at ISUFI Scuola di Alti Studi, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy.
2013 Visiting-scholar, teaching activity at Ecole Normale Supérieure and CNRS, Lyon, France.
2006 - 2012: Neuropsychology of Language, Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychological Physiology, experimental research techniques, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
2001 - 2004: Rehabilitation of Language, School of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
1998 - 2000: Psychobiology and psychological psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
1998 - 1999: Psychobiology and psychological psychology, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy.
1994 - 1998: Psychobiology and psychological psychology, University of Padova, Italy.
Students supervision
During my career I have supervised more than 100 undergraduate and 50 PhD students at Verona, Padova and Rome Universities. More than 20 of my former Students are now into academia as faculty members
Institutional responsibilities
2016- 2017: Representative for Biomedicine and Psychology at the Sapienza research commission
2013 - 2014: President of Committee for the evaluation of Doctoral Programs at Sapienza University of Rome. 2011- 2014: Delegate for Sapienza at the European Committee for Doctoral Education
2010 Representative for international PAD programs at EUA Council for Doctoral Education
2009 - 2012: Head of Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
2006 - 2014: Member of the Committee for the evaluation of Doctoral Programs at Sapienza University of Rome.
March 2018: ERC advanced Grant 2018-2023. Title of the proposal: embodied honesty in real world and digital interactions September 2017: Ig Nobel Prize, Section: Cognition, for the study: "Is that me or my twin? Lack of self-face recognition advantage in identical twins. PLoS One. 2015 Apr
8;10(4):e0120900. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120900. Authors: Martini, Bufalari, Stazi, Aglioti.
Feb 2017: Senior Fellowship at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America at Columbia University
March 2015: Failed the evaluation for the qualification as full professor of Social Psychology (SSD MPSI05/E3)
October 2014: Passed the evaluation for the qualification as full professor of Physiology (SSD 05/D1 - FISIOLOGIA)
May 2013: MagSTIM, Senior investigator award, Oxford
May - July 2013: Chair d'excellence award, Fondation NeuroDis, Lyon,
September 2012: Elected Member of the Academia Europaea, Section Behavioural Sciences
October 2010: Menzione di Eccellenza Sapienza Ricerca, macroarea 5, for the research on empathy for pain
Procedura FARE 2018 October 2009: Sapienza Eccellenza, macroarea 5, for the research on Action Anticipation in elite basketball players.
October 2009: Themorsystems, PNI, First prize for the best entrepreneurial idea, Regione Lazio, Italy.
I hold or have held research funding from Human Frontier Science Program, National Research Council, Canada; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy; Medical Research Council, UK; Ministero Italiano della Ricerca Scientifica, Fondo Investimenti Ricerca di Base, Sapienza University of Rome; Ministero della Sanità; FP7 European Commission Program,
2010-2013 (Tango, emotional interactions); FP7 European Commission Program, 2010-2015 (VERE, Virtual reality re-embodiment); Horizon 2020: Moto Project: 2016-2018; IIT Seed
Grant 2010-2013 (PARMS, predictive action resonance and mental simulation); Fundacao Bial 2011-2013: The Spiritual Brain: neuropsychological and neurophysiologic investigations of Self-transcendence and Spirituality; 2010-2011: Sapienza University, Partisan brains; 2011: Crusoe Agenzia Spaziale Italiana; 2012: Templeton Foundation in collaboration with the Mind & Life Institute "Philosophical and historical accounts for the Neuroscientific investigation of human Spirituality"
Professional societies and memberships
Society for Neuroscience (since 1985); Società Italiana di Neuropsicologia (since 1990); Associazione Italiana di Psicologia (since 2005), International Neuropsychological Symposium
(elected 1998); Society for Social Neuroscience (since 2010), Academia Europaea (since 2012); American Psychological Association (since 2012). Scholarly Indices of scientific performance
I have published 240 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and several articles and book chapters in Italian and English. H-Index: scopus=61; more than 17500 citations: ;
Research Gate
I have often refrained from signing as first or last author in peer-reviewed articles in favor of younger team members
I serve as ad-hoc reviewer for more than 40 scientific journals including:Annals of Neurology, Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences, Behavioural and Brain Sciences, Biological Psychiatry, Brain,Cerebral Cortex, Cognition, Cortex, Current Biology, elife,
European Journal of Neuroscience, Nature Communications, Nature Neuroscience (top reviewer in 2014 and 2015) , Nature Reviews Neuroscience, Journal of Neurosciences, Physiological Reviews, Psychological Science, Royal Society Open Science, Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
In addition, I act regularly as ad-hoc reviewer for several national and international funding agencies, including the Italian Ministry of University, the EPFL, the British Wellcome Trust Foundation, the Human Frontiers Science program, the ERC starting, consolidator, and advanced programs EU, FP7 and Horizon 2020; FNRS - Semaphore, Belgium; Agencie
Nationale de la recherche, France; I-*Star Singapore, U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation.
In 2016, I served as panelist in the ERC starting program PANEL SH4
I served as ad-hoc reviewer for the following laboratories
2015: Einstein Center, Berlin (Germany)
2014: Labex Cortex, Lyon (France)
2013: Labex Cortex, Lyon (France)
2013 Decision Making laboratory, E Kochlin, Paris (France)
TV and radio programs as well as newspapers articles dedicated to my research activity can be seen at: and
November 11 2015 - Lezioni sul Progresso #2: Neuroscienze della politica: di destra o di sinistra si nasce o si diventa? ( progresso-neuroscienze-politica-destra-sinistra-nasce-diventa.html)
I have written (in collaboration with Franco Fabbro) a textbook for the students: Neuropsicologia del Linguaggio, Il Mulino 2006 and an essay on neuroscience and society (Neurofobia chi ha paura del cervello, Cortina, 2013 con Giovanni Berlucchi).
GRANTS (as Principal Investigator)
2018-2023: European Research Council, advanced, eHonesty,
2017-2020: Ministero Italiano della Ricerca Scientifica PRIN 2015;
2016-2018 H2020: MOTO, the embodied reMOte Tower. 2016-2018
2012-2016: Ricerca Finalizzata 2010, Ministero della Sanità (Body and action in people with spinal cord injuries);
2010-2013: FP7 European Commission Program (Tango, emotional interactions);
2010-2015: FP7 European Commission Program (VERE, Virtual reality re-embodiment);
2010-2012: IIT Seed Grant (PARMS, predictive action resonance and mental simulation);
2010-2013: Fundacao Bial (The Spiritual Brain: neuropsychological and neurophysiologic investigations of Self-transcendence and Spirituality); Others:
2012: Templeton Foundation in collaboration with the Mind & Life Institute “Philosophical and historical accounts for the Neuroscientific investigation of human Spirituality”
2011: Sapienza University, Partisan brains; Grant eccellenza
2012: Crusoe Agenzia Spaziale Italiana;
Ministero Italiano della Ricerca Scientifica PRIN; Human Frontier Science Program, National Research Council, Canada; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy; Medical Research Council, UK
National and international acknowledgments
2017: International award " Ig Nobel Prize, Section: Cognition ", for the study: “Is that me or my twin? Lack of self-face recognition advantage in identical twins. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 8;10(4):e0120900. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120900. Authors: Martini, Bufalari, Stazi, Aglioti.
2017: Senior Fellowship at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America at Columbia University.
2013: International award: " Magstim Senior Investigator Prize ". Agency: Magstim & University of Oxford (UK), for study of corticospinal excitability during action observation in experts and non-experts. URL:
2013: International award: " Fondation Neurodis award ". Agency: Fondation Neurodis (France) Description: Chair d'excellence award. URL:
2012: Elected member of section Behavioural Sciences - Institution: Academia Europaea (United Kingdom). URL: 2010 Award: " Sapienza Ricerca ". Agency: Università “La Sapienza” di Roma (Italy). Description: Menzione di Eccellenza Sapienza Ricerca, macroarea 5, for research on "Perception of pain in Others and emapathy: effect of racial prejudice and personality of the observer".
2009 Award: " Sapienza Ricerca, macroarea 5 ". Agency: Università “La Sapienza” di Roma (Italy). Description: for the research project "Action
anticipation and motor resonance in elite basketball players". 2009 National Award: " Premio Nazionale dell'Innovazione ". Agency: Regione Lazio (Italy). Description: Primo premio per la miglior idea imprenditoriale: Themosystem - Rilevanza Nazionale

Research products

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